Can someone please tell me where the pause button is? On our life right now. I just want to hit pause so I can really soak it in and make sure I enjoy every millisecond. I was just rocking Campbell in her chair for a few minutes before putting her to bed. Travis usually does this, but he had to work late tonight so we had a few quiet minutes to cuddle before bedtime. Lately she's so independent and such a "big girl" that it's quite nice when she's sleepy and wants to lay on me. I was just having a moment, thinking about this stage in her life, and in our lives.
What an amazing time for Campbell right now, and in turn for us. She is turning into a little person. Everyday I get a little more insight into her personality, who she is, what she likes, what makes her tick. It is truly fascinating to watch a person develop. She's learning so much, so fast. I feel like each day Travis comes home from work, I have an "oh yeah, you're never going to believe what she did today" story. And each day, he's so impressed because it's always something we had no idea she could do! These are just the little things I'm talking about. But my oh my, how sweet those little things are.
I have a collection of mental images in my head of the place where we are right now and of our little baby girl. I am trying to get those images burned in my head because they are so precious. Like when we strip her down for a bath, and send her down the hall in front of us to the bathtub. She is waddling down the hall with her bow-legged chubby little baby legs and a tiny baby hiney, just as happy as can be. And it never fails, she always pees on the bathroom floor when we start up the water. Ha! Or her new found love for dancing. She bounces when there is music on TV, when I sing, when we just tell her to dance. She's a dancing fool and takes so much delight in being able to move to the beat in her head (which is not always quite in synch with the beat of the music, but she's getting there!). Or how about how she moo's? All of a sudden I realized this noise she was making was her "moo." I'd been trying to teach her to moo like a cow. Everytime she sees a picture of a cow in a book or we say cow, she makes a noise much closer to that of an elephant. I love her moo, and I especially love how proud she is of herself when she sees a picture of a cow and makes the sound. The recognition in her eyes and the smile on her face is just plain adorable. And last, when we are coming home from being out and about, I'm holding Campbell while I unlock the front door. Every single time my key turns in the lock, she laughs like someone has just told her the funniest joke in the world. How great is it that coming home and the anticipation of opening our front door makes her so happy? I always end up laughing right along with her, it's contagious.
I guess my point is I want to pause and enjoy these tiny little parts of our big long lives so I don't ever forget them. I don't want to rewind, I don't want to fast forward, I just want to sit right where we are and enjoy the moment.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Pause Button
Posted by The Justice Family at 4:32 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Cookie Monster
So you think Campbell's our Cookie Monster? Wrong. Campbell is our Cracker Monster.
But the other day when she ate the cookies and the rice, I called the vet. They kind of freaked out. Not about the cookies, but about the rice! Apparently their concern was that the uncooked rice would expand in her stomach and potentially explode. Yikes. So they insisted I bring her in to induce vomiting. Not exactly how I planned to spend my morning!!! Lexi is fine. We are trying to be much more vigilant now about keeping food off the counter since she can obviously reach it.
In other pet news, we are sad to report that we've been having some major issues with Harley. We have been treating her for some urinary tract problems for well over a year. The medical issues will seem to be fixed, but yet she continues to pee outside her litter box. The vet says that now it's not even clear whether the problem is medical, behavioral, or a combination of the two. The problem is getting out of hand, and it's really affecting our quality of life. The "cat pee hit the fan" a couple of weeks ago when Harley peed on some of Campbell's things. It's not safe and it's not acceptable and we have been talking to our vet about what to do. Yesterday, we moved Harley outside to her new retirement condo - our garage. Our garage is detached and we weren't currently parking in it because we'd been working out in there. So we decided as a temporary solution, we'd see how she did outside. We have a nice radiator-style heater that has a thermostat, so we turned on the heat, put a radio out there for her, and took all her cushy beds, blankets and towels out to the garage. She did really well yesterday, and even stayed in the garage overnight. The vet suggested she may even like it out there better. She was obviously miserable in here and acting out, so maybe a change of scenery will be appreciated. We had planned to do the move gradually, but decided it might be even more traumatic for her to go back and forth. Eventually, if this garage thing seems to work, we plan to let her start exploring the backyard since it has a six foot high fence. We are at the end of our rope and just looking for ways to let Harles stay a part of our family without ruining our house and all our things! It was a sad day for me and I'm still not too happy about kicking her out. But I know it has to be done and I am looking forward to having a cleaner house and less worries. Wish us luck during Harley's transition time!!!!!
Posted by The Justice Family at 4:34 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tragedies and Miracles
I didn't fall off the face of the Earth. I know it's been a week, which is a little unusual for me. I didn't really have any details to bore anyone with. And then there's that old saying, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all! The weekend was kind of a bummer with bad news. First, there was a terrible tragedy at my parents' church. A wonderful family that I grew up with lost their 25 year old son. He was actually killed, and his roommate was charged with his death. To make matters even worse, both families are active members at the church. I know their church was totally rocked by this horrific event. The day I heard about it, I tossed and turned all night dreaming about it, and I'm pretty far removed. I can't imagine the impact this tragedy will have on those families and all those close to them.
Then we had a death in the family. My aunt's father passed away this weekend. This is my mom's brother's wife's dad - if you can follow that. I was also very sad for them and their loss.
And then to top all that off, the news is a collection of devastating pictures and stories of all the devastation in Haiti. All these terrible things happened in the world, and here I sat in my happy little home with my sweet, safe and healthy family. So...I just didn't have much to say! I guess instead of being silent, maybe I should vocalize my concern and prayers for all those people more directly affected by those events. I have been making a very conscious effort to lift them up in prayer and hope that someone, somewhere, felt it!
On an extremely happy note, yesterday brought good news to a close friend's family. My friend's sister became a mom yesterday! A long journey finally had a happy ending when her adopted son was born healthy. Wow! Talk about good news. I know the sister too - she did some sewing for us for Campbell's nursery, and I could not be happier for her and her family. Boy, did we ever need that good news!!
Don't get me wrong, we didn't just sit around the house and sulk all week. Campbell and I have been enjoying getting outside on the playground now that the weather has turned nice. We have been to storytime, playgroup, and my Thursday morning Oasis started back up again. So I guess we've actually been kind of busy! We're off to storytime again this morning because Campbell had so much fun last week. I mean, how could she not, they ended with bubble blowing - her favorite!!
Counting my own blessings and trying to remember everyone in need right now!
Posted by The Justice Family at 5:45 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
Thirteen Months Old!!
OK, I know I say this all the time. But I really mean it this time. I think Campbell has grown and changed more in this past month than she has during any other month of her lifetime! Sure, in other months she had huge milestones like rolling over, crawling, eating table food, walking, etc. There is no huge thing that Campbell mastered this month. There is just a laundry list of little things that have totally amazed us this month!
Campbell has been working hard on using a spoon. Sometimes, she is successful!
Other times...she just doesn't have time to bother with a spoon.
Still a bookworm! This month she has started "reading" a lot more on her own. Instead of insisting we read them to her, she spends a lot of time flipping through them by herself, staring intently at the pages. Or just chewing on the cover. ;)
The Hair. Aaaah. Sometimes it's wilder than others. Today she just had messy waves in the back. But right after a bath, she often has complete curls all over the back! She sports everything from a feathered look, to a Carol Brady-style flip out, to a wavy mullet, and occasionally the Mad Scientist. But regardless, we LOVE those wild, red locks!
Posted by The Justice Family at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Saying Thank You
A few months ago I wrote about a meeting I attended at the Levine Children's Hospital for a potential to serve on their Family Advisory Council. This council is for parents of previously hospitalized children and works with the hospital to improve their goal of family-centered care. Seemed like a really neat way for me to give back, considering a monetary gift isn't an option now. I was blown away by the parents I met at that meeting and their stories. There wasn't an ounce of doubt in my mind that I wanted to be on the council. However, our story was so minor compared to all the ones I heard that day. These parents had sick kids - and I mean REALLY sick kids. Campbell was really sick, but she was curable. We spent twelve days in the hospital total, whereas some of these families have spent years of their lives in and out of the hospital. This council is chosen based on applications. They had a huge interest and could only select those families that they felt could bring a new perspective to the council. Therefore, I was doubtful that I'd be picked. I put some thought into writing my application. I even ended by saying that I understood that I may not be what they are looking for. My plea was that I be considered because there are many parents like us with sick kids...who will get better. That didn't make it any easier for us when we were faced with Campbell's hospital stay. We represent the parents whose stay may be short, but the feelings of helplessness and worry are still very real. I asked that they consider my perspective and my desire to help, and that if they didn't choose me, I understood and would still like to volunteer in the future. Further, from our short stay, I didn't have much that I'd like to change about the hospital. Instead, I just wanted to say thanks. And the best way I could find to do that was to be a part of a council like this.
Two months later, I got the word that I was chosen! I was so excited, I can't even tell you. I just feel like this is a phenomenal way to celebrate Campbell's complete and speedy recovery from the potentially fatal bacterial infection she was born with. Today was our first meeting. We spent the majority of the time telling our stories and getting to know each other. Next month we'll get down to business and start finding ways to suggest positive changes at the hospital. But wow...what an inspiring and humbling morning to sit in a room among all those brave parents. The only wavering voice while telling their story was my own! I had the least sick child of everyone there, and yet I was the only one nearly in tears while talking. I think the other parents have become so used to the sickness, they are somewhat desensitized when it comes to talking about it. I, on the other hand, don't relive it too often. So it is fairly emotional for me to recall the first few days of Campbell's life and the fear Travis and I experienced. On top of that, their stories were so touching that I was already an emotional basketcase by the time it was my turn!! It is really an honor to serve on this council and I'm excited to really get started next month! I feel really good that just a little over a year later, this is finally my way to say THANK YOU for sending me home with a healthy baby.
My "reason for being thankful" was the only child in the nursery they provided today! She did extremely well for over 3 hours, in a new church, with a babysitter she'd never laid eyes on. Apparently she didn't fuss once, played hard, ate a huge lunch, and even took a little nap. I was so relieved and so proud of how she did. You've gotta remember, I'm a stay at home mom, so it's a big deal for Campbell to do something like this. (And for me too!) And I'll tell you what, after hearing the stories I heard today, I will think twice before I complain about Campbell's food allergies!! It was really nice to get a healthy dose of a perspective and such powerful reminders of how blessed we are to have our health.
Posted by The Justice Family at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 3, 2010
What the heck, North Carolina??
Seriously, 27 degrees? Really? Is this for real?

Posted by The Justice Family at 1:22 PM 0 comments