Sunday, June 22, 2008

Our New Office and An Unwanted Visitor

We stayed busy today, that's for sure. Travis and I started the morning with some dunkin' donuts coffee on the way to church (decaf of course for me). Church was great - we saw about 5-6 infants get baptized. It was extra special I think because both of us were thinking of our own child - how that will be us standing up there before too long!

Today, we transformed the office. It started out as a project to simply hang some shelves we got for Travis' footballs and helmets. Next thing you know, we replaced the curtains, moved a couch into the office, and slipcovered it! We are excited - not that we really minded the office before, but now it has been transformed. Since this is where I work now, it's nice to have it feel more homey. The Panthers stuff looks really cool displayed. My favorite of course is the Peppers jersey I had framed for Travis for Father's Day. It looks great!! Someday this stuff will go in his "man room" - but since we don't have one at this house, the office will have to do.

Other big events this weekend - Travis killed a snake!!!! Sheer terror is the only way to describe how I felt. We were relaxing out on the back patio, and noticed Lexi was chasing something in a spot where Travis had dug out some bushes. He went to investigate, and found a snake skin. At that point, Lexi and I ran inside and took cover. Travis is so brave...he moved around the pine needles until he found the little dude who had come out of that skin. He actually wasn't so little! He killed him, and felt terrible about it all day. But we agreed with my fear, and more importantly a dog in the backyard, it had to be done. It was gray, not black, but we think maybe that's because he just came out of his skin. Why in the world do snakes follow me? We had one at our old house, and now one here! AGH! OK, enough of that, nasty.

It was a good weekend, got a lot done, and now it's time to finally relax over a couple of steaks on the grill and a nice glass of wine/juice...

A couple of shots of the new office...

And a couple of shots of me and Baby...