Before you read any further, let me tell the end of this story. Baby J and I are both fine and healthy. I am thankful above all else that she is fine, and that I am fine.
But boy, am I frustrated!!! It's been quite a day. Here's the story!
Yesterday I felt different, more uncomfortable. I was up on and off all night with a combination of contractions that hurt, and contractions that didn't hurt. But contractions nonetheless. So this morning I called my nurse, and we got called into the doctor's office. Travis and I went to the doctor, and were surprised to find out my blood pressure was super high. That alone is what sent us to the hospital today. The doctor said we had to go straight there to closely monitor my blood pressure, get some bloodwork done, and see what happens. She said she didn't think I was in active labor, but that something may have been starting.
Off to the hospital we went, at this point, kind of mentally preparing ourselves for having a baby in the near future. We were really relaxed, just a surreal feeling and an excited nervous. I got checked in, hooked up to monitors, and stuck with the dreaded IV. Gosh I hate that thing with a passion. Over the next four hours, my blood pressure slowly went down to an acceptable level. I had contractions somewhat regularly, but not enough to move things along. So within 5 hours of showing up, they sent us home. So yes, that meant taking out that dreaded IV that got put in and never used. Grrrrr....cranky. They made me go to the hospital, then they sent me home. Yes, I know they know what's best, and I had to go to make sure I was OK. Still, I was really bummed. My doctor made us think that I'd either go into labor, or they'd make it happen for me. But I guess it's great news that my blood pressure went down. I don't want to have a baby because my health condition is dangerous - I'd prefer to let Mother Nature decide 'it's time'.
No Monday Night Football for me. :( I am on modified bedrest. I am supposed to basically lay here and wait and not do much of anything at all. I go back to the doctor on Wendesday to see if my blood pressure is still OK. Who knows what Wednesday will bring. I have no clue if I'll be sitting here on my couch this time 3 weeks from now, still pregnant. Or the doctor said, hey, something's been going on, I could go into labor tonight and head back to the hospital. It's hard for this planner to just roll with the punches!
So in a nutshell, it's been an emotional roller coaster. Around noon today, I thought I'd become a Mommy tonight or tomorrow, and I was just really excited. The doctor told us Travis should go to the game and work tonight - she said I was absolutely not going to any game :( but that there's no reason he shouldn't go work. I'm glad he got to go. On a positive note, I'm not cold, and if I were at the game, I'd be freezing my tail off. :) My three girls (Baby J, Lexi and Harley) and I will sit here on the couch and enjoy some good football and the Wendy's I got on the way home from the hospital, Frosty included!!
A small sample of my 'in the belly' maternity pictures are posted on my photographer's blog (link below). For anyone but Sharon, I'd say, 'you couldn't pay me to get in front of the camera right now.' But Sharon is so amazing and I totally trusted her to take our pictures. You'll see why, she is so talented. Note: There are a few with the bare belly exposed. They are G-rated and very tasteful. Just wanted to warn everyone upfront in case a bare pregnant belly is just not your thing. :)
But boy, am I frustrated!!! It's been quite a day. Here's the story!
Yesterday I felt different, more uncomfortable. I was up on and off all night with a combination of contractions that hurt, and contractions that didn't hurt. But contractions nonetheless. So this morning I called my nurse, and we got called into the doctor's office. Travis and I went to the doctor, and were surprised to find out my blood pressure was super high. That alone is what sent us to the hospital today. The doctor said we had to go straight there to closely monitor my blood pressure, get some bloodwork done, and see what happens. She said she didn't think I was in active labor, but that something may have been starting.
Off to the hospital we went, at this point, kind of mentally preparing ourselves for having a baby in the near future. We were really relaxed, just a surreal feeling and an excited nervous. I got checked in, hooked up to monitors, and stuck with the dreaded IV. Gosh I hate that thing with a passion. Over the next four hours, my blood pressure slowly went down to an acceptable level. I had contractions somewhat regularly, but not enough to move things along. So within 5 hours of showing up, they sent us home. So yes, that meant taking out that dreaded IV that got put in and never used. Grrrrr....cranky. They made me go to the hospital, then they sent me home. Yes, I know they know what's best, and I had to go to make sure I was OK. Still, I was really bummed. My doctor made us think that I'd either go into labor, or they'd make it happen for me. But I guess it's great news that my blood pressure went down. I don't want to have a baby because my health condition is dangerous - I'd prefer to let Mother Nature decide 'it's time'.
No Monday Night Football for me. :( I am on modified bedrest. I am supposed to basically lay here and wait and not do much of anything at all. I go back to the doctor on Wendesday to see if my blood pressure is still OK. Who knows what Wednesday will bring. I have no clue if I'll be sitting here on my couch this time 3 weeks from now, still pregnant. Or the doctor said, hey, something's been going on, I could go into labor tonight and head back to the hospital. It's hard for this planner to just roll with the punches!
So in a nutshell, it's been an emotional roller coaster. Around noon today, I thought I'd become a Mommy tonight or tomorrow, and I was just really excited. The doctor told us Travis should go to the game and work tonight - she said I was absolutely not going to any game :( but that there's no reason he shouldn't go work. I'm glad he got to go. On a positive note, I'm not cold, and if I were at the game, I'd be freezing my tail off. :) My three girls (Baby J, Lexi and Harley) and I will sit here on the couch and enjoy some good football and the Wendy's I got on the way home from the hospital, Frosty included!!
A small sample of my 'in the belly' maternity pictures are posted on my photographer's blog (link below). For anyone but Sharon, I'd say, 'you couldn't pay me to get in front of the camera right now.' But Sharon is so amazing and I totally trusted her to take our pictures. You'll see why, she is so talented. Note: There are a few with the bare belly exposed. They are G-rated and very tasteful. Just wanted to warn everyone upfront in case a bare pregnant belly is just not your thing. :)
I am so glad that you are doing better. I saw on facebook that you didn't go to the game, and i wondered what was up. It sounds like quite a whole ordeal, but she will be here before you know it!! thinking of you!
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