Baby Velcro is the term I'm using to describe a baby who has been literally stuck to me for the past week. I didn't coin this phrase, I found it while doing google searches on things like "what to do when your one year old child will not let go of you...ever." Campbell is typically such an easy-going, rarely fussy, not clingy, goes to anyone, plays well kinda baby. This week - someone must have swapped her out when we weren't looking, because we have had the complete opposite! I seriously considered calling Jo Jo from Super Nanny for an emergency visit.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Baby Velcro
Posted by The Justice Family at 2:01 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Sick of Being One
Campbell turned one just over a week ago, and unfortunately, she's been sick ever since! Other than when she was really sick at birth...Campbell really wasn't sick in the first year. Once or twice we thought she had a cold coming on, but it never amounted to anything. I think we can officially chalk this up as her first cold. Yippee!
Her nose is running like a faucet. It's pretty nasty because she tries to rub her nose and ends up smearing it across her face, in her hair, etc. I know, TMI. The runny nose causes her to cough. And then on two occasions, the cough has made her throw up! :( Not spit up, throw up, like an adult. And lucky us, Travis and I have each gotten the opportunity to get thrown up on this past week. This is what parenting is all about, right!?! All jokes aside, we feel so bad for her. She has been really cranky which is so out of character for our happy little girl. She's clingy, fussy, and the weirdest symptom of all...has lost her appetite! You KNOW I've never said that before. Yesterday we were actually pretty worried because she barely ate or drank all day. Thankfully she's eating more today, but still probably only about a third of her normal appetite.
Oh, and the best part? Now I have caught the cold! It was only a matter of time. My shirt is often what she chooses to wipe her nose on. Gross, I know, I'm sorry. I think she must have heard the pediatrician tell me that most allergies are inherited from the mother, and this is her way of paying me back. :) We have spent the majority of this past week cooped up in the house trying unsuccessfully to get her well, so I also have a nasty case of cabin fever. The good news is that Travis is officially on Christmas vacation and not going back to work until 2010. So we'll have some family time and I'll have some daytime help. Yay!!
Onto to happier things...yesterday we battled the winter weather and headed to Marion to celebrate Christmas early. Travis' brother Bryan was in from Texas for a short visit, so the 15" of snow on the ground in Marion couldn't keep us away. We only had about an inch here, but it was mixed with ice and sleet. We had a great day hanging out with all 5 of the Justice nieces and nephew, both of Travis' brothers and their wives, his parents and his Nanny. We had a yummy turkey dinner and then got to watch the kids tear into all their presents. Campbell was sort of cranky since she's feeling bad, but she still managed to hang with the big kids. Now we will just get well and head to Virginia on Christmas Eve to celebrate Christmas again...Reid-style! I'm very sorry to report that I didn't take a single picture yesterday. My excuse is that I was tending to a sick baby most of the day and didn't have a free hand to take pictures. Still, shame on me!
Earlier this week, I got caught up in all of Campbell's allergies and forgot to share her one year stats. Our girl is still almost off the charts!
Weight: 24.15 lbs - 95th percentile
Height: 31 inches - 95th percentile
Head: Forgot the exact measurement, but it was also 95th percentile
And lastly, while I'm jumping subjects...I need to give three birthday shout-outs. First, Saturday was my Grandma's birthday. She turned...well, she'll plead the fifth. Saturday was also my niece, Peyton's, birthday and she turned 6. And today is my niece, Taylor's, birthday and she turned 3. Happy birthday everybody!
Posted by The Justice Family at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Results Are In...
...and the Justices are kinda bummed!
Campbell's pediatrician ordered bloodwork on Friday after she broke out in hives from her celebratory birthday pancake and Egg Beaters. The poor thing had like maybe 2 bites of each, and her face was one big hive! I was able to sit down with her pediatrician today and discuss the results of the allergy screen. It showed that Campbell is allergic to milk, eggs, peanuts, cats and dogs.
WHAT?!?!?!? OK, so this isn't a total surprise. In some ways, I'm relieved that they finally confirmed her dairy allergy. She's been breaking out every time she eats dairy, and I was so frustrated when the allergist said she was not allergic to milk. Um, OK, then what do you call it when the child's face gets red and bumpy each time she eats dairy, a coincidence? Please excuse my cynical attitude, I was just very annoyed. So with today's results, in a way, I feel validated. It's like a doctor was finally able to say, yeah, you were right, your kid has allergies. But I'm of course pretty bummed that poor Campbell is going to have to live with a tricky diet. And as her mom, it makes me nervous. All her allergies were at the lower end of the spectrum (with the exception of dogs, apparently she's really allergic to dogs - WHAT?!?!?!?). But they are still prescribing an Epipen. Unfortunately with food allergies, you never really know if exposure could cause a more severe reaction than what you're used to.
Let's chat about peanuts for a moment. I eat peanut butter like my life is dependent on it. I eat it out of the jar...on a spoon...daily. I live for peanut butter. It's amazing to me that I ate it while I was nursing her and she had no issues. It's also amazing to me that I eat it in close proximity to her all the time and she hasn't exhibited any allergic symptoms. I guess that's good news, hopefully she doesn't have the kind of allergy that is dangerous if she's simply near a peanut. But I feel like I'm going to have to take it pretty seriously. When her friends are eating peanut butter, she's going to have to keep her distance. And there will have to be a lot of handwashing!
Now let's chat about the animals. The doctor started his discussion with something along the lines of "because she seems to tolerate the pet dander now, there's no need to discuss getting rid of them yet." Again...WHAT?!?!?!?! I'm going to pretend like that conversation never happened and just be extra diligent about vacuuming. Maybe three times a week? Fun times. Her doctor is so nice and very compassionate, so he didn't mean that in a harsh way. I guess his job is to protect the child so it's easy for him to mention "getting rid" of the animals. Campbell and Lexi are pals. Campbell loves to do face plants on the dog bed. OK, maybe I need to regulate that activity. But we have never noticed a problem related to anything but food. Maybe an itchy eye here or there, but thankfully she seems to tolerate that allergy well. Let's pray this continues! Lexi and Harley are members of this family, something I feel very strongly about. Of course I feel strongly about my baby girl's health too, but I think it's something we can all live with.
Shew! So now that I went off about the animals to make myself feel better, let's chat about this milk and egg thing. Take a look at anything you eat. Anything. Chances are, it's got either milk or egg in it. For instance, the whole wheat bread Campbell often eats has milk in it. And she is fine! He said we can continue feeding her foods like that, which may contain small amounts of milk or milk protein but that she has eaten without issue. But we won't be introducing any new dairy foods, and she certainly won't be having any egg foods. Unfortunately for her, looks like she may have to endure another vegan cake for her second birthday!! :( Gross!
There is hope that this isn't a lifelong thing. Many children outgrow allergies within a few years. In the meantime, we'll just have to be vigilant, plan her meals in advance when eating on the go, and get creative with our menus at home. She'll be the kid that packs, not buys. At the end of the day, I'll just try to be thankful that we caught her allergies before they posed a significant risk to her. And also thankful that they don't appear to be severe based on today's results. And I'll have to remind myself of these things each time I am mumbling about making a dairy-free, egg-free meal! Hey, she'll be a healthy kid if she lives on fruits and veggies!
Posted by The Justice Family at 3:02 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
First Birthday Bash
On Saturday we threw a birthday bash at the house for Campbell's first birthday. What a perfect day it was! We are so thankful for all the people that love Campbell and came to hang out on Saturday. Many drove several hours to be here! It was a blast!!!! Campbell had so much fun - everywhere she turned, she had little friends, family, and big friends to play with! She did great when it was cake time. She didn't mind the singing and all eyes on her. She dug into her hot pink vegan cake a little hesitantly. She wasn't too thrilled about getting her fingers dirty, and wasn't too thrilled about the taste of her vegan cake either. (I can't really blame her, I tasted it). We gave her a fork and she was happier when she was eating in a more civilized manner (even though she is FAR from mastering the fork!!). She eventually managed to get hot pink cake smeared all over her face and body, like every new one year old should do. A quick bath, and she returned to the party! She was exhausted Saturday night and it has taken her a day or so to get back to normal after all that partying. Our friends and family were so generous, and Campbell is having so much fun with her new toys, books, adorable outfits, and her very own chair. So I can't imagine how relieved I am to have some new titles to read, and new toys to pass our time. I feel like a kid at Christmas with all this new birthday loot! ;) A special thanks to Holly for being in charge of my camera and catching all these great first birthday party memories on film while I was wrapped up in the party. Travis and I were so happy with how Campbell's birthday party turned out, and someday we'll show her these pictures to remind her just how much fun she had too!
Posted by The Justice Family at 7:27 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
It's hard to believe that this day is finally here. Campbell's first birthday! It's hard for me to put into one post what this past year has meant. Let's start with what has surprised me. Campbell - not a surprise. We got a lot of funny looks when we told people we were expecting because the baby was coming so soon after the wedding! But Campbell was not a surprise - she was a very well-planned, welcome blessing. However, her arrival was a bit of a surprise. My blood pressure shot up three weeks before my due date, so Campbell came early. Travis' big thing with a January 1st due date was that he wanted the tax deduction. We got it! Also a surprise was how sick poor little Campbell was at birth...that we'd leave the hospital without her...and spend the first 12 days of her life going back and forth to the hospital...praying and waiting to bring our miracle home. Another obvious surprise - the red hair and blue eyes. The blue eyes were less of a surprise since Travis (and every other Justice!) has them. But if you'd told me I'd have a redhead with blue eyes, I'd have told you that you were crazy! I adore her fair skin, bright blue eyes, and light red hair, as well as that red head temper that is slowly surfacing... She is such a pretty baby, and I'm not biased at all!! Another surprise was how easy it has been to put her first. I would've described myself as pretty selfish before having the baby. But having a child just kind of wipes that away, and it's been easier than I thought it would be to make sacrifices for her. She's just so worth it, I just love my new life as her mommy. We were surprised yet again when Campbell was only ten months old and started walking!! Her doctor had even told us to not be disappointed if she was a little late just because she's so big. She showed him! Campbell is walking really well these days. Sometimes I'd even call it a slow (and sloppy) jog!
This morning when Campbell woke up, we went in to get her singing Happy Birthday, with the video camera rolling. She looked at us like we were a little crazy. Then we brought her downstairs to see her new farm. She seems to love it!!
Posted by The Justice Family at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Things I Never Wanted to Learn About Diapers
Posted by The Justice Family at 6:36 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 6, 2009
"Campbell, Meet Santa..."
Campbell's reply, " thanks. Maybe next year."
Posted by The Justice Family at 4:39 AM 0 comments