It's hard to believe that this day is finally here. Campbell's first birthday! It's hard for me to put into one post what this past year has meant. Let's start with what has surprised me. Campbell - not a surprise. We got a lot of funny looks when we told people we were expecting because the baby was coming so soon after the wedding! But Campbell was not a surprise - she was a very well-planned, welcome blessing. However, her arrival was a bit of a surprise. My blood pressure shot up three weeks before my due date, so Campbell came early. Travis' big thing with a January 1st due date was that he wanted the tax deduction. We got it! Also a surprise was how sick poor little Campbell was at birth...that we'd leave the hospital without her...and spend the first 12 days of her life going back and forth to the hospital...praying and waiting to bring our miracle home. Another obvious surprise - the red hair and blue eyes. The blue eyes were less of a surprise since Travis (and every other Justice!) has them. But if you'd told me I'd have a redhead with blue eyes, I'd have told you that you were crazy! I adore her fair skin, bright blue eyes, and light red hair, as well as that red head temper that is slowly surfacing... She is such a pretty baby, and I'm not biased at all!! Another surprise was how easy it has been to put her first. I would've described myself as pretty selfish before having the baby. But having a child just kind of wipes that away, and it's been easier than I thought it would be to make sacrifices for her. She's just so worth it, I just love my new life as her mommy. We were surprised yet again when Campbell was only ten months old and started walking!! Her doctor had even told us to not be disappointed if she was a little late just because she's so big. She showed him! Campbell is walking really well these days. Sometimes I'd even call it a slow (and sloppy) jog!
This morning when Campbell woke up, we went in to get her singing Happy Birthday, with the video camera rolling. She looked at us like we were a little crazy. Then we brought her downstairs to see her new farm. She seems to love it!!
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