Today Travis and I are celebrating our one year anniversary! I try to think of words to describe what an incredible year it's been and what a wonderful husband he is, but words just don't seem adequate. Saying a lot is just not enough. I love Travis MORE than a lot. Saying he has a lot of wonderful characteristics that I adore and admire is not enough. There are MORE than a lot of a things I love about his personality and his spirit. Saying we have accomplished a lot in a year is definitely not enough. Not only have we spent an amazing year as husband and wife, but we have spent three incredible months as mommy and daddy. Our lives have changed MORE than a lot! Saying that he loves me a lot isn't enough either. He is so good at loving me...he makes me feel special even in unspecial moments.
We've been making this sort of a forty-eight hour celebration. Last night the three of us went to one of our favorite restaurants, Mickey and Mooch. Campbell was a great baby...asleep up until dinner came. Then I held her for a bit while we finished our meal, but she quit fussing the second we got her out of her seat. She just wanted to look around the restaurant and enjoy her night out as well. We had a great meal and excellent service and washed it down with delicious wine. We watched the slideshow from our rehearsal dinner last night and shed a few tears when we saw pictures of the grandparents we miss so much. And then a few more happy tears to see all the pictures of Travis and I over the years. This morning we watched the wedding video (many more tears shed by Sara, more than a lot of tears actually haha). Then I laughed so hard I spit out my coffee and it even came out my nose. Not at the video necessarily, but at Travis' reaction to some of his commentary on our video. That's a perfect example of why I love being with him...we laugh a lot...MORE than a lot. I can't wait until Campbell is old enough to watch the video and she can see how happy we were to become man and wife. I know we will continue to love each other a lot over the years and hopefully set a great example for her of how great a relationship can be. We've been nibbling on year-old wedding cake on and off since yesterday - to my surprise, it wasn't bad! And tonight our good friends Drew and Holly are coming over for dinner. Maybe we'll crack open the champagne to celebrate our one-year anniversary and their wedding coming up in a few months!
I love my life more than a lot...much more than a lot...and I owe this happiness to my sweet husband. Happy One Year Anniversary, Travis! I love you...a lot!!!!!!!!!! Here are some highlights of our first year of marriage.

And we're off!! Honeymoon, here we come!

Before dinner on our honeymoon in St. Lucia

Scuba diving in St. Lucia

Last day of our honeymoon

Big news!!!

Newport Beach, Rhode Island for Gaiya and Kevin's wedding

VT game in Charlotte

Asheville, NC for Jessica and Ian's wedding

Out to dinner for Dad's 60th birhday

Thanksgiving in Roanoke - about to pop!

Just a few days before Campbell arrived...

First picture taken of our beautiful daughter on December 11

Celebrating Valentine's Day 2009 - a night out without Campbell.
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