Sunday, June 28, 2009

Banana Crisis

My sister told me that lately my niece has been repeating things she hears on the TV and radio. Sometimes she gets it right, sometimes she doesn't. They were watching the news while eating dinner the other night and they referred to the financial crisis. Taylor tells my sister, "Hey Mommy, there is a banana crisis." HAHAHA I laughed so hard at this story.

Travis and I went shopping at South Park Mall this weekend and I'd like to say...banana crisis? What banana crisis? We were among the suckers lined up at the Apple store to get the new 3G iPhone. I don't even know what 3G means! I just know that if Apple comes out with something new that people are waiting in line for, my husband wants to be in that line. :) His new phone is pretty cool, I will admit that. The store was PACKED. The whole mall was actually. I certainly didn't see a "banana crisis" at South Park! We had a great day shopping. I ended up with a new bathing suit too which is a HUGE accomplishment for a new mommy.

We've had our own banana crisis this weekend, literally. We have been trying to unravel the mystery of some potential food allergies in Campbell for a couple of weeks now. We thought we had narrowed it down to milk protein...until this morning. We fed her banana peach oatmeal. She had this yesterday morning with no issues. This morning we let her play for a while after breakfast. Then we took her upstairs to change her and at that time noticed the hives that were popping up all over her body. In the past, her reactions had been limited to a splotchy rash on her face and neck, and a few hives on her back on only one occasion. Today she had bright red spots popping up all over. It was pretty alarming and we didn't want to let it get out of control so we took her to the urgent care. There was a waiting room full of people, but you when walk in with a six and a half month old and say she's having an allergic reaction, you get to skip the line! In fact, you don't even have to sign in! We were pretty nervous but remained calm because Campbell was being her normal, smiley self and obviously wasn't uncomfortable or having any trouble breathing. They whisked us back and checked her oxygen levels, her heart rate, her temperature, her breathing, etc. She showed no signs of distress at all and lucky for us, the only reaction was on her skin. We walked away with a prescription for a steroid, the correct Benadryl dosage for a 20-pound baby, instructions to call her pediatrician this week and look into allergy testing, and little comfort. We are still pretty worried about her. The label of her banana peach oatmeal has nothing in it but bananas, peaches and oatmeal. So the milk protein theory kinda went out the door! :( Whatever food or foods she is allergic to, we just want to identify so we can eliminate them from her diet and move on. If it's not a food allergy, we need to know that too so we can get to the root of these hives! I'm just pretty nervous because I know allergies that aren't serious can quickly take a turn for the worst. I'm sure she'll be fine, but I'll feel a lot better when we get some answers. Banana crisis!!!!

Other than that, we've had a fantastic weekend. We had a great time shopping, had a yummy and fun dinner with Drew and Holly, went to the pool, hosted an open house at one of my listings, and even got new glasses for the first time in nine years! Might not sound too exciting to most, but it was a good weekend for our little family.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Splish Splash

No matter what stresses the day may bring, all of Campbell's cares are washed away in the bathtub. She can be tired, hungry, or just plain irritable, but you put her in the bathtub and she is instantly smiley and relaxed. Here are some LONG overdue pictures of our little fish enjoying her bath. She's finally big enough to sit up in the deep end by herself and play with her toys. She is having so much fun, and we are having an absolute blast watching her splash around!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Dad's Day

Yesterday was Father's Day - and I was honoring two very special men in my life. I'm of course referring to my Dad and to Travis. I have so many happy memories from my own childhood with my Dad. One of my favorite memories is how I made my Dad "be funny" when he came to tuck me in at night. I insisted that he come upstairs doing something funny - maybe skipping down the hall, singing a funny song, dancing around like a monkey. I imagine it got pretty tiring to come up with a new comedy routine every night, especially with a child like me who had probably been fighting bedtime for a good thirty minutes leading up to that point. But he did, and I can still picture him hopping down the hall. Thanks for laughing me to bed, Dad. :) And for all the other wonderful memories we've made and all those to come in the years ahead.

These days, I get the pleasure of seeing Travis start these same types of traditions with Campbell. He definitely knows how to "be funny" and manages to get big grins and giggles out of his little girl. My favorite thing is when I am not in the room with them, but I can hear him on the monitor singing to her. Campbell loves her Daddy so much and someday she will reminisce about her happy childhood with her father too.

Yesterday we went to Alex's house for a Father's Day cookout. This year we were in Roanoke for Mother's Day and with Travis' family for Father's Day. Campbell had fun with her cousins and loved seeing her Nanny again. At one point, her Paw-Paw Butch was holding her. Gangy (Travis' mom) walked over and was going to pick her up. Campbell reached up for her! That was a first, and I'm sure it made Gangy's day!

We had a little more drama at the end of last week. We ended up back at the doctor on Friday. Campbell's skin would be completely clear - and the second we'd give her a bottle of formula, she'd break out in a rash again around her mouth. The whole allergy thing scared me, so we went and saw another doctor to get a second opinion. He agreed that it did not look like the virus she was diagnosed with last week. And also agreed that it was way too big of a coincidence for her to only break out when drinking formula. The doctor hesitated to call it an allergy since it didn't seem to do anything but cause a red face. We did notice some hives on her back, so we've decided not to push it and switched to a soy-based formula. She has been doing so well on this new formula and hasn't broken out since. Also, she is spitting up about 100 times less on the soy-based formula, so that is a nice change. Think of the money we'll save on stain remover! haha I hate to think she might have some food allergies. But this reaction is very mild and the doctor is convinced it is not dangerous at this point. We'll just avoid milk-based formula for now and hope she outgrows this mild sensitivity. I had a little bit of guilt since the formula is a new thing for us. She was just fine when I was feeding her! But she's doing well now and I'm enjoying the freedom and convenience associated with a bottlefed baby!

I've got some Father's Day pictures to share below. The first is from Father's Day 2005! I just love this picture - we took my Dad to the shooting range as a family for his Father's Day celebration. I think Dad loved going shooting with all his girls, and we all love this "Robert's Angels" picture. I know this picture is old, but it's just too good not to share. Love you, Dad!!!!

Here are a few pictures of my baby and my baby's daddy from this weekend. :) I believe that there are few things on this Earth sweeter than a dad and his little girl. Happy First Father's Day, Travis! You are an amazing Dad and we both love you very, very much.

Paw-Paw Butch and his youngest granddaughter on Father's Day

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Vacation (ha!?!) Bible School

This week I have been helping out at my church's Vacation Bible School. I have been leading a crew of eleven kids, which are rising kindergartners and rising second graders. That means they range in age from four to seven. It has been fun, challenging, exhausting, inspiring, exhausting, interesting, exhausting, and well...exhausting! :) Campbell has been in the church nursery each day from 8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. That is a big deal for both Campbell and I. That's a long time for her to be in someone else's care when she's so used to me!

The biggest challenge for me at Bible School with my crew of kids was logistics. Our church is pretty big and has a very young congregation. They had to close registration for VBS when they had 500 kids - there was even a waiting list. WOW! I think it's so terrific that there are so many kids involved at our church. But at the same time, the sheer number of kids is what made my job so difficult this week. Logistically, it is TOUGH to move eleven kids of that age through the church from one activity to the next. They get distracted so easily in a crowd and I felt like I needed a leash! prayers were answered and yesterday I got a rope. Ha! Not to tie the kids up with either. They each hang onto the rope and it makes it a lot easier to move from one station to the next. I cracked up on the first day. I was pretty frazzled and stressed out trying to figure out how to keep my kids in line, and a little nervous about leaving Campbell. Then, I walk down the hallway and look up. Stretched across the ceiling is a huge fishinhg net filled with rubber snakes. MORE SNAKES! hahaha The theme for VBS is all about the swamp, so it's just part of the decor. The church is adorable (minus the snakes) with crocodiles, swamp plants, bait shops, etc. all over the place.

I want to share a few sweet things that happened this week. Yesterday they made a bracelet in Crawfish Crafts and we were told to tie the bracelet onto the kids' wrists, and while we did so, to say a prayer for them. My kids are so young that I think they often miss the point and are solely concerned with things like "can we take this home today" or "I'm thirsty". But I was wrong. One sweet little boy told me he was finished with his bracelet and asked me to tie it on him. Then he said, "Can you say a prayer for me?" How sweet was that? He hadn't missed it at all, and I found it very endearing that he asked me to pray for him. I gladly did. One of the other activities was to make an alligator paper clip and then you could write a message to someone who needs encouragement and put it in your clip. One of my older little girls who is able to write wrote, "Dear Sara, you are so cool. I love you" and clipped it on my bag. Those two things made it well worth my stress and exhaustion all week.

Today, VBS ended with drama. The nursery workers came to get me about 30 minutes early because Campbell had a rash on her face. I left my crew of kids with my assistant and found Campbell in the lobby with the camp nurse. She was smiling and laughing, but looked like Will Smith in Hitch when he ate the shrimp. OK, not that bad, she wasn't swollen. But the rash was pretty alarming. I raced her to the pediatrician's office in a panic. Because we thought it was an allergic reaction, they asked me questions on the phone like, is she breathing ok, how quickly can you be here? When I told her I was closer to the hospital and asked if I should go to the ER, she put me on hold to find out. That scared me. Bad. And Campbell was snoozing in her carseat while I drove, so of course I'm wondering if she's napping or passed out. Turns out it's not allergies which is a blessing. They said it's Fifth's Disease which is a very common childhood virus. The rash comes at the very end and so luckily the virus has almost run its course. She probably had a fever earlier this week that we never detected, which may explain some restless nights and a little uncharacteristic fussiness. Travis raced home from work when I called him en route to the pediatrician's office. I'm so thankful to have such a supportive husband. He didn't tell me to call him when I found out what was wrong...he said he'd meet me at the doctor's office. We actually took her back a second time this afternoon because the rash got ten times worse while she had her afternoon bottle. A bottle with formula is new of as last week, so I feared that she was allergic to her new formula since this morning's rash also came right after her bottle. But the nurse practitioner assured us that she wasn't displaying any symptoms of an allergic reaction so I'll have to trust her medical knowledge and quit second-guessing her (and googling it!). Campbell is somewhat high on Benadryl now to help with the redness. I think we've calmed down and everybody is going to be OK. Travis is going to stay home with her tomorrow so I can go finish my fun and exhausting week of VBS with my sweet kids. I look forward to a quiet week at home next week with my baby! I think I need a vacation after Vacation Bible School!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Tri Daddy

This Saturday, Travis competed in his third sprint triathlon of this year. Finally, this one was in town so Campbell and I got to go cheer him on. This was the same triathlon he did last year without training for it. He beat his time from last year by NINETEEN MINUTES! That is outstanding! He has been working so hard and Campbell and I are really proud of him. You'll see the sign she made him in the pictures below. I never really thought about us being such a spectacle, I just thought it'd be neat to make Travis a sign. Oh my gosh, what a spectacle we were!!! There aren't all that many kids there, and then to have a baby in a big stroller with an even bigger sign and a picture...we definitely stood out! But I think Travis thought it was sweet and I'm glad we made sure to recognize him (aka embarass him) at Campbell's first triathlon. :)

Travis' swim was his best event - I swear he must have gills or fins somewhere. He also did very well on the bike and the run. I find the whole thing pretty amazing. Even though we had to get Campbell up at 5 a.m. to get there in time, it was well worth it. She did great on a little less sleep and handled the change in schedule really well. It was really nice to be there at the finish line for a sweaty kiss and to congratulate him. Travis has two more triathlons this summer...he is seriously crazy!! Enjoy the pictures below from Saturday's race. Go Daddy!!

Campbell and Daddy right before the start of the race

Travis is in there, up at the front of course, swimming 750 meters in the lake

Out of the water!

Then off to bike 17 miles...

And finally, run a 5K. WOW!

All the excitement wore Campbell out!

A quick nap during Daddy's bikeride. She wanted to save up all her energy for the finish line.

Daddy comes around the corner for the final stretch...almost to the finish line!

Daddy's little girl is waiting for him at the finish line...doesn't this picture make you smile?

Justice, Party of Three

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Six Months Old

What can you do in six months time? Let's see. You can...train for a triathlon. Finish a semester of college. Read a book (or two...or six). Have 2/3 of a pregnancy. Plan a wedding. House-break a dog. Grow out a bad haircut. Get a really, really good tan. Learn how to play an instrument (not well, but you could get a good start). Redecorate a house. Save up a lot of money. Spend a lot of money. Take up a new hobby. Go on a diet and lose a lot of weight. Travel extensively. Whiten your teeth. could fall head over heels, madly in love, with a 28 inch tall, 19.5 pound angel. A little girl with strawberry blond hair and bright blue eyes. With a two-tooth grin that makes me want to jump out of bed every morning just so I can see her. With chubby thighs and roly poly arms that I just can't squeeze enough. With sweaty little feet and ten tiny little perfect toes. With the most pure and genuine laugh you've ever heard. In six months time, we have experienced more than I ever imagined was possible. We have had the extreme pleasure of loving and nurturing our little baby girl and helped her grow into the sweet, smiley, cuddly six month old baby that she is today. I know I always call her an angel, and I mean it. This baby fell right down to us from heaven, there's no other explanation!! She is just the light of our lives and as I sit here and reflect on how wonderful she is and how fast the past six months have flown by, I have happy tears running down my face. I am a living cliche - I cannot get over how fast the time has gone and how much she has grown and changed. I won't even bother with a list of her "tricks" because there are so many and everyday she seems to learn something new. I just want to take this opportunity to say how much we adore Campbell and how thankful we are for the joy she brings to our lives. What a wonderful half-year it's been! We look forward to all that's in store for us as she continues to grow into an amazing little girl.

She got a great report at the pediatrican's office this morning and is in the 95th percentile for both height and weight.

I'm so pleased with how her pictures turned out. You'll get to see just how active she is and how well she has just learned to sit up. I just saw a picture the other day where my friend's little boy ate the sign in his monthly picture. I guess that's what all the kids are doing these days. hahaha I didn't stage any of her actions - she went after the sign and after the teddy bear entirely on her own. I was cracking up behind the camera! Happy Half-Birthday, Campbell! We love you so much!

And now a few from earlier this week...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Scroll Down...

I just posted pictures and stories from the weekend. Somehow, after the gliche I had Sunday night, some of it was saved. So anyway, you need to scroll down to see it. Scroll down past the kitty prozac, and you'll see my post about the weekend in Virginia! Technology...

Monday, June 8, 2009

A Kitty Prozac Kinda Day

It's been one of those days. It all started on our drive home from Virginia yesterday. I decided the perfect end to a perfect weekend would be Dairy Queen's new Brownie Batter Blizzard. It was SO GOOD...but it didn't agree with me. I had a terrible stomach ache for several hours. When I felt better, I wrote on the blog and uploaded tons of pictures from the incredible weekend we had at Holly and Drew's wedding. Then...the website locked up and I lost it all. Thirty minutes worth of typing and storytelling...gone. So I promise to post pictures and details of our weekend this week, I was just too mad to do it last night. And once you read below, you'll see I'm in no mood to try again now.

Today was supposed to be relaxing after all that travel. Nope! Harley has been peeing in places other than her litterbox, which is of course unacceptable and very upsetting to Travis and I. Today I could tell something was wrong so I called the vet and made a 3:45 appointment. Then my eye, which had been bothering me all weekend, seemed to get worse. It was burning and watering like crazy, so I made an eye doctor appointment at 1:15.

Before the appointments rolled around, it was kind of chaotic around here. Campbell bonked her head on the little Fisher Price aquarium on her crib. While I was comforting her, she spit up green beans ALL OVER me. Not just a little either. Like, so much I had to take of my shirt and soak it in the sink. (Where later on today, Harley decided that would be a good place to pee. UGH!)

I called the pediatrician about something going on with Campbell. She's fine, just a minor, personal problem. Just one more ailment we have to fix today...and the nurse recommended we try to let her have some time without a diaper on to air out. Um, what??? As if we don't have enough pee around here already! I just started laughing at this point.

Off to the eye appointment. The eye doctor was about as friendly and personable as a rock. He then tells me it's allergies. I'm very relieved - a few years ago I had a really serious eye infection that was very scary. But still, allergies? In one eye? I asked if that was weird, to only have it in only one eye. His response? "Yes." Ummmm, OK. Whatever, he gave me some drops and told me to keep out my contacts for a few days. Great, now I'm sporting my 8-year old glasses that have doggie teeth marks on the lens from Lexi's early days.

I somehow then managed to get Harley into the vet in her crate while pushing the stroller. Of course that was after I picked Harley up to put her in the crate and got a huge gash on the palm of my hand from her claws. Harley went absolultely nuts when they took her back. It almost brought me to tears hearing her back there yelping and hissing. They were simply trimming her nails and trying to examine her! They did trim her nails which obviously needed it, so that is a positive thing. We now have steroid pills to give her...and the kicker...kitty prozac! Just in case she is stressed out and her problems are behavioral, we got something to give her to relax her a bit. I'm thinking of popping one myself here in a minute... ;)

It's been one of those days, but it's 5pm and hopefully it'll be bedtime before I know it. Then I can go to sleep, wake up tomorrow, and start over on the right foot I hope!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Club Rockwood - Where Mommies and Daddies Dance All Night Long

Now that my Monday of all Monday's is officially over, I am ready to try again and share my stories from the absolutely wonderful weekend we had in Virginia! We left on Friday to go to Virginia for Drew and Holly's wedding. Drew and Holly are very close friends of ours and we have been anticipating this wedding for a long time! Also we were going to have an important first - our first overnight trip without Campbell! The wedding was in Dublin, which is just an hour South of my parents. Campbell would stay with us on Friday night and then on Saturday she'd stay with my parents.

On Friday, Campbell and I took an afternoon trip to Roanoke to pass the time while Travis and the other groomsmen played golf. I took her by my mom's office so she could show her off. Back in Dublin, Campbell got dressed up and ready for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. At no surprise to us, she was a perfect angel! She stayed up an hour and a half past her bedtime without fussing at all. She slept perfectly in her pack and play, even with people playing guitars on the porch right outside our room until the wee hours of the morning! She did really well and was a big hit. Everyone commented on our smiley little girl. The funniest part of the night was when Drew was introducing the wedding party. He says all sorts of sweet things about Travis, mentions Campbell and I (we wave), and then he says he had the honor of being in our wedding a few months ago. hahahaha A few months ago? Yeah, like 15 months! And I'm standing there holding our six month old baby. It was hysterical.

Saturday, I took her to Roanoke in the morning while Travis had more groomsmen activities going on. We went by my dad's office. Unfortunately, he had to work this past weekend. Campbell showed him exactly what she thought about working on Saturdays...she spit up all over the floor of his office...twice! It was nasty, but kind of funny too. Then we stopped by Great Grandma Betty's place just in time to pop in on Grandma's bridge game. Grandma's friends loved Campbell. Campbell loved Grandma's power chair! Thank goodness Grandma turned it off, because Campbell could not keep her little hands off the controller! She's not even six months old, and already trying to drive!

Late Saturday afternoon, I had leave her. I will admit I thought about being sad for just a few minutes when I drove off. I knew she was in good hands and would have fun being spoiled by her grandparents. But it was just weird to be without her! I kept looking in the rearview mirror and then remembering, oh yeah, she's not back there! But once I accepted it, I embraced it. I cranked up the radio like I haven't done in six months and sang my heart out to all sorts of good country songs on the way back to Dublin. Once back in Dublin, I showered and got ready for the wedding without having a bouncey-seat audience. The wedding was fabulous (more details about that to come) and the reception was a blast. Without any responsibility, Travis and I were able to let loose more than usual and just enjoy each other. No, we weren't swinging from the chandeliers or anything, but we had a few drinks and tore up the dance floor like old times. It was so fun and while we did miss Campbell and call to check on her every few hours, we really enjoyed our night out without her. My mom sent me a picture on my phone of Campbell sleeping soundly and so then we were really at ease. Campbell was very entertaining for her grandparents. She was sweet and easy going and had so much fun playing with a balloon. Who knew? Guess I need to go get some balloons - they're a lot cheaper than toys! I used to stay at my Grandma's house just about every Saturday night. I got to stay up late and watch Dallas and eat Neopolitan ice cream to my heart's content. I haven't heard Campbell humming the Dallas theme song yet...but I'm sure she has her own version of fun things to get away with at the grandparents' house.

Now...the wedding. All brides are pretty. But Holly...she was a Wow. She really was, not that I was surprised, I knew she would be. Drew looked really nice too...(just in case you're reading, Drew). :) The wedding ceremony was beautiful. It took place outside of the historic bed and breakfast where we stayed. The picture below is from the rehearsal. They were married by our friend and old neighbor, Andy, who also performed our wedding! He opened the ceremony by talking about what an honor it is to marry friends, how he had the same honor about 15 months ago, and actually met Holly and Drew at our rehearsal dinner! I was so touched to hear mention of my own wedding that I of course burst into happy tears. They had acoustic guitars playing the music, and a cow moo'ed really loud in the middle of the ceremony. It was just awesome! Travis looked terribly handsome in his pink tie - he was the best looking groomsman I've ever laid eyes on! (See below, I'm sure you'll agree). We are so happy for our friends and just loved sharing the weekend with them. Holly did the coolest thing - she had a bucket of flip flops at the reception in all sizes with a sign that said "Dancin' Shoes." You could ditch your high heels for a pair of flops - of course I did so without anyone having to twist my arm! And dancin' shoes they were! The dj was great - I kept calling it Club Rockwood.

The weekend was a success and tons of fun. Back to reality...Harley is on day one of her Prozac regimen, my eye is just fine and Campbell is doing well also. I just knew Tuesday would be a LOT better.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Phone Photos

I love cell phone cameras. Campbell always seems to be doing something cute when I don't have my real camera on me. These are just a few pictures from the last week or two that I've taken on my phone of Campbell doing some of her latest tricks!
Just hanging out on the couch.

Flipping over in my favorite thing to do...until I realize I'm stuck on my belly and can't roll back. Then I get mad!
Ready for breakfast in my new high chair. Carrots and sweet potatoes are definitely my favorites!

Grocery shopping is so much more fun now that I sit up front like a big girl!

My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades.

There is something funny about babies in shorts, and babies in sunglasses. Campbell is sporting them both in this picture of us shopping yesterday.

Out to brunch after church. They had this little high chair/booster seat that fit right in the booth. Campbell spent the ENTIRE brunch playing with these menus. She was concentrating so hard and ripped them to shreds. Forget the toys - just give this child some paper to rip up!