On Friday, Campbell and I took an afternoon trip to Roanoke to pass the time while Travis and the other groomsmen played golf. I took her by my mom's office so she could show her off. Back in Dublin, Campbell got dressed up and ready for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. At no surprise to us, she was a perfect angel! She stayed up an hour and a half past her bedtime without fussing at all. She slept perfectly in her pack and play, even with people playing guitars on the porch right outside our room until the wee hours of the morning! She did really well and was a big hit. Everyone commented on our smiley little girl. The funniest part of the night was when Drew was introducing the wedding party. He says all sorts of sweet things about Travis, mentions Campbell and I (we wave), and then he says he had the honor of being in our wedding a few months ago. hahahaha A few months ago? Yeah, like 15 months! And I'm standing there holding our six month old baby. It was hysterical.
Saturday, I took her to Roanoke in the morning while Travis had more groomsmen activities going on. We went by my dad's office. Unfortunately, he had to work this past weekend. Campbell showed him exactly what she thought about working on Saturdays...she spit up all over the floor of his office...twice! It was nasty, but kind of funny too. Then we stopped by Great Grandma Betty's place just in time to pop in on Grandma's bridge game. Grandma's friends loved Campbell. Campbell loved Grandma's power chair! Thank goodness Grandma turned it off, because Campbell could not keep her little hands off the controller! She's not even six months old, and already trying to drive!
Late Saturday afternoon, I had leave her. I will admit I thought about being sad for just a few minutes when I drove off. I knew she was in good hands and would have fun being spoiled by her grandparents. But it was just weird to be without her! I kept looking in the rearview mirror and then remembering, oh yeah, she's not back there! But once I accepted it, I embraced it. I cranked up the radio like I haven't done in six months and sang my heart out to all sorts of good country songs on the way back to Dublin. Once back in Dublin, I showered and got ready for the wedding without having a bouncey-seat audience. The wedding was fabulous (more details about that to come) and the reception was a blast. Without any responsibility, Travis and I were able to let loose more than usual and just enjoy each other. No, we weren't swinging from the chandeliers or anything, but we had a few drinks and tore up the dance floor like old times. It was so fun and while we did miss Campbell and call to check on her every few hours, we really enjoyed our night out without her. My mom sent me a picture on my phone of Campbell sleeping soundly and so then we were really at ease. Campbell was very entertaining for her grandparents. She was sweet and easy going and had so much fun playing with a balloon. Who knew? Guess I need to go get some balloons - they're a lot cheaper than toys! I used to stay at my Grandma's house just about every Saturday night. I got to stay up late and watch Dallas and eat Neopolitan ice cream to my heart's content. I haven't heard Campbell humming the Dallas theme song yet...but I'm sure she has her own version of fun things to get away with at the grandparents' house.
Now...the wedding. All brides are pretty. But Holly...she was a Wow. She really was, not that I was surprised, I knew she would be. Drew looked really nice too...(just in case you're reading, Drew). :) The wedding ceremony was beautiful. It took place outside of the historic bed and breakfast where we stayed. The picture below is from the rehearsal. They were married by our friend and old neighbor, Andy, who also performed our wedding! He opened the ceremony by talking about what an honor it is to marry friends, how he had the same honor about 15 months ago, and actually met Holly and Drew at our rehearsal dinner! I was so touched to hear mention of my own wedding that I of course burst into happy tears. They had acoustic guitars playing the music, and a cow moo'ed really loud in the middle of the ceremony. It was just awesome! Travis looked terribly handsome in his pink tie - he was the best looking groomsman I've ever laid eyes on! (See below, I'm sure you'll agree). We are so happy for our friends and just loved sharing the weekend with them. Holly did the coolest thing - she had a bucket of flip flops at the reception in all sizes with a sign that said "Dancin' Shoes." You could ditch your high heels for a pair of flops - of course I did so without anyone having to twist my arm! And dancin' shoes they were! The dj was great - I kept calling it Club Rockwood.
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