Travis and I have the bathtime routine down to a science. After we eat dinner and get the kitchen mostly cleaned up, we head upstairs with Campbell. We each have our own tasks - divide and conquer! He takes her clothes off, gets rid of the diaper, cleans up whatever may need cleaning up. Meanwhile, I go take off my jewelry, grab a clean washcloth and towel, set up the pillows we kneel on by the tub, and run the bath. By the time I do all my little jobs, Travis and Campbell are coming around the corner. This is one of my favorite sights. She is completely naked and very smiley and giggly because she knows she's headed for the bathtub. They usually stop at the bathroom mirror and "look at the baby!"
It's a very cute routine, but also a very dangerous one. Once that diaper comes off, there's always a chance of showers! Tonight, Travis got her undressed and I was in my closet taking my rings off. I hear him calling me...SARA...I need you...NOW. I go in there and find Campbell laying on her changing table in the buff and kind of wet all over. Travis is standing there with a completely wet t-shirt and a trail running down his shorts and to the floor. HA! We knew one of these days she'd feel the urge to go en route to the bathtub, and tonight it finally happened! I laughed so hard I almost peed on myself! I high-fived Campbell and kept her occupied while Daddy went to put on some dry clothes. It was pretty funny!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Chance of Showers
Posted by The Justice Family at 5:23 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Lefty the Four-Toothed Giant
I guess this title needs a little explaining. As I mentioned the other day, my best friend Kim just had a baby. Last Friday, we went to meet Baby Carson at the hospital. Then yesterday, we went to pay him a quick visit at his house. Carson was not a little baby - he was 8 lbs, 7 oz at birth!! But let me tell you, when I saw him...he looked TINY! And so in turn, Campbell looked GIANT!! Carson is absolutely adorable and healthy and seems to be enjoying his first week in the outside world. Kim and I have done everything together since we were three years old. So it is especially special (can you say that, especially special?) to share motherhood with her. I know our families are going to have a ton of fun together in the years to come. And I hope Carson grows fast - because Campbell looks like a teenager next to him!!!! I got to hold him in the hospital and it was honestly shocking to me how tiny he felt in my arms. Campbell was even smaller at birth, but my perspective has changed so much now that I'm used to a seven month old baby. And a big one, at that! I loved snuggling the little guy. When we left the hospital, Travis said...uh oh, I saw it in your eyes when you were holding him........ :) But for now, I'm very happy with my little giant.
She can't do this on her own yet. But I often prop her up there and sit behind her so she's totally supporting herself by leaning on her toy. She LOVES standing up.
There goes that left hand again! ;) Happy girl playing with all her toys.
We are loving the new playroom!!
Posted by The Justice Family at 5:30 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Memory Lane
I'm into reminiscing a lot here is another stroll down memory lane.
Five years ago today, it was a typical Wednesday. Like today, a BEAUTIFUL summer day that had me wanting out of my cubicle...bad. Once I got home from work to my uptown apartment, I was antsy and looking for an excuse to get out of the house. My roommate called - did I want to join them for a happy hour about 15 minutes away? Nope - I didn't want to drive anywhere! That was the beauty of living in uptown, I could walk anywhere I wanted to go! It didn't take much to convince her to come home and we'd go out for a drink in uptown. She brought with her one of her male coworkers. In a short time, I managed to round up a few other girls. We went to Cedar Street Tavern in the bottom of my building. It was 5 girls and the one guy. Apparently he stepped out and called his roommate. "Dude, I'm at a bar and there are five girls here. I'm the only guy. Don't tell anyone, just come." The roommate wasn't too interested...he was already settled on the couch watching Dazed and Confused and not too keen on driving into uptown for a drink. He finally gave in and after a few minutes he walked into Cedar Street Tavern to join us.
In case you haven't figured it out yet, the roommate was Travis. He walked in and my jaw dropped - WHO is that???? Needless to say, I liked what I saw! One of my girlfriends knew him and I'll never forget the introduction that preceded Travis. "That's Travis. He's divorced." I thought (and I think I even said it outloud) - sweet, so you're saying there's a chance! So, wearing his scarlet letter "D", Travis came and sat down at our table. If you know me, you know I am far from shy. And if you know Travis, you know that he's not one to talk much when you first meet him. So, I talked to him for HOURS. I cornered him in a booth and told him my life story. The more we talked (ok, the more I talked and he listened), I really felt like we were clicking and I just really enjoyed hanging out with him. The night continued, other guys came, and then finally all the guys left except for Travis. He stayed with a group of about 6 girls and went to a second bar for more drinks. The night ended with him walking us all back to our apartment complex. I boldly asked him to call me and gave him my number. He obviously did!! And here we are, five years later, living happily ever after.
Thanks for humoring me and letting me relive my fairy tale today!
Posted by The Justice Family at 9:16 AM 1 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Seven Months Old!!
Posted by The Justice Family at 5:34 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tie Her Hair Up in Ribbons and Bows
I have been waiting for this day for a LONG time. I can't say I've really been waiting for it since the day I found out I was having a girl. I didn't really think this far ahead. But I can say I've been waiting for this day ever since the first time someone stopped me in public and said, "well isn't he a cutie?!!?". No more! Today, I have put an end to all the mistaken gender comments Campbell gets when we are out and about. No more, "hey little fella"s, no more "hi buddy"s, no more "look at him smiling"s. My little girl has had a very important first today - her first hairbow!!!!! I could not be more thrilled. I have this hairbow carefully balanced on the few long hairs Campbell has on top of her sweet little head. It's obviously comfortable because she's had it on for hours now and has no idea it's up there. I have a pack of multicolored bows, but I thought it was only fitting for her first one to be pink, the girliest color of all. So pink hairbow it is!!!
Posted by The Justice Family at 2:06 PM 4 comments
Saturday, July 4, 2009
God Bless America
This is probably going to be a long one with a LOT of pictures, so get comfortable... :)
Posted by The Justice Family at 4:52 PM 0 comments