This is probably going to be a long one with a LOT of pictures, so get comfortable... :)
Happy Fourth of July! We had a GREAT day. We were invited out on the lake with our friends Lee and Dana. Their son, Hunter, is probably Campbell's BFF. They play together a lot - Hunter will turn one in a few weeks. Travis and I were so happy to finally be on the water again! We live literally minutes from the lake, and haven't been out on it in years!! What a waste! Today we actually went out on Mountain Island Lake which is also just down the road. It's way less crowded than Lake Norman. Dana and Lee took us out to a sandbar where a bunch of boats had dropped anchor. It was perfect - when you stepped off the boat it was only two or three feet deep. Now, I'm not one to stand on lake bottoms, I usually get grossed out. But this was sand, not mud, so I didn't mind. We got Campbell a life jacket yesterday and the trial run went horribly. We tried it on her and she screamed the same way she screams when she gets shots at the doctor's office. Fear and panic. I think it just scared her because it's tight and right up around her face. But today we eased her into it and she did so well! The lake water was surprisingly cold and yet she played and splashed and smiled. She took a short nap on the boat and enjoyed watching the water behind the boat when we were moving. What better way to spend the Fourth of July than out on the lake on a BEAUTIFUL day with friends?? It was perfect. We came home and grilled out burgers and corn, just put the baby to bed, and plan to watch the fireworks on TV unless we fall asleep first. Next year, we will for SURE be taking Campbell to see fireworks in person, but we decided that was a bit too much this year. As Travis would say, she was "wore the slap out" after the lake and quite cranky, so we made the right decision. She went to bed a half hour early, there is no way she would've made it up two hours late!
I love the lake!!!
A serious pose for my first boat outing.
Switching gears...yesterday about halfway through the day, I realized something. Yesterday was the two-year anniversary of our engagement! My, my, my, we have accomplished a lot in two years! Bought a house together, got married, I switched careers, and of course...had a baby! We had lunch at a restaurant on the lake yesterday and had fried pickles as our appetizer. It wasn't until a few hours later that we realized it was the 'proposal anniversary', and oddly enough on that night, we had eaten fried pickles together a few hours before Travis popped the question! If you haven't had fried pickles dipped in ranch before, you are missing out on one of the finer things in life. It's not everyday we get to eat them, so it was kind of cool that we had them yesterday. Then we did something we NEVER do which is wait to eat dinner until after Campbell goes to bed. It was a gorgeous evening, low humidity with a nice breeze. So we grilled out and ate out on our back porch with the monitor nearby. We sat outside for a while and had a drink and just talked, which is exactly what we were doing two years earlier. We were at the old house, but were seated on our patio having a glass of wine together when Travis got down on one knee. What a sweet memory and what a great night we had reminiscing about it.
I have some pictures I need to catch up on, so enjoy a few shots from the last week or so. We are also extremely happy to report that we have not had a single allergy incident since last Sunday. Hallelujah!!!
I just want to end by saying that you can obviously see from our pictures that we are a very happy little family. We have a great life and it's not everyday we take time to think about how
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