First, let me say that I hope you truly appreciate all the k's in this post. Why, you ask? I'm not sure who is responsible this time, Lexi or Campbell. But someone has taken the k off of my keyboard. It is currently resting on the spot where the k belongs, and if I very deliberately push on it, I can get it to work. Campbell has previously picked off the F8 and one of the shift keys. I don't even know what F8 does, so I haven't missed it. The shift is kinda like the k key at this point - it works if you really push it. I left my computer on the couch, I think out of Campbell's reach. I was dumb enough to leave it right where Lexi launches off when she's making a mad dash for the front of the house to scare off a UPS truck or school bus. I found j and k laying on the couch. J was an easy fix, k continues to be a work in process. So far it's working, I just hope you appreciate all the time and effort that has gone into each k in this paragraph!! As I typed this, Campbell approached and popped the b off with little effort. I think we have identified our culprit...
On to more exciting things. You may have noticed the decline in pictures recently. No, they didn't rip the lens off the camera (not yet at least). The issue is me! I used to hear parents say that it was hard to take pictures of a toddler because they were too fast. I thought that was an excuse lazy picture takers used. Nope, it's legit. Either my camera got slower, or Campbell got faster. I think it's the latter. I keep capturing the back of her head, or that moment right after she was doing something cute! I'm telling you, it was a LOT easier to stage photo shoots with a baby who wasn't mobile! I know, we need a new computer and a new camera, but neither is happening anytime soon. I did get a few pictures of some funny stuff over the past couple of weeks which I'll post below.
I also want to share another little milestone. Campbell is now signing 'more'!!!! We have been signing 'all done' and 'more' since she was about six months old. For about a month or two, Campbell has been signing her version of all done, and has now progressed to saying it. She only says it when prompted, like if we ask her is she's all done. Believe you me, she'll let you know if she's not! But last week, we were floored when Travis gave her a bite of his banana, and completely umprompted by us, she looked up at him and signed more. We both had the same reaction - oh my gosh, get the child a banana quick! We need to reward her for asking for it! After a few days, she's gotten a little confused and now signs more quite often. I think for Campbell, it means "give me some food." We've noticed she does it when she's hungry or frustrated. So cool to watch her try to communicate with us! She definitely uses it appropriately as well, and will ask for more when she's in her high chair and runs out of food. The people keeping the nursery at church got a laugh out of her frantically signing more when her Cheerios were all gone. That's my girl!! I'm trying to use 'more' when we're singing a song or playing a little game that she likes. Like, do you want to sing some more? I think she's catching on that you can have 'more' of things other than just food!
Enjoy the pictures below that I've been able to catch in the last few weeks. I'll keep trying, but get used to seeing the back of her head until she is old enough to learn how to pose!!

She's learning to follow simple directions like, put your blocks in the box! She LOVES to drop them in and make a loud sound.

Campbell LOVES to wear Daddy's hats.
There's something about my little girl in her Daddy's hat that melts me everytime!

Background for this next pic: Lexi was in a "time out" on her doggie bed for following Campbell around and stealing her snack. So what does Campbell do? Plop right down on the doggie bed with Lexi to have her snack. Lexi was upset about being sent to her bed, so she didn't even try to eat a Cheerio from this point forward. Campbell was happy as could be sitting with her pal Lexi for snacktime.
Keep in mind, this is the child who is supposedly very allergic to dogs. Riiiiiiight...

Crazy Baby before bedtime!

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