This morning we had our ultrasound and it's definitely a GIRL!!!! At least that's what the ultrasound technician told me, so she better be right! Let's take a quick inventory here - me, Campbell, New Baby Girl, Lexi and Harley - all girls. Travis - he'll be the one and only male around here - surrounded by girls!!!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Surrounded by GIRLS!!!
Posted by The Justice Family at 5:16 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Pancakes-2, Campbell-0
If you've been around for a while, you know about Campbell's food allergies. You may even remember how on her first birthday, Travis and I took Campbell to IHOP for a special birthday treat of her first pancake and scrambled egg. Then you would of course remember how the poor birthday girl broke out in massive hives and we ended up racing to the doctor's office for bloodwork and massive doses of Benadryl to celebrate the big day!
Posted by The Justice Family at 6:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Goodbye Normie
Meet Norman. (This is a funny picture of him, exactly how I'd like to remember him). Tonight my family said goodbye to Norman, the dog we got when I was in high school. Of course my sister and I had to say our goodbyes from afar, in our hearts. My parents had to make the heartbreaking decision that it was Norman's time to go be in Doggie Heaven. Norman was sixteen years old with failing health and some major dementia. He's really gone downhill pretty fast, which I guess is a blessing since we know he wasn't suffering for long. We all talked about it and agreed with my parents that they would be honoring and respecting Norman by letting him go be at peace. My heart truly aches for my parents and what a hard day they've had. I also know tonight and the coming days will be tough as they see reminders of him all over their house and miss the sounds of doggie footsteps and a jingling collar.
Posted by The Justice Family at 4:22 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
One of my favorite things to do is to eavesdrop. On Travis and Campbell. Most nights, it's Travis' job to put Campbell to bed. If he is at work too late, or if she is pitching a Mommy-fit (which she does on rare occasions), I will. But otherwise, that is special time with Daddy and daughter. I am usually downstairs trying to find a place for all our dirty dinner dishes, or maybe in our room changing into comfy clothes. Either place, there is a monitor and I hear it all go down. And let me tell you, sweetest sound in the universe.
Posted by The Justice Family at 4:44 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Fifteen Months and Fifteen Weeks!!

Posted by The Justice Family at 11:14 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
A Big Whole Much Prayers for Nanny
My niece Taylor uses the cutest phrase, "a big whole much." It is obviously used to describe anything you want a lot of. That's why it's so appropriate here, because I really want a lot of prayers for Nanny. A big whole much, to be exact.
Posted by The Justice Family at 1:39 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Meeting Baby Leif
Last week, Campbell and I journeyed to Virginia to meet my nephew, Baby Leif. (I will explain below why all these pictures are in no order and not moved to the bottom like I usually do). I took Campbell to the pediatrician on Monday and got a pretty clean bill of health. She just had a minor cold and my sister and brother-in-law told me to 'bring it'! Tuesday we drove to Roanoke and spent the night with my parents, giving Campbell another day to shake the cold before meeting the baby. Wednesday we headed up to Northern Virginia. Somehow I survived all these roadtrips, each leg being about 3-4 hours, with Campbell by myself. She did amazing in the car and I was so proud of her.
Posted by The Justice Family at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 1, 2010
Justice, Party of...FOUR
It's time to make the official announcement! Sometime around September 5th, we will be growing from a party of three to a party of four! In case you didn't get that, yes, I am pregnant and we are expecting Baby #2. I will go ahead and answer the question that seems to be on most people's minds when we share the news. Yes, it was on purpose! Travis and I have always said we wanted our kids to be close together in age. There are many reasons for this. He grew up being only 15 months younger than his brother Alex. They were, and still are, the best of friends and I think he recognizes the special bond between siblings so close in age. Travis and I aren't old - but we aren't in our twenties anymore either. Considering we aren't sure how large of a family we want to have, we decided we wanted to go ahead and grow to a family of four and go from there! We were very blessed to find out on December 23rd that we were in fact expecting this New Baby!
Posted by The Justice Family at 4:56 AM 2 comments