Campbell was fifteen months old on Thursday! Yes, I'm getting pretty slack about posting her monthly updates. Can you tell I have my hands full with a very active toddler and another baby in the works?? (Can you also tell I'm still learning on my new Mac? Travis figured out how to drag and move pictures, but I can't get it to work and I'm tired of fooling with it. So enjoy the few pictures above, and a few more down below). :)
This month, Campbell has been brightening our days just being herself. A happy little girl who
loves to dance, run, giggle, clap, climb and play. She signs 'more' and 'please' very appropriately now. She is trying to say new words everyday. She still requires a translator, really only Travis and I understand most of them. But she's getting very good at imitating speech and each try is a little closer to the real word! I think she's going to be a talker like her Mama, watch out world! The newest thing this month is the climbing. One day I walked in the living room and found her sitting on the couch. Um, OK, didn't know you could get up there! I wouldn't mind, if she understood the concept of edges. She does not! So it's been a bit treacherous as she is constantly scaling the furniture and dangling from whatever she can swing her leg over! I really think she's going to be athletic! Campbell is crazy about throwing a ball, that is probably her favorite thing to do right now. She also likes to sit on the low window sill in our breakfast nook and look out the back window which is just too cute for words. She absolutely hates riding in a stroller these days. Running errands is becoming increasingly difficult for me as my little angel does NOT want to be strapped into anything, yet can't be trusted on her own because she runs around like a crazy person. We've got to work on this whole stroller thing before September rolls around!!!! Yesterday morning we took her to the indoor pool at the gym. It was her first water experience since last summer. She fussed a little here and there, but overall was the same little fishy from last summer. Travis put her face all the way underwater three different times! She didn't choke, didn't cry, and came up frantically signing 'more'!!! Apparently she loves the water just like her Daddy and I do.
Campbell gives hugs on command, and blows kisses too (sort of, she kind of sucks on her palm but never lets go of the kiss). She is sweet and funny and even a little devious at times. It's really fun to watch her explore and climb and get into things, we just hope it doesn't land us in the emergency room anytime soon!! :) (I just knocked on wood).
Now onto the fifteen weeks part, happy fifteen weeks to New Baby! :) I am now fifteen weeks pregnant and cruising along happily in my second trimester. I hate to say it outloud (knocking on wood again), but I think the morning sickness is finally gone. The last couple weeks have been significantly easier on me. I still feel a little run down at times. But hey, why should I blame that on the New Baby? It's Campbell who makes me run around all the time! The New Baby is about the size of an apple now. I appear to be about six months pregnant, no lie. Just like last time, my stomach popped out into a baby bump pretty much the day we got two lines on the stick. Now that I'm feeling better, I'm enjoying being pregnant again and ready to start planning! I MIGHT have felt a few tiny baby kicks last night, and I'm so very anxious to feel the baby again. I adore that part of being pregnant. My latest obsession is bedding. The nursery willremain the nursery, and just be modified if we are having a boy. Campbell will move down the hall to a big girl room, so that is what I spend my time googling. I'm craving a ton of fresh fruit, which is great, but quite random for me. I was mildly allergic to fresh fruit most of my life, so have never really eaten a lot of it. Now I want to dive headfirst into a huge fruit salad. I also crave salads and other fresh, cold things. I having a child who likes to eat healthy?? Whose baby is this, anyway??? That is not to say I don't have a Bojangle's chicken biscuit every now and then, and a little ice cream to wash down all that fruit... All is well and if I ever feel cute enough, I'll make Travis take a picture of me so I can show off the new bump. Two weeks from today we have our Level II ultrasound to determine whether we are having a girl or a boy! Can't wait!!
Enjoy just a few more pictures of Campbell from the recent weeks.
Happy Fifteen Months, Campbell!!

yay sara! i love hearing how everything is going. so glad you are feeling better mama!! less than 14 days left for me!!
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