Baby J and I are recovered from the stomach bug and now fighting a little sore throat. We've had lots of quality time on the couch this week. I'm such a pansy...I'm fine, just trying to take it easy and make sure I don't get any sicker! (Is sicker a word?) This post will have a ton of pictures for your viewing pleasure. These are just a few of my favorites from the shower that my Mom took, as well as the long-awaited pictures of Baby J's nursery. Travis and I are just so thankful to have such caring friends and family to shower us with great baby gear and love. :) We also loooooooove the nursery and can't wait for Baby J's arrival to show her the room we put so much time and energy into decorating for her!! Enjoy!
Baby J and I enjoying a small (ha!) plate of food with Kim, my best friend and one of the hostesses. This is Kim's beautiful house. Seriously Kim, Pottery Barn called, it wants its stuff back. Your house totally rocks.
Nanny, Me and Vicki (Travis' Grandma and Mom)
Holly, Gina, Leah and Melanie (my other incredible hostess!). Notice that spread of food - complete with a football arrangement in honor of Travis. :)
My nieces helped me open the gifts.
Taylor, Emerson and Peyton are buddies. They had the best table in the house!
Adorable diaper cake from Kim. The little take-out boxes are the Baby J M&M's I had mentioned before.
Lil T was worn out after the shower. She settled into my favorite spot on the couch for a little Backyardigans.

Mom, Me and Jen

Future Home of Baby J - these pics should be self-explanatory. A few more details will finish it off, but it's basically ready for action!

oh my gosh sara, i love the pictures from the shower, you are too cute!! the nursery is adorable!!
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