We are happy to report that we had a fabulous Thanksgiving in Roanoke and have safely returned to Charlotte...still pregnant!! I can admit now that it's over that I was REALLY nervous about it. Just didn't like the idea of being in a city away from my doctor and our house and our responsbilities at home (Harley and Lexi) with the possibility of going into labor. I just wanted to have Thanksgiving with my family and enjoy it - and that's exactly what I did. Shew!! Now that we're back, I feel terribly relaxed. We've got a little over a month to just lay back and enjoy the ride and wait for the big day!
As usual, we spent most of our time laughing at Taylor and watching her run around in a diaper chasing the dogs. Now that Lexi has proven herself as an Angel Dog, we felt comfortable taking her with us. My parents' dog, Norman, is about 14 years old and totally deaf. Norm is a super cool dog, but needless to say, at his age, he gets irritated pretty easily and doesn't like to be startled by little kids or little doggies! Other than one or two minor altercations when Lexi and Norman got reacquainted, the weekend was flawless. Lexi was so well-behaved for Thanksgiving, even in a new house with 17 adults, 2 babies, and a cranky dog. The best part about watching Taylor play with Lexi is that her "L's" are still a work in progress. (It won't take long, trust me, my sister is a speech therapist). Anyway, that means Lexi becomes Sexy. It is so hilarious to hear her running around the house, "Where are you, Sexy? Come here, Sexy!" Or when she asked by her Uncle Chris where she was going for Thanksgiving, she answered, "Aunt Sara, Sexy!!!" Thanks Taylor, I'm not feeling all that sexy these days, so I enjoyed that story, even if you were just referring to my dog. My family threw us a baby shower before turkey time, so we got even more adorable clothes and baby gear. The fun never ends!
To top off a great weekend, Virginia Tech won today, which means they will be playing in the ACC Championship. And it wasn't just any win either, they beat Virginia, which is where my sister went to school. Ah, sweet victory!
Travis and I both can't seem to get rid of this nasty cold. It's like we're better for a day, then sick again. Then sorta better, then a lot more sick. Luckily Baby J doesn't seem to be affected at all - that little baby is just as active as ever and is all over the place. In other exciting baby news, I look different now. Baby J has DROPPED! Don't worry, this is not some graphic description of a pregnancy thing. It just means that I'm not carrying her high anymore. There is a natural progression for babies to head South as you reach the end of your pregnancy - usually two to four weeks prior to delivery. On Wednesday, Travis and I both decided there is a drastic difference in where I am carrying her. That was confirmed when I thanked him for moving the steering column in my car. Finally, on Wednesday, I could climb into the driver's seat for the first time in months and drive comfortably without the steering wheel bumping into my belly. I was so glad Travis had moved the steering wheel higher for me. Here's the kicker - he didn't touch the steering wheel. So...that confirmed that Baby J has in fact decided that the time is quickly approaching for her big debut. Exciting!!!!!!! With this excitement comes my disappointment that I may have to retire my rings until after the birth. I have been adamant about wearing my wedding rings, and it's been getting a little scary to try and pry them off at night. So as of last night, I'm now ringless, which stinks. Rest assured, I am still happily married - just happily married with really fat fingers and a nice matching pair of cankles. I'm getting along OK, but let's just say, thank goodness the finale will be in the next month or so!
Here are are a few pictures of our weekend in Roanoke! 
Mom, Dad and Baby J at Thanksgiving
Taylor and her sexy pal, Lexi
so glad you had a great thanksgiving, i love your post title, hilarious!!
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