The real fun begins tomorrow. It's back to reality for Travis, he has to return to work after being off for three weeks. That means I get to discover what my new reality is - being home alone with a newborn. I'm sure in some ways Travis is looking forward to going back. It's hard to sit inside the house for days on end, especially when it's wintertime and gloomy out. I'm sure it'll be nice to put on real clothes and get back into a routine. But when I tell him this theory, he says yeah it probably will be nice...for a few hours. :) I'm nervous about him being gone during the day, but I have back-up this week! My mom is coming back tomorrow afternoon and staying for several days to help me in the transition. Thank goodness for that. I honestly think I could have it under control, but it will be much nicer to ease into it. Campbell and I will have a good 6 hours or so on our own tomorrow after Travis goes to work and before my mom gets here. So we'll see just how ready I am! I am definitely coming down with a case of cabin fever. Since the pediatrician gave us the green light, I intend to get out with her as much as possible. Granted we can't leave for more than a couple hours since she eats so often. And I am going to have to get creative since most 'getting out of the house' involves shopping. I need to find errands to run and things to do that don't involve a debit card!! On top of all that, I need to remember that I'm getting a fraction of the sleep that I used to. I push through it, but I'm pretty exhausted, and that's probably going to multiply when I am here on my own during the day. So...tonight we are going to eat the dinner that our friends Drew and Holly brought us last night. I just finished undecorating the tree and Travis is going to take it down after dinner. Then we'll try to relax and hit the bed early so we can each be ready for a large dose of reality first thing in the morning. Wish us both luck!!
Yesterday we took Campbell for her first portraits! Of course I made the appointment for 9:30 a.m. Stupid!! When my alarm went off at 8:30, all three of us were sleeping soundly after a long night. It seemed so cruel to have to get up - but I'm glad we did. They got some adorable pictures of Campbell. She was awake the whole time and didn't cry at all! I was a little nervous about having her at the studio with a gazillion kids running around because kids are so germy. And also nervous about sitting Campbell on their blankets and their backdrops. I am FAR from a germophobe (come to my house, you'll see I'm not neurotic at all about cleaning)...but the hospital and the pediatricians have a nice way of scaring you to death about exposing them to sickness at this young age. We did our best and she's fine and we got super cute pictures to show for it! A few of my favorites are below. We ordered a ton of these in black and white. These are the proofs before any cropping - so the pictures themselves may not be perfect. But of course I think the baby is. :) Oh and one more thing. When we hold Campbell up on our shoulder, she is able to lift her head and turn it from side to side. It's amazing how these tiny little feats are so entertaining to us!

Her photos are ADORABLE!!!!! Love the one of her holding your finger and the one of her in Travis' arms! So cute!!!
the pictures are perfect, i love the tutu, and naked with a diaper on, so sweet!
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