Campbell was 9 months old yesterday!!!

I got the pictures taken on time, but didn't get a chance to write this post yesterday. It was a busy day! We started out with her 9 month doctor's appointment. There we got the same news as usual - that she is perfect!! Well, duh, we already knew that. Apparently all this standing up is helping her figure because she is holding steady at 22 pounds. This is only the 89th percentile! Notice I said ONLY the 89th. I guess that's kind of funny. We are used to being over 95! However, Campbell is over the 98th percentile in height! She is a whopping 30 inches tall. Wow! She sure didn't get that from the Reid side of the family. Red hair, tall...whose baby is this, anyway?? Travis has an uncle with red hair that is 6'6" tall, so I guess she's a Justice baby through and through! She got a vaccination which was the start of her demise. Then we had to take our pitiful, freshly-vaccinated baby to the lab for bloodwork. Yes, bloodwork on a 9 month old. :( We are ready to get some answers about Campbell's food allergies, so they are going to do bloodwork for an allergy screen. I waited in the lobby for twenty minutes while poor Travis and a nurse held Campbell down. I could hear her screaming the entire time. After all that trauma, they weren't able to find a vein. So guess what? Campbell and I have to go back Monday morning and try again...without Travis. I'm not going to lie, I cried on the way home. I knew it didn't hurt her, I just hated that she was so scared and I'm totally dreading going back. We need answers about these allergies so we can keep her safe, so I'll get through it! While I heard her screaming, I had flashbacks of when she was in the hospital as a newborn and her IV got stuck in her leg. YOUCH! So anyway, that made me sad. But we're all fine now. :)
Then yesterday afternoon my sweet husband took Campbell and sent me to the spa for a manicure, pedicure and haircut. It was fabulous. I really do hate that word, but it seems to be the only one that is adequate for my afternoon of pampering.
So...there are my excuses for the late post. On to more important things. I stand corrected...
I know you may be laughing now. In my last post, I went on and on about how convinced I was that she'd never crawl. Ha! So much for a mother's intuition! On Thursday morning, she and I were sitting in her playroom, and she just crawled past me to get a toy. As you can imagine, I flipped out. Did that really just happen? So I grabbed the same toy and moved it to the other side of the room, and off she went! Once she repeated this about 7 or 8 times, I realized it wasn't a fluke, she was truly crawling! I got out the video camera and held back a few tears as I watched my baby girl growing up right before my eyes! Life is going to change big time around here now that she's mobile! We've got to babyproof this And she's showing quite an interest in our big screen TV and all the electronics in the entertainment center. Great... We are so proud of her and I'm so glad I was wrong. I love the fact that she can move to get her toys and explore the world without my assistance. Sure, it'll be a lot more work for us, but it's going to be really fun too.
That's obviously the biggest news from this month. She also pulls up to standing on EVERYTHING now. She then lets go with both hands and balances for 10 or 15 seconds before falling on her behind. She eats all big girl food - no baby food at all anymore! She will not be winning any awards for being a good napper. And lately, she won't be winning any awards for being a good sleeper at night either. But she's getting two more teeth right now, numbers 7 and 8, which might have something to do with that. We're dealing with a little bit of mommy-attachment sometimes at bedtime but hopefully that's just a short phase. She laughs outloud when her favorite baby shows come on TV. In fact, she is trying to watch TV around me in a lot of her 9 month pictures below. You'll be able to tell when I'm standing in her way. Her personality has really blossomed this month and she is one funny baby!
We love her as high as the sky and as deep as the ocean. Nine Enjoy!!
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