Campbell and I survived our first 'girls only' roadtrip! She did really well in the car. No one else was surprised by this. For some reason I was. I was convicned that she'd be crying the whole way. Not sure why, she's typically such a good baby, but I just thought for sure that would come to an end when I was on my own. To my delight, I was wrong!! On the way there, she slept for 2/3 of the drive and sat quietly for the last hour. On the way back home, she slept the entire way! I was very thankful for uneventful roadtrips.
We had a great time in Virginia. Friday night we went to dinner at my parents' club so they could parade around the baby. :) Campbell was a trooper, stayed up late, and was still charming to all of their friends. Granddaddy was especially excited to show off her Virginia Tech shoes. Saturday morning we went tailgating with Grandma Betty. OK, not really tailgating. But seriously, how cute is this? Grandma just moved into a new apartment at a retirement community. (I guess that's what you call it?) They were having a tailgate party - yummy finger foods, decorated with a ton of Tech, UVA and Tennessee gear, and they even served beer! Grandma's new place is REALLY nice and I was so happy to spend some time with her. I approve of the new pad! Grandma proudly introduced Campbell and I to everyone. My mom and dad were there too, so between us girls, we had four generations which was pretty special (picture to follow!) After tailgating, we hung out for a while, then headed back to my parents' house to settle in for the Tech/Miami game. Go Hokies! What a great win on a nasty, rainy day.
Also on Saturday, Campbell must have come down with a little virus or something. I won't go into details and embarrass her...let's just say I had to run to CVS twice during the Tech game to buy Pedialyte and more diapers. Does that tell you enough? :( It has been awful, part of the reason I've been late posting about my weekend. Poor Campbell has had this tummy bug since Saturday!! It's now TUESDAY! That's a lot of really dirty diapers, people. She seems to be on the mend today...finally...but has also gotten pretty cranky and fussy. I don't know if her tummy hurts, or if she's just taking advantage of the extra attention. We were just about to get the hang of letting her cry it out when she woke up in the middle of the night - and then this virus happened. One night we found a not-so-pleasant surprise in the we have not been letting her cry it out for the last few nights. Therefore, Campbell is loving the cuddle time in the middle of the night - and Travis and I are very sleepy! We are very anxious to get her back on track, feeling well, and of course reminding her that we sleep until 7:30 in the morning. :)
On another note...yesterday we got to see some our family pictures on the blog of our photographer. OH...MY...GOD. Best. Pictures. Ever. I don't have the cd of pictures yet, so I can't post them here today. But I will say that those pictures absolutely made my week. They totally exceeded my expectations and I know we are going to cherish them forever. This is such a fun time in our lives and it's so cool to see it captured in amazing pictures. Aaaaahhh, I'm smiling just thinking about these pictures. I will post here as soon as I get them!!
There is a random tidbit I want to share. A cute new habit that I've noticed around here. Campbell used to beam ear to ear when Travis walked in from work. She still does. But now, while grinning, she stops whatever she's doing and crawls over to him and reaches up. I love to watch this scenario go down. I have to wait in line to get my hello hug and kiss now - but it's worth it to watch my little girl in her daddy's arms.
And lastly, Travis had an awesome weekend at a cabin in South Carolina with his best guy friends. They did manly stuff like fish, go target shooting, and play poker. He really enjoyed his time and Lexi enjoyed crashing the boys weekend and running around in the wilderness. Of course I have no pictures to share from his weekend since I had the camera...and because I'm not sure if guys really do the whole "picture thing" please enjoy a couple from my girls weekend in Roanoke!
Four Generations!! I love this picture!!!!
Checking out Grandma Betty's new place. It looks good to me!
Brown Bear with my GrandDeb - it doesn't get much better than this! Mom brought my special baby fence from home for me to play in. Keeps me from bonking my head on sharp tables and helps me resist pulling Norman's ears and tail. ;)
sounds like a fabulous trip, the picture with the four generations is so great! your mom still looks adorable;) i hope campbell is feeling better soon!
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