Monday, October 12, 2009

31 Flavors, Where Should We Start??

Campbell and I need to make a trip to Baskin Robbins and work our way through all 31 flavors because...apparently she is not allergic to dairy!! HALLELUJAH! Thursday afternoon, we got the call from the allergist that her allergy tests for dairy, peaches and wheat were all negative! (We suspected dairy and peach, and wanted to test for wheat because of a few whacky incidents). Woohoo!!! We took her to the allergist on Tuesday of last week and were totally relieved when the doctor said he could perform a very accurate test by pricking her finger rather than doing the scratch test on her back. I was so excited at the news of her results, and then totally baffled and a little frustrated. The call from the nurse went something like this:

Nurse: I'm calling with the results for Campbell Justice's allergy testing. Are you his mother?
Me: Her. Her mother. Yes, I am.
Nurse: OK. His results are as follows. He is not allergic to dairy, peach, or wheat.
Me: That's wonderful news!
Nurse: Please avoid giving any foods that make him splotchy on his face, and if you find specific foods create a reaction, come back in six months for more testing.
Me: OK. We have not given HER dairy for four months because it made HER splotchy. I assume now that you're telling me SHE is not allergic to dairy, we can reintroduce it into HER diet in small amounts and see how SHE does?
Nurse: I wouldn't. I'd just avoid it.
Me: OK, but if she's not allergic to it, why should she not have dairy in her diet?

We went back and forth for a few minutes, with the nurse continually repeating her script, not answering my questions, and not making any sense. Sidenote - would you name a boy Campbell?? Anyway...I got frustrated and said thank you for your time and goodbye, and I've left a message for the doctor this morning. I look at it like this - I was allergic to cats, I got Harley, had a couple of sneezy weeks...and now I'm not allergic to cats anymore! Campbell obviously has some sort of sensitivity to dairy. It was very obvious before that the splotches and rash came immediately after dairy exposure. We are not crazy, and our doctors agreed that something was going on. However, if an allergist can now tell me from bloodwork she has no allergy so I don't have to worry about a little rash, my instinct would be to slowly introduce her to dairy. If the rash is not an indication of any serious reaction to come, I don't see why we'd continue to avoid dairy! Come on, Campbell, let's go get a waffle cone!!!!!

OK...maybe not a waffle cone just yet. But I sure would love to give her a bite of cheese or yogurt. Meal planning over the past few months has been a little challenging to avoid dairy! Thank goodness my girl loves her veggies! I look forward to speaking to a different nurse today, or maybe even the doctor, and getting a more clear response on our plan of action.

Travis and I, while a little confused, are totally relieved. It's still strange that she has no allergy when we know she's had reactions. But hopefully the mild reactions she's had will continue to be manageable and even go away! And when her first birthday rolls around in TWO SHORT MONTHS, I won't have to make a vegan cake for her!!!!!

Speaking of her upcoming birthday...Campbell turned ten months old yesterday!!!! We were in Wallace, North Carolina this weekend for Shannon and Scott's wedding. We left at 5 a.m. yesterday to drive home so Travis could get back in time to work at the Panthers game. Talk about exhausted!! Needless to say, Mommy didn't have the energy to stage a photo shoot yesterday after all that traveling, partying, and bridesmaid duties over the weekend! Nor do I have a clue which suitcase contains the camera. Today I will send out a search party for the camera and get some great pictures of this little munchkin who is growing and changing like crazy!! And either later today or later this week, I'll share stories and pictures from my dear friend Shannon's wedding!

Off to make grilled cheese sandwiches with a side of yogurt followed by an ice cream sundae for Campbell. Or........probably just wait by the phone to hear back from the allergist. :)