I was a blogging fool last week. And in all my blogging, I never got around to telling the stories from our weekend in Wallace, North Carolina! So here goes...
Shannon and Scott got married last weekend in Wallace, which is a teeny tiny town about 40 miles outside of Wilmington. Just in case you are unfamiliar with NC geography...that's East. And I'm not joking about teeny tiny. We really didn't see much other than the gorgeous golf course community where the wedding was held, but cell phones didn't even work here. It was SMALL! :) Shannon is a sorority sister of mine from college. We have remained close despite living in different cities, and I was one of TEN bridesmaids! I'm telling you, this girl has so many friends it's ridiculous!
In order to make the weekend work, we invited Travis' parents to join us. They graciously accompanied us to Wallace. Which means they first drove from Marion to Charlotte on Thursday night and spent the night with us. Then, they went with us to Wallace, leaving at 6 a.m. on Friday morning so I could be there in time for a luncheon. Travis had to be back Sunday morning for a Panthers game...so they got up and left with us at 5 a.m. on Sunday morning. And Butch drove so we could sleep!!! And then they unpacked the car for me...and even offered to watch Campbell while I took a nap! I'm getting off track. But I just wanted to set the scene and show how much traveling they did for us, and what a tremendous blessing it was to have them come along. Campbell was thrilled to get so much quality time with her grandparents, too!
We took Campbell to the rehearsal dinner on Friday night. On the way to the dinner, Travis said that she said "Daddy" in the car multiple times, and said it TO him, as opposed to the da da da da babbling she's been doing for a while now. I wasn't there to witness it, but our friend Bill was present and swears it happened. So that made Travis' night! (I've since heard her do it. And as a sidenote, she's definitely called me "Mama" too in the last week. So exciting!) After the rehearsal dinner we put her to bed in our hotel room, Travis' parents sat with her while she slept, and we went next door to the karaoke bar where all my friends were. Shannon and Scott make a great couple. One reason is because they are both CRAZY! Case in point, they sang karaoke Hold On by Wilson Phillips together. Not too crazy right? Well...Scott was singing lead...in a perfect falcetto voice, and Shannon sang back-up. It was absolutely hilarious. And just thinking about that night puts that great song back in my head, hence the title. Thanks, Scott!
The wedding was beautiful. I won't go on and on about details other than to say that Shannon definitely looked like a princess. She put a lot of thought and love into the gifts she got all of us bridesmaids and we were all really touched. The morning of the wedding, I drew the short straw and was assigned the 8 a.m. hair appointment. I was not thrilled about having my hair done that early before a 5 p.m. wedding. Nor was I crazy about getting up and showering at 6:30 a.m. and leaving Campbell and Travis for the entire day! But I did...only to find out that the hair stylist overslept and was running THREE hours late! She started my hair, the first appointment, at about 10:30. Needless to say, that was pretty stressful for all ten of us bridesmaids and of course the bride! But she did a great job, even though she was late. It's not often that I like my "wedding hairstyles", and I did, so I forgave her. :) I had a blast with my girlfriends and Travis and I enjoyed a night out without the baby. (Can I still call her a baby, please?? She's just getting so big and grown up...but she's still my baby).
Here are a few pictures from the wedding! And by the way, every time I step outside in this unseasonably cold October weather, I think of Shannon and Scott laying poolside in Antigua right now and I get terribly jealous... Congratulations, my friends! We are really happy for them, and kind of sad that all my friends are married now. What excuse are we all going to have to get together next year??
Pig Pickin' Rehearsal Dinner...it was SO HOT outside that night!

Mr. and Mrs. May!!!

Mr. and Mrs. May!!!
Mr. and Mrs. Justice!!!
My girls Michele and Gina
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