It's official...the new blog is up and running. From now on, please follow our family at All old posts will remain on this site - there is a link on the new blog which will bring you back here if you like. See you there!!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
So I've been missing in action for about a week and a half! What's my excuse this time? Well, let's see...first Campbell was a little sick with a slight fever. Then I started feeling a cold come on, but thought maybe it was just allergies since everything is blanketed in bright yellow pollen. I ended up at the doctor last week to find out that I had a double ear infection! What in the world?? Am I two years old?? Luckily my ears only hurt for a day or so and the antibiotics seem to have helped knock that right out. But I have had a terrible time trying to kick this cold. I haven't been able to taste food, AT ALL, for a good week. That is sheer torture for a pregnant lady who derives such pleasure from a yummy meal! Seriously, I've been depressed about my lack of taste and I just keep eating, hoping that maybe all I need is a burger, a candy bar, some get my taste back. :) We also had a great Easter weekend despite the stuffy noses, and this week Travis has been off work for a few days. He's been working tirelessly in the backyard and it's really shaping up so hopefully we can use it this spring and summer.
Posted by The Justice Family at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
Surrounded by GIRLS!!!
This morning we had our ultrasound and it's definitely a GIRL!!!! At least that's what the ultrasound technician told me, so she better be right! Let's take a quick inventory here - me, Campbell, New Baby Girl, Lexi and Harley - all girls. Travis - he'll be the one and only male around here - surrounded by girls!!!
Posted by The Justice Family at 5:16 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Pancakes-2, Campbell-0
If you've been around for a while, you know about Campbell's food allergies. You may even remember how on her first birthday, Travis and I took Campbell to IHOP for a special birthday treat of her first pancake and scrambled egg. Then you would of course remember how the poor birthday girl broke out in massive hives and we ended up racing to the doctor's office for bloodwork and massive doses of Benadryl to celebrate the big day!
Posted by The Justice Family at 6:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Goodbye Normie
Meet Norman. (This is a funny picture of him, exactly how I'd like to remember him). Tonight my family said goodbye to Norman, the dog we got when I was in high school. Of course my sister and I had to say our goodbyes from afar, in our hearts. My parents had to make the heartbreaking decision that it was Norman's time to go be in Doggie Heaven. Norman was sixteen years old with failing health and some major dementia. He's really gone downhill pretty fast, which I guess is a blessing since we know he wasn't suffering for long. We all talked about it and agreed with my parents that they would be honoring and respecting Norman by letting him go be at peace. My heart truly aches for my parents and what a hard day they've had. I also know tonight and the coming days will be tough as they see reminders of him all over their house and miss the sounds of doggie footsteps and a jingling collar.
Posted by The Justice Family at 4:22 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
One of my favorite things to do is to eavesdrop. On Travis and Campbell. Most nights, it's Travis' job to put Campbell to bed. If he is at work too late, or if she is pitching a Mommy-fit (which she does on rare occasions), I will. But otherwise, that is special time with Daddy and daughter. I am usually downstairs trying to find a place for all our dirty dinner dishes, or maybe in our room changing into comfy clothes. Either place, there is a monitor and I hear it all go down. And let me tell you, sweetest sound in the universe.
Posted by The Justice Family at 4:44 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Fifteen Months and Fifteen Weeks!!

Posted by The Justice Family at 11:14 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
A Big Whole Much Prayers for Nanny
My niece Taylor uses the cutest phrase, "a big whole much." It is obviously used to describe anything you want a lot of. That's why it's so appropriate here, because I really want a lot of prayers for Nanny. A big whole much, to be exact.
Posted by The Justice Family at 1:39 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Meeting Baby Leif
Last week, Campbell and I journeyed to Virginia to meet my nephew, Baby Leif. (I will explain below why all these pictures are in no order and not moved to the bottom like I usually do). I took Campbell to the pediatrician on Monday and got a pretty clean bill of health. She just had a minor cold and my sister and brother-in-law told me to 'bring it'! Tuesday we drove to Roanoke and spent the night with my parents, giving Campbell another day to shake the cold before meeting the baby. Wednesday we headed up to Northern Virginia. Somehow I survived all these roadtrips, each leg being about 3-4 hours, with Campbell by myself. She did amazing in the car and I was so proud of her.
Posted by The Justice Family at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 1, 2010
Justice, Party of...FOUR
It's time to make the official announcement! Sometime around September 5th, we will be growing from a party of three to a party of four! In case you didn't get that, yes, I am pregnant and we are expecting Baby #2. I will go ahead and answer the question that seems to be on most people's minds when we share the news. Yes, it was on purpose! Travis and I have always said we wanted our kids to be close together in age. There are many reasons for this. He grew up being only 15 months younger than his brother Alex. They were, and still are, the best of friends and I think he recognizes the special bond between siblings so close in age. Travis and I aren't old - but we aren't in our twenties anymore either. Considering we aren't sure how large of a family we want to have, we decided we wanted to go ahead and grow to a family of four and go from there! We were very blessed to find out on December 23rd that we were in fact expecting this New Baby!
Posted by The Justice Family at 4:56 AM 2 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Last night, Travis and I did something we never do! We went out without Campbell! The night was made possible by Travis' parents. We took Campbell to Marion to spend the night with her Gangy, PawPaw Butch and Nanny for the first time. Then we headed uptown for a night out with friends to celebrate Holly's 30th birthday! Campbell did amazingly well. She didn't even cry when we left - just a little whimper as we waved goodbye and that was it. They said she never fussed, didn't get into anything, and just played sweetly all evening. She went to bed right at her bedtime without a struggle, and they had to WAKE her up a little after 7. WHAT? Lately, we've been doing everything in our power to get her to stay in her bed past 6. I guess grandparents have the magic touch! We had a great time getting out, having a nice grown up dinner in a restaurant that likely doesn't even have high chairs. We left our table without a collage of green beans, bread and cheerios strewn about the floor below us. It was really, really nice. Then we stuck around for a while and hung out, but by 11:30 we were feeling our age and decided to call it a night. Coming home to a house without a baby was weird! Without the monitors on, our bedroom was completely silent. There was no need to go check on her in the night, and we woke up from the sunlight in our room, not her little cries! I must admit that I was awake at 6, laying in bed counting the minutes until we could go get her. I tried my best to take advantage of our ONE morning to sleep in, but I didn't do a very good job. I missed my little alarm clock! There's just something about waking up to that little voice saying "mama" that makes me not care that it's so early. Our reunion with her today was super sweet and she went nuts for Travis. I barely got any attention for the first five minutes because she had her face buried on his shoulder in a huge hug. I waited my turn and got plenty of snuggling in shortly thereafter. We took Nanny out to lunch for her birthday, and then headed home to enjoy a long walk outside on the first warm and sunny day we've had in ages! It was a great weekend, and a nice treat for all of us to switch it up and have a little freedom.
We weren't the only ones to experience freedom this weekend. This afternoon, I let Harley out of the garage for about a half hour and let her explore the backyard! She's been living in the garage for about a month now since we were having so many issues with her inside. She has seemed complete content out there which has definitely made it easier on me and my conscience. After she got used to living out there, I wanted to introduce her to the outdoors. She just turned 9 years old in January, and I adopted Harley when she was only 5 weeks old. She has lived strictly indoors that entire time, only setting foot outside the one or two times she escaped onto the back porch. She was definitely hesitant at first, not so sure about the grass. But she eventually got up the courage to walk the perimeter of our fence and check it all out. The fence runs along the ground and is six feet high, so it should, in theory, keep her in the backyard. After about 30 minutes, she was hanging out on the back porch by the back door which made me sad. So we took her back to the garage and fed her which always improves her mood. Eventually we hope to be able to open the window in the garage, and let that serve as her kitty door so she can come and go as she pleases. Also, she could escape to the garage when we let Lexi out back, and obviously Lexi can't jump in the window. I hope that Harley learns to like it outside, enjoys time to explore nature, and will enjoy some spring days with the sun beating on her back. I want the best for her. I know we made the right decision moving her to the garage because she was destroying our things and making it unsafe and unclean in our house. But that doesn't mean I don't love her and want to find a way for us all to live in harmony! I hope we are on the way to that solution.
The plan for tomorrow is for Campbell and I to head to Roanoke for a night before making the trek up to Northern Virginia to meet Baby Leif and spend some time with his family!! The only problem is Campbell doesn't seem to be 100% well. She's acting just fine, but has had some tummy issues for a few days now, flushed cheeks that won't go away, and now a bit of a runny nose. I'm going to take her to the pediatrician tomorrow and hope for a clean bill of health so we can go to Virginia as planned! I really don't want to postpone going to see my family any more, so let's hope all these little symptoms are nothing and the doc says she's free to go meet her new cousin!!! If so, we'll be up there all week and I'll try to capture a lot of our time on film so I can share it here when we return. Wish me luck in the car alone with Campbell for all those roadtrips!!
Posted by The Justice Family at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Campell is fourteen months old!! She has been since Friday, but Mommy is a little behind on this post. I always start these updates about Campbell with then intention of being brief, and then by the time I've written out all her new tricks, I am halfway through writing my first novel! I'll attempt once more to be brief, but you know me well enough by now to know that won't happen...
Chatty Chatterson...that's Campbell! She is talking up a storm. I wonder where she gets it from?? :) Only Travis and I really speak her language. She has words that she definitely uses in the right context and says them the same everytime. But it will take a while for the general public to understand these words. The current list includes Mama, Daddy (those two are spot on, said perfectly every time!), Baby, snack, turkey, chicken, cracker, juice, toast, bye bye, paci, moo, Nanny, Lexi, kit kat (for Harley), Elmo (pronounced Elbow), belly button, all done. She understands so much more than she says! I can tell her to go upstairs, and she runs to the foot of the stairs and waits at the gate. I can tell her to go look out the window and she runs to the front hall and pulls back the blinds to look for Daddy. She definitely knows what a diaper change is because now she runs like the wind in the opposite direction! In addition to speaking, she signs 'more' and 'please' like it's her job. The please one is new, and so adorable. You're supposed to rub your palm on your chest in a circle. Half the time, Campbell's 'please' is a very frantic belly rub. She is so polite, signing please ALL the time. Not quite sure she totally gets the concept, but she is catching on that in order to get us to do something for her, she needs to sign it first. Sometimes she uses more and please interchangeably, but I guess they are sort of similar concepts, one is just more demanding than the other.
Notice I just said she runs. Yes, she runs. Her fast walk has become a nicely paced jog. It still often ends in a crash and maybe a new bruise, but nothing slows her down! In the mornings, Campbell is stuck to her Daddy like white on rice. While he's getting ready for work, she won't leave his side. He is usually juggling Campbell while he tries to shave, brush his teeth, put on his tie. She knows that he's leaving I guess, and she won't even come to me. I have to pry her out of his arms so he can leave for work and she sadly waves to him as he goes down the sidewalk each morning. It is pretty cute, though.
Campbell is still a dancing fool, starting to bounce everytime she hears some music. Her favorite toys this month are probably her Baby and her ball. She carries her baby doll all over the place, puts her in the stroller, puts her in the chair and sits on top of her, and asks us to 'please' put her hat on Baby quite often. The ball is new and she LOVES playing ball with Daddy. Books are still of course a favorite and she's becoming a little more interested in slightly longer stories. We're still not ready for paragraphs yet, but she can sit still through a sentence or two per page and is completely engrossed in the story. Her other favorite pastime is playing with Lexi's dog bowls which I'm not a fan of. Luckily Lexi eats all her food at one sitting, so there is only some occasional water to splash in. We weren't so fortunate at a playgroup one Friday when we caught Campbell and her friend at the dog's bowls, with handfuls and cheekfuls of dog food. HAHAHA Oops. Bad Mommy. In addition to dog food...Campbell enjoys singing songs and playing games like pattycake and other little rhymes. This is starting to sound like a singles ad...long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, I should move on.
This month Campbell has been super busy with playgroups, storytimes, going to church on Thursdays and Sundays, and spending a LOT of rainy and snowy days trapped inside with me. Cabin fever has been in full effect around here for both of us! We did get to go to a nature museum with our playgroup, something I thought would be totally over her head. Not at all! Don't get me wrong, she wasn't studying the exhibits or anything, but had an absolute blast running around. The nature museum was totally geared towards little ones and she had tons of things to touch, water to splash in (the biggest hit of all), and things to climb on. Travis and I took her to the community arts center before Valentine's Day to make Valentines for the family. She was most interested in the water bucket used for clean up, but we managed to get some handprints made and glued them on hearts to send out.
And last but far from least, she got a new baby cousin this month who she'll get to meet next week when she and I go to Virginia to meet Baby Leif! It's been a fun, full month and she is still growing up at the speed of light.
Below are some favorites of the past couple of weeks, showing Campbell and all her favorite things. Somehow I caught her in a few posed pictures, a rarity these days! These first two are of her playing with her Valentine's card from her grandparents that makes jungle noises. She thought it was hysterical!!
Posted by The Justice Family at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Baby Leif
On Friday, February 5, 2010 at 2:09pm, my nephew Leif Egon Hansen III made his grand entrance into this world! My sister and brother-in law, Leif, have been through so much over the years when it comes to having babies. Now they are the proud parents of not one, but two, perfect little sweeties. Baby Leif, as we've been calling him, weighed a hefty 8 lbs 4 oz and was 21. 25 inches long. I think he knew he'd have to be big and tough to be able to keep up with his big sister, Taylor! My sister was a trooper throughout the whole process. She didn't have the easiest of pregnancies, not to mention all the drama associated with getting pregnant in the first place! Then when the time finally came for him to arrive, her first epidural didn't work. WHAT? Didn't work??? Are you kidding me??? That just seems so cruel! So poor thing had to have a second epidural!!! Luckily it worked and helped her out a little in the process. He was born during the biggest snowstorm in the history of Northern Virginia. They got about 33 inches of snow over the weekend! Their kind neighbors shoveled the driveway so they could bring him home Sunday night. There's nothing in the world like good neighbors, is there? He was greeted by my mom and his proud big sister who continues to proclaim just how happy she is. Adorable!! They are settling in and attempting to teach the little guy the difference between day and night. I think he's got a lot to learn still in that department, but he'll get there. They are still trying to decide if they will call him Leif (for those of you that don't know my family, that is pronounced like the word "life" - it's Danish) or some other nickname. The other one on the table right now is LT, short for Leif the Third. Call him whatever you want, I call him adorable, sweet, precious, perfect...and my nephew. And I love him! Counting the days until I get to go meet him in a couple of weeks. Welcome to the family, Baby Leif!!!!!!!!!
Posted by The Justice Family at 10:32 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 4, 2010
First, let me say that I hope you truly appreciate all the k's in this post. Why, you ask? I'm not sure who is responsible this time, Lexi or Campbell. But someone has taken the k off of my keyboard. It is currently resting on the spot where the k belongs, and if I very deliberately push on it, I can get it to work. Campbell has previously picked off the F8 and one of the shift keys. I don't even know what F8 does, so I haven't missed it. The shift is kinda like the k key at this point - it works if you really push it. I left my computer on the couch, I think out of Campbell's reach. I was dumb enough to leave it right where Lexi launches off when she's making a mad dash for the front of the house to scare off a UPS truck or school bus. I found j and k laying on the couch. J was an easy fix, k continues to be a work in process. So far it's working, I just hope you appreciate all the time and effort that has gone into each k in this paragraph!! As I typed this, Campbell approached and popped the b off with little effort. I think we have identified our culprit...
She's learning to follow simple directions like, put your blocks in the box! She LOVES to drop them in and make a loud sound.
There's something about my little girl in her Daddy's hat that melts me everytime!
Background for this next pic: Lexi was in a "time out" on her doggie bed for following Campbell around and stealing her snack. So what does Campbell do? Plop right down on the doggie bed with Lexi to have her snack. Lexi was upset about being sent to her bed, so she didn't even try to eat a Cheerio from this point forward. Campbell was happy as could be sitting with her pal Lexi for snacktime.
Keep in mind, this is the child who is supposedly very allergic to dogs. Riiiiiiight...
Crazy Baby before bedtime!
Posted by The Justice Family at 1:11 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Red 80, Red 80!
This post is dedicated to Travis. In fact, he begged me to write about this. So here's the story. Last Sunday, he was upstairs putting Campbell to bed and I was watching the ProBowl. I know that makes me sound like quite a cool chick. Truth is, it was 15 minutes before the Grammy's started and so I was just killing time. Anyway, I am watching this play when the AFC team is on offense. The AFC team is in red. Their quarterback, Matt Schaub, gets down and yells "Red 80, Red 80!" just before the ball is hiked. Then he drops back (did I say that right?) and throws a beautiful pass to the guy wearing #80 (in red of course) and they score! I'm've got to be kidding me. He called out the number of the guy he was going to throw it to? Shoot, I'd like to play defense against Matt Schaub. He went to UVA, my school's rival, so I figured he just wasn't that bright. ;)
Travis comes downstairs and I tell him what happened. I'm thinking, maybe because it's a ProBowl, they haven't really practiced much with their teammates or maybe they don't have a lot of fancy plays. But man, that seems pretty dumb to yell out the play for all to hear! Travis died - I mean he died. He thought that was the cutest statement I'd ever made. Can someone please back me up here?? I mean, he said Red 80!! And he threw it to Red 80! Was my observation really that airheaded? Apparently he yells Red 80 before every play, which I saw in the next series (just before I switched it over to the Grammy's). I thought I was just making a good observation. Travis thought it was the biggest "girl" football comment ever. He said he couldn't wait to wake up and go to work on Monday morning so he could tell his coworkers all about it. Well there you go honey, here is your funny story, forever to be remembered now that it rests on our family blog. :)
Posted by The Justice Family at 12:43 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Pause Button
Can someone please tell me where the pause button is? On our life right now. I just want to hit pause so I can really soak it in and make sure I enjoy every millisecond. I was just rocking Campbell in her chair for a few minutes before putting her to bed. Travis usually does this, but he had to work late tonight so we had a few quiet minutes to cuddle before bedtime. Lately she's so independent and such a "big girl" that it's quite nice when she's sleepy and wants to lay on me. I was just having a moment, thinking about this stage in her life, and in our lives.
What an amazing time for Campbell right now, and in turn for us. She is turning into a little person. Everyday I get a little more insight into her personality, who she is, what she likes, what makes her tick. It is truly fascinating to watch a person develop. She's learning so much, so fast. I feel like each day Travis comes home from work, I have an "oh yeah, you're never going to believe what she did today" story. And each day, he's so impressed because it's always something we had no idea she could do! These are just the little things I'm talking about. But my oh my, how sweet those little things are.
I have a collection of mental images in my head of the place where we are right now and of our little baby girl. I am trying to get those images burned in my head because they are so precious. Like when we strip her down for a bath, and send her down the hall in front of us to the bathtub. She is waddling down the hall with her bow-legged chubby little baby legs and a tiny baby hiney, just as happy as can be. And it never fails, she always pees on the bathroom floor when we start up the water. Ha! Or her new found love for dancing. She bounces when there is music on TV, when I sing, when we just tell her to dance. She's a dancing fool and takes so much delight in being able to move to the beat in her head (which is not always quite in synch with the beat of the music, but she's getting there!). Or how about how she moo's? All of a sudden I realized this noise she was making was her "moo." I'd been trying to teach her to moo like a cow. Everytime she sees a picture of a cow in a book or we say cow, she makes a noise much closer to that of an elephant. I love her moo, and I especially love how proud she is of herself when she sees a picture of a cow and makes the sound. The recognition in her eyes and the smile on her face is just plain adorable. And last, when we are coming home from being out and about, I'm holding Campbell while I unlock the front door. Every single time my key turns in the lock, she laughs like someone has just told her the funniest joke in the world. How great is it that coming home and the anticipation of opening our front door makes her so happy? I always end up laughing right along with her, it's contagious.
I guess my point is I want to pause and enjoy these tiny little parts of our big long lives so I don't ever forget them. I don't want to rewind, I don't want to fast forward, I just want to sit right where we are and enjoy the moment.
Posted by The Justice Family at 4:32 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Cookie Monster
So you think Campbell's our Cookie Monster? Wrong. Campbell is our Cracker Monster.
But the other day when she ate the cookies and the rice, I called the vet. They kind of freaked out. Not about the cookies, but about the rice! Apparently their concern was that the uncooked rice would expand in her stomach and potentially explode. Yikes. So they insisted I bring her in to induce vomiting. Not exactly how I planned to spend my morning!!! Lexi is fine. We are trying to be much more vigilant now about keeping food off the counter since she can obviously reach it.
In other pet news, we are sad to report that we've been having some major issues with Harley. We have been treating her for some urinary tract problems for well over a year. The medical issues will seem to be fixed, but yet she continues to pee outside her litter box. The vet says that now it's not even clear whether the problem is medical, behavioral, or a combination of the two. The problem is getting out of hand, and it's really affecting our quality of life. The "cat pee hit the fan" a couple of weeks ago when Harley peed on some of Campbell's things. It's not safe and it's not acceptable and we have been talking to our vet about what to do. Yesterday, we moved Harley outside to her new retirement condo - our garage. Our garage is detached and we weren't currently parking in it because we'd been working out in there. So we decided as a temporary solution, we'd see how she did outside. We have a nice radiator-style heater that has a thermostat, so we turned on the heat, put a radio out there for her, and took all her cushy beds, blankets and towels out to the garage. She did really well yesterday, and even stayed in the garage overnight. The vet suggested she may even like it out there better. She was obviously miserable in here and acting out, so maybe a change of scenery will be appreciated. We had planned to do the move gradually, but decided it might be even more traumatic for her to go back and forth. Eventually, if this garage thing seems to work, we plan to let her start exploring the backyard since it has a six foot high fence. We are at the end of our rope and just looking for ways to let Harles stay a part of our family without ruining our house and all our things! It was a sad day for me and I'm still not too happy about kicking her out. But I know it has to be done and I am looking forward to having a cleaner house and less worries. Wish us luck during Harley's transition time!!!!!
Posted by The Justice Family at 4:34 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tragedies and Miracles
I didn't fall off the face of the Earth. I know it's been a week, which is a little unusual for me. I didn't really have any details to bore anyone with. And then there's that old saying, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all! The weekend was kind of a bummer with bad news. First, there was a terrible tragedy at my parents' church. A wonderful family that I grew up with lost their 25 year old son. He was actually killed, and his roommate was charged with his death. To make matters even worse, both families are active members at the church. I know their church was totally rocked by this horrific event. The day I heard about it, I tossed and turned all night dreaming about it, and I'm pretty far removed. I can't imagine the impact this tragedy will have on those families and all those close to them.
Then we had a death in the family. My aunt's father passed away this weekend. This is my mom's brother's wife's dad - if you can follow that. I was also very sad for them and their loss.
And then to top all that off, the news is a collection of devastating pictures and stories of all the devastation in Haiti. All these terrible things happened in the world, and here I sat in my happy little home with my sweet, safe and healthy family. So...I just didn't have much to say! I guess instead of being silent, maybe I should vocalize my concern and prayers for all those people more directly affected by those events. I have been making a very conscious effort to lift them up in prayer and hope that someone, somewhere, felt it!
On an extremely happy note, yesterday brought good news to a close friend's family. My friend's sister became a mom yesterday! A long journey finally had a happy ending when her adopted son was born healthy. Wow! Talk about good news. I know the sister too - she did some sewing for us for Campbell's nursery, and I could not be happier for her and her family. Boy, did we ever need that good news!!
Don't get me wrong, we didn't just sit around the house and sulk all week. Campbell and I have been enjoying getting outside on the playground now that the weather has turned nice. We have been to storytime, playgroup, and my Thursday morning Oasis started back up again. So I guess we've actually been kind of busy! We're off to storytime again this morning because Campbell had so much fun last week. I mean, how could she not, they ended with bubble blowing - her favorite!!
Counting my own blessings and trying to remember everyone in need right now!
Posted by The Justice Family at 5:45 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
Thirteen Months Old!!
OK, I know I say this all the time. But I really mean it this time. I think Campbell has grown and changed more in this past month than she has during any other month of her lifetime! Sure, in other months she had huge milestones like rolling over, crawling, eating table food, walking, etc. There is no huge thing that Campbell mastered this month. There is just a laundry list of little things that have totally amazed us this month!
Campbell has been working hard on using a spoon. Sometimes, she is successful!
Other times...she just doesn't have time to bother with a spoon.
Still a bookworm! This month she has started "reading" a lot more on her own. Instead of insisting we read them to her, she spends a lot of time flipping through them by herself, staring intently at the pages. Or just chewing on the cover. ;)
The Hair. Aaaah. Sometimes it's wilder than others. Today she just had messy waves in the back. But right after a bath, she often has complete curls all over the back! She sports everything from a feathered look, to a Carol Brady-style flip out, to a wavy mullet, and occasionally the Mad Scientist. But regardless, we LOVE those wild, red locks!
Posted by The Justice Family at 4:58 PM 0 comments