Hot Dogs...
There is one funny story from Braxton's visit I hadn't shared. I made Braxton a hot dog and french fries for dinner on Saturday night. Remember we'd had the three-chicken-sandwich-incident at McDonald's the night before, so this story should not have surprised me. I got dinner all ready to eat, in front of the TV!!, and we called Braxton to his plate. He gets seated and says..."Ummmmm, where's the chili?" Travis nervously asked me, "Honey, do we have chili?" Of course we did not, and Travis knew where this was headed. The irritable pregnant lady inside of me came out with some quick response. Travis likes to think it was something like "eat the #@$! hot dog - NOW." hahaha It was a little softer than that, but I was pretty firm with him. I said something along the lines of "Well, there is no chili. Chili is just a topping. Sorry we don't have it, but you have two options. You can either eat the hot dog plain, or you can eat nothing for dinner. Your choice!" At which point, I sat down and started pleasantly eating my burger and fries. He ate the hot dog, but only one fry because "they didn't taste good." hahaha Don't misread this and think I'm knocking Braxton. He is SUCH a wonderful kid - he's just a chili-loving 9 year old boy - and he had no idea what he was up against!! Next time I will have chili. I guess Aunt Sara is tougher than she thought! Remember this story if we ever invite you to dinner at our house......... ;)
Modeling Dogs...
Onto another topic, it's official, I am the Crazy Dog Lady. I took my dog on a walk and took pictures of her posing in the neighborhood. Who would've thought it'd come to this? These pictures are actually a little training session - Lexi has to learn to "place" wherever we tell her to go. We are supposed to teach it by giving her the "place" command on weird places of differing heights and textures. You can see training is not too strenuous...she seems to be loving the fall day as much as I did! Enjoy Lexi's modeling portfolio!
Baby J has joined me in her thirties. I am now 30 weeks pregnant - just 10 more to go!
oh, she is sooo cute, and no chili for you! it sounds like a seinfield episode!
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