This week at the Justice household, we brought home two new sets of wheels! The first was for Daddy. After finding out that his bike was damaged beyond repair, he did some window-shopping and some research, and then decided on the bike for him.
Sorry for the bad picture, but he's at the stadium and I won't dare try and take it off the ceiling while he's gone. Don't be confused, that's not because it's heavy. This bike is seriously light as a feather! I just didn't want to deal with trying to take it down, and risk putting the first scratch on it. Travis rode in a 30 mile bike ride up in Davidson yesterday. He LOOOOOVES his new bike and I hope he finds a lot of opportunities to hop on it before winter arrives. I think it looks like torture. If you've never seen a serious roadbike, you may not be able to truly appreciate the strain these bikes put on your back side. Youch! I think back to my pink Schwinn with the banana seat and the basket. Now THAT was a comfy seat and a comfy bike. The seats on roadbikes are TINY and hard as a rock. Travis' new bike looks like a literal pain in the butt to me, but he somehow enjoys the torture. :) It was so nice to see how yesterday's ride made him feel so energized and good about himself. It's really cool to see someone you love in a happy place.
The second set of wheels is the one we are really pumped up about - the BOB Revolution!!!!!! Travis first heard about the BOB from a friend of his who is an avid runner. She suggested we go with the BOB for our jogging stroller. You may be reading and think, wow, I didn't realize Sara and Travis were runners! That's the irony - we're not!!! But having a jogging stroller is not only trendy, it's terribly convenient in a lot of settings. It's the stroller we will walk with in the neighborhood, and it'll go out with us a lot. The handlebar is higher and it's designed so you don't kick the stroller everytime you walk - will suit Travis' build a lot better and he'll be more comfortable pushing it. It is large, but man, does it ever turn well. It corners like it's on rails!!! (If you missed the Pretty Woman reference, shame on you, go turn on TBS and wait for it to come on). The icing on the cake was the ease with which this thing folds up. You pull this little lever and all of a sudden - bam - the stroller is completely folded up, compact and easy to stow away. Travis was sold at that moment - my man loves a nifty gadget! This past Thursday at my church group, a friend brought me a coupon to the outdoor store that sells the BOB's. 20% off! That is a big deal for a stroller that is this pricey. So yesterday we went to the store, and brought BOB home. Lexi and Harles are doing well with BOB. I've been pushing it through the house and making Lexi walk next to me in a 'heel' so she isn't scared of it. OK, let's be honest here, I've been pushing it through the house because I have a new stroller - period!!!!!! It's like revisiting my childhood! If only I had a doll to put in it... On a more sentimental note, it is truly exciting for me to have this stroller. Everytime we do one more thing in preparation for Baby J, it gets more real and I anticipate her birth even more. I start to picture her in there and I giggle with delight. I also enjoyed watching Travis whiz around the store with the stroller - he's a natural. 
YEAH for the BOB! we'll have to BOB around the neighborhood together...with our scared dogs :)
I love your blog Sara!! I love the jogging stroller, I have adored my jogging stroller as well. It is do durable, they are great to push on the beach too!
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