Campbell is five months old today! Unbelievable. Where has the time gone?? I'd like to update her list of tricks. Last month, Campbell learned how to roll over from her stomach to her back. She did it a bunch of times in the first two weeks, then she quit. Since then, she's probably only done it once or twice! I guess she's decided it's not that fun, or it's too much work. Last week she rolled from back to front which I have heard is much harder for babies. I don't think it was on purpose, and it took her a good 3-4 minutes to get all the way over and situated, but she did it! She now has two teeth that are racing to grow all the way in. I tried to get a picture of them but that's pretty much an impossible feat. Campbell has now been to the park twice for playdates. She loves watching the other kids play. She has riden through Target and the grocery store in the baby carrier facing forward rather than in her infant seat. Makes it easier on Mommy to shop because there's more room in the cart. Plus we get lots of attention because she's so darn cute in that thing! She eats a whole cup of rice cereal every morning, and is even big enough to do so in a booster seat with a tray rather than reclined in her bouncy seat. She isn't able to really sit on her own yet, but with barely any support can hold her body and head upright really well. I don't think it'll be long before she's sitting on her own. She loves to bounce on our knees while we sing silly songs. She cracks up and "sings" along. She usually has a finger, two fingers, or a whole fist in her mouth. She can easily grasp small toys now and they also head straight for her mouth. She doesn't like to sit, rather she usually stands on our legs. She is very strong! She's riding in the jogging stroller without the infant seat and seems to enjoy facing forward and seeing the world before her. She sleeps through the night and naps really well in her crib now. She goes to the nursery at church and does really well in there too. They always tell us what a happy baby she is when we pick her up - big surprise there!?!? She has never cried in the bathtub but always had kind of a deer in headlights look. Now, she's starting to enjoy it and will smile. She doesn't mind water poured over her head or down her face which is great since Travis and I hope she loves the water as much as we do! She actually plays in her Exersaucer now rather than just sitting there. She can spin around in it (slowly) and is able to push the buttons to make the sounds. While laying on her tummy, her little legs are usually kicking back and forth in a crawling motion. Maybe that won't be too long either - yikes! Although, she is still not a fan of being on her tummy for long periods of time. I know she looks really bald in her pictures but her hair is filling in. It looks to be a light brown with some red tint on the top. Mommy can't wait for the day when she's ready for a hairbow!!! But we've still got quite a while for that... She coos and squeals and laughs and smiles most of the time she is awake. We love her so much. I keep thinking it can't get any better and each day is better than the last. Happy Five Months, Campbell!
Today's photo shoot included a big spit up right in the middle. And then she took a dive to the side and laid on her belly instead. It's a little harder to photograph a baby in motion! 
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