We spent Mother's Day weekend in Roanoke with my family. My sister and her family came down too. My Mom was on a Grandma high all weekend she said, having her two daughters at home, with their two daughters and our wonderful husbands. We had a blast. Campbell kept the family cracking up with those big grins. No one can get over just how happy our little baby is! She seriously cannot quit smiling. It's so fun to have a baby that is just happy pretty much all the time. Her cousin Taylor LOVED her. Oh my gosh, cutest thing ever. We all wondered if she'd be interested in the baby, gentle with her, etc. Taylor was so sweet and sooooooooo obsessed with Baby Campbell. She wanted to be with her the whole weekend. She was just so excited about Baby Campbell that all she could ever say was, "There's Baby Campbell! Hi Baby Campbell!" Over and over again. And she'd say it in this high-pitched, sweet voice and she'd start giggling while she said it. She was so gentle and so loving - wanted to kiss her, rub her head and help Aunt Sara. It was so fun to watch them together. They are going to have so much fun together through the years, I just know it.
Travis and my brother-in-law got to play golf with my Dad on Saturday. Travis shot the best round of his life, so he was happy about that. The weather held out so we were glad that got to do a fun boys only activity. Us girls went to the Transportation Museum. Roanoke was built around the railroad, and my mom's family is a railroad family. So it was fun to take the girls there and let them see the big trains. My Grandma came over for dinner on Saturday night. Taylor performed her dances to all of her favorite Wiggles songs. Campbell slept like a champ in a pack-n-play with a LOT of background noise from her dear cousin. :) Didn't seem to bother her at all which was nice. Then we all went to church for Mother's Day. Campbell got passed down both pews that my whole family took up. She didn't mind a bit and just smiled through the whole service without really making a peep. What a good baby!!! She slept the entire ride home to North Carolina yesterday too which was quite nice.
My sweet husband and daughter got me the most special Mother's Day gift. First I got cards from all my babies (Harley, Lexi and Campbell) and one from Travis. I was impressed with that - I always tease Travis for not being really into the whole card thing, so I thought that was it. Wrong. He brings out a small box. Inside was a beautiful bracelet with blue topaz stones in it, which is Campbell's birthstone. I'm getting choked up just typing it! What a thoughtful gift and it is so special to me. I don't know how I found this guy or what I did to deserve him, but I sure am blessed in the Husband Department. He is so good to me. He and Campbell did a great job of making me so happy on my first Mother's Day! And my bracelet is gorgeous. Wow! And here I was impressed with just the cards!
To top it all off, I had a snake-free weekend which was definitely what I needed. :) Campbell turns 5 months old today (WOW) so I'll do another post later today or tomorrow with her pictures and an update on all her "tricks." For now, enjoy these pictures from our weekend in Roanoke! 
Me and my baby with my Mommy! Happy Mother's Day to us!
Cousin Taylor - in one of the rare moments of the weekend that she wasn't sitting with Baby Campbell.
"There's Baby Campbell! Hi Baby Campbell! What's Baby Campbell dooo-ning? I love Baby Campbell."
Campbell and Aunt Jen hanging on the porch before church. We had to keep an eye on Aunt Jen - she kept saying she wanted to squeeze Baby Campbell and could just eat her up. No squeezing or eating my baby! :)
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