I'm back to my happy self again (after going out and buying Campbell several new PINK outfits, no lie). It's early Sunday morning and I'm up, waiting for Campbell to get up! Travis is competing in another triathlon this morning. In about an hour he'll take off to swim a half mile, bike 14 miles, and then run a 5K. Each of those events individually sounds so difficult to me, I can't even fathom doing all three in a row! He's excited and ready to go and we hope he does well and is pleased with himself. Once again we're sad to not be there - but this race is four hours away so it just didn't work out. :( Next race is here in town, so Campbell and I will be at the finish line cheering her Daddy on! Good luck today Travis, we're so proud of you!!!
At about 5 a.m. today, Campbell woke me up on the monitor squealing and making all sorts of noise. Lucky for her, she fell back asleep. I wasn't so lucky! It really is hard to get irritated though. She will be laying in her crib laughing and squealing, completely entertained to just kick her little legs and make funny noises. It's adorable to hear on the monitor.
This past week Campbell went to the park for the first time. She was long overdue for a nap by the time we got there, but was mesmerized by all the sights and sounds. She fought a nap for a good 45 minutes before giving in, watching all the big kids run around. I could tell she so wanted to jump up and join in the fun. Babies just love seeing other kids! Then we had a playdate on Friday with her friend Hunter who is nine months old. Again, she is just fascinated by him! I think she sees him crawl and pull himself up and she is like, whoa how did he DO that?? He likes her too - his favorite thing to do is whack her on the face. But he means well...he just wants to touch her!
Another update - Campbell has another tooth coming in! The one tooth is definitely in and visible. It's coming in a little more each day. And now I can see its next door neighbor too. I can't tell if it's broken the surface yet or not, but there is definitely a white spot where the next tooth is coming in. I can't believe it! Almost two teeth and she hasn't even hit the five month mark yet!!
Below is a picture of Campbell on our walk yesterday morning. We decided to let her try to ride in the BOB stroller without the infant seat. The harness is roller-coaster worthy, so we definitely weren't concerned about her falling out! She is very secure and obviously very happy to be riding like a big girl. She looks so tiny in there out of her infant seat! We are considering ditching the infant seat soon and graduating to the next set of gear, so this was a good trial run. She seemed to enjoy being able to see the world in front of her - she squealed a little bit (happy squeals), clutching her giraffe. By the end of the walk, she was snoozing and enjoying the breeze. The last time I posted about our BOB stroller, the marketing people from BOB e-mailed me and asked to post my blog on their blog! Ha! Very cool. I hope they find us again to see their cutest spokesmodel!

she is getting so big!! bradley loved it when he finally got to sit up in the stroller:)
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