I think the tone of most of my blog posts is usually positive and upbeat. Today...I need the opportunity to vent. I have seriously had it up to here (my hand is at my forehead) with people in public calling Campbell a boy! I mentioned this on Easter - dressed up in her Sunday best, she was referred to as a HE on five occasions. OK, I thought I was over it. Nope. Today we ran into the mall. Let me set the scene. Campbell is wearing capri jeans (with ruffles at the bottom) and an aqua blue tank top. The tank top has spaghetti straps that tie in little bows on the shoulders, it is embroidered across the chest, and has tropical flowers embroidered across the bottom. Blue? Yes, it is. But girly? Most definitely!!!
We are in the mall and there is a whole family there with a little girl. They start in with this, "Well hey buddy, look at you! You look just like ____ (the name of some little boy they know I guess). Look at him looking at her...awwww...isn't he cute?" OK. I'm happy you think my child is cute...but she is absolutely not flirting with your little girl. Nor is she a "buddy." Ugh.
OK, so I let it go and head into the store. I'm buying Campbell two sleepers, a pink one and a purple one. And the saleslady says to me, "I just love his giraffe, with all those bright colors. Is that his favorite toy?" I just said in a very irritated voice...yes it is...and I walked off. Did she think I was buying the sleepers for his little sister????
I'm not sure why I find it so offensive. Obviously it doesn't matter and these people don't mean any harm. They were all trying to be friendly and just spoke without thinking. I just think it irritates me because they make me feel like I have to put her in pink lace everyday to be seen as a girl!! Her carseat is brown. Brown used to be a boy's color - I got news for these people. Today - brown is unisex! Why would I buy a pink car seat? What if the next baby we have is a boy? We were trying to be practical and go neutral on all our major purchases. And did they not notice the purple pacifier, attached to a pink and white polka dotted ribbon??
Even before having a baby, I was always very careful to say things like..."Well aren't you a cutie!" (addressing the baby) or "How old is your baby?" That way you are safe and won't stick your foot in your mouth. I was venting about this to my sister and she told me to get over it. That obviously these are just clueless people. She said these are the same kind of people who would go up to a fat person and ask when their baby was due. HAHA So true! Words of wisdom from my sister! Or what about the night I was checking out of the hospital and Campbell was still in the NICU. I was standing on the sidewalk, fighting back tears, holding an "it's a girl" balloon waiting for Travis to pull the car around. Some passerby says to me, "I think you forgot the baby!" If looks could kill... I just wish people would think before they speak. And I wish I wasn't so sensitive!!!

Do I look like a boy??? My pj's have pink ruffles on them...if only they could see me now!
That's it. Back to happy sunny thoughts...
I was lol reading this post since I experienced the same thing with Logan. She was even dressed in a pink sweatsuit one time and someone asked how old the little man was! I couldnt believe it. I think its the no hair thing that throws them for a loop. It took Logan 2 years to grow some curls and boy did I welcome those! Lots of bows now.
Glad you are well!
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