If Campbell could talk...here is what I think she'd say.

I'm just not in the mood today. No pictures, please. Maybe after naptime.

I can't seem to do ANYTHING without that camera flashing in my eyes! Scares me to death!
I'm just not in the mood today. No pictures, please. Maybe after naptime.
Can I just have ONE little minute to myself?
Fine, I give up, what else do you want from me?
OK, I'll agree to one posed picture. Here you go...but this is it!
Back to Mommy talking...
Saturday morning we followed our doctor's advice and introduced her to rice cereal! It really didn't surprise us that she took to it pretty easily. We know that our little girl likes to eat!!! She wasn't quite sure what to do with it, but figured it out pretty fast. Then her only issue was that we weren't fast enough with the spoon! She started opening her mouth in anticipation of the spoon. She has had it two mornings now and seems to enjoy it. After a while, we'll be able to let her try some more exciting foods - like sweet potatoes and applesauce! Something tells me she will LOVE trying new foods...just a hunch. ;)
Everybody who wants to try rice cereal, raise your hand!

Bon Appetit!

Bon Appetit!
Today I think I'll end with some deep thoughts. This week will be my last Thursday morning at church until the fall. We are wrapping up for the semester and were asked to each make a scrapbook page about our experience. I frowned at this at first because I am not crafty and had no idea what to put on my page. We were supposed to show something that we've taken away from our studies, things we've learned, etc. I think I was just intimidated by the creative aspect of it. I started going back through the book we studied which was called "Tender Mercy for a Mother's Soul" by Angela Thomas Guffey. Then I got really into it and knocked out my page in about an hour, and had fun flipping back through the book and remembering all of our discussions. Our group consisted of young moms and our study focused on how to be a mom yet find the time to still nurture your own spirit. We learned how important it is to care for your own soul, and how that in turn will make us more capable of caring for our children's souls and our husband's souls. I REALLY enjoyed it and have made some great friends. Anyway, I found some pretty cool quotes in there to use on my page so please allow me to get all religious on you for a moment and share what I found meaningful.
"In motherhood, God has unveiled the rest of my soul. I didn't have any idea what was inside me. I didn't know that God had built into me the capacity to love so unconditionally, to give so freely, and to protect so fiercely."
"Motherhood has strengthened me as a person and yet challenged me right to my core."
"Love is different now; it's deeper, unpretentious, indisputable."
"By the grace of God, you and I are made free to live and love, to enjoy and to celebrate. We can laugh again. We can play. We can hug long and love loud."
When Campbell can talk, I hope she'll say that her Daddy and I hug long and love loud.
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