It's been a good week so far - a full week! The problem is I couldn't really document what I've done. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. When you have a baby, you feel busy all the time. Yet the sun goes down at night and I often look around and wonder, what did I do all day!?! The house is still messy and the laundry isn't done - among many other things that linger on my to do lists. But hey, the baby is clothed, fed and very I guess I'm doing my job. :)
I'm really diving back into real estate and I am LOVING my new firm. I am really enjoying having some work to do that doesn't involve diapers. I love taking care of Campbell, diapers and all. But it's also nice to have something that stimulates my own brain. I spend all day trying to keep her interested and engaged...and sometimes realize my own brain is turning to mush. So anyway, I am so glad to have work to do and hope I keep getting busier.
Here are a few pictures of Campbell. I always call her my assistant when we go into my real estate office. But let's be honest here, we all know she's really my boss...
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