Campbell is four months old!!! She actually hit the four-month mark on Saturday the 11th. We did get these pictures taken on Saturday, just took a couple days to post them. This month Campbell has hit several milestones! She can roll over from tummy to back. She can REALLY hold her head up when laying on her stomach. She "talks" and squeals a ton. She truly is a happy baby, her pictures show her personality well!! She can now grab onto toys, especially those dangled overhead or in front of her. She sucks her thumb, sometimes an index finger, and sometimes a whole mouthful of fingers. When she first found her hands, she would become frustrated when she'd accidentally pull her thumb out. Now she can quickly get it back to her mouth, so we may have a thumbsucker on our hands. I know there are disadvantages, but it is helping a little with her insistence on having a paci! Nighttime is a dream now! Campbell is an excellent sleeper. For probably six or eight weeks now, she sleeps through the night like a champ. She is begging to go to bed around 8pm. She is usually down in her crib by 8:30 and we rarely hear a peep out of her until 7:30am. Sometimes we even have to go wake her up, she's like a teenager! We are so blessed to have a good sleeper. One of my favorite times of day is when she first wakes up. Travis and I often go in her room together. She will be laying in her crib awake, and making some noise, but not fussing or crying. We'll lean over, she'll look from his face to mine with a serious expression...and then a huge smile opens up as she recognizes Mommy and Daddy. She'll start kicking and squealing - we are like putty in her tiny, pudgy hands. :) As you can see, she is eating very well and growing like crazy. We have a check-up this afternoon so I'll be anxious to hear her height and weight stats, I'm thinking she'll be off the charts. I'll post them later!! Everyday Campbell seems to learn a new trick or find some other way to make us smile. This month has been amazing - she changed so much in one month's time!!! I keep telling her to SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But we are loving every single second of it. Prepare for picture overload...
Travis took a couple of vacation days last week. Thursday we took a trip out to the new IKEA store. We've been wanting to go but didn't want to battle the weekend crowds. It was pretty cool and a good outing. Travis surprised me with an early birthday gift on Thursday - navigation for my car!!!!!! I soooo needed it, I can get lost in our driveway. (And our driveway is only about five feet long). This will be really nice when I have real estate clients in the car - it's very embarassing to get lost with clients in tow! So I was really excited about that. My actual birthday fell on Easter this year, and so we decided to observe it a few days early. Friday night, at my pick, we went to Wal-Mart, got Chinese take-out, and watched the DVR'ed Biggest Loser from last week. I know that sounds funny, but it's what I wanted!! Travis offered to take me to fancy restaurants...but it was raining and icky out. I really didn't want to stress about Campbell's schedule and our dinner reservations, would she fuss at a nice place, etc. I just wanted to eat some good food, have a nice tall glass of wine with my hubby, watch my favorite show, and relax! The Wal-Mart trip was just an added bonus. hahaha It was really nice and I'm excited to take TomTom all over town with me. Thanks Travis!
Travis did a 20-mile bikeride on Saturday morning and then...
Saturday, after we took the four-month pictures, we loaded Campbell and Lexi into the car to head to Marion to spend Easter with Travis' family. We've never traveled with both the dog and the baby. We are lucky that both are great travelers! They both snoozed for the majority of the ride, Campbell in her carseat, Lexi in her seatbelt next to her. They both did relatively well overnight in Marion as well. For being in a different house, not in her crib, a different routine, etc., Campbell slept until 5:15 on Sunday morning. I'll take that! Travis' family really enjoyed having her and they got LOADS of smiles and giggles. She even rolled over twice for her PawPaw Butch. 
We took her to church in Marion and got to show her off in her Easter get-up. Too bad for Campbell, she got called a "he" on FIVE occasions! In her defense, her carseat is brown, and I think that throws people off. She had a blanket over her legs while she was sleeping which hid her lacy socks and dress shoes, the bonnet wasn't on yet, and her Easter dress was green. But we heard FIVE times, "Oh my, isn't he precious! He looks like a Justice baby alright!" Next year for Easter, we're going pink, and hopefully with a hairbow!!!!! ;) She was awake when the service started and behaved herself. In the last hymn, she sang along with squeals for everyone around us to hear. She smiled at EVERYONE. She makes Travis and I so proud. It really does just make me swell up with pride when she is such a sweet-natured baby and she shows people how happy she is.
Campbell and Nanny are chatting after church. Campbell's great grandmother has NO trouble getting lots of smiles. Campbell finds her REALLY funny.
Campbell snoozes on the way home while Lexi tries to pass the time with a few roadtrip songs..."A hundred bottles of beer on the wall..."
We came back home and have lots of unpacking to do, even from just an overnight trip! We have a Yukon...and sometimes we feel like it's not even big travel with ONE kid! haha I had a happy birthday, a happy Easter, and have a happy, healthy four-month old. Now it's Monday again with rain in the forecast, and Campbell is due for a few vaccinations at her appointment this afternoon. :( I'll post her stats just as soon as I have them!
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