Wednesday, December 31, 2008
525,600 Minutes
Posted by The Justice Family at 2:03 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Grandparents Rock
Posted by The Justice Family at 4:05 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Campbell's First Christmas
While Campbell takes a quick afternoon nap, I thought I'd take a second to update the world on our time at home. Things are going so well! Campbell continues to amaze us with how sweet she is. She sleeps and eats really well for a newborn. Now...she's still a newborn. So if you stop by, you'll probably notice some circles under our eyes, and we may or may not be showered. But all in all, we're doing pretty well. My parents came down Christmas night and are here for the weekend. It's been so fun to watch them with their grandbaby. And even more fun to watch them cook and clean for us!!!!! :) It's nice to be taken of. Yesterday we met the entire Justice family, cousins and all, for lunch. The cousins were so cute at the end of the table, eating their chicken fingers together. It's crazy to think that one day Campbell will be down there with them! It was a big deal for her to go out on her first outing. She slept in her carseat the entire time (shew!) and we kept her covered up for the most part. Unfortunately we couldn't pass her around and let the cousins love on her - she's just too young to be out and exposed to all those kiddie germs. It took me forever to get myself and Campbell ready - I see why new parents always run late! Travis' parents and Nanny came over after lunch and got some extra quality time with Campbell.
She is very mellow - so far she's definitely got her Daddy's personality! She is super alert, especially at night after dinnertime. She'll sit there wide-eyed, sometimes for two hours at a time, just watching the world around her. Two nights ago, she stared at the Christmas tree for what seemed like forever, like she was in awe with it. What I wouldn't give to know what was going on in that precious little head of hers! I'm really enjoying playing dress up. It's like having the world's best doll. Travis and I gave her her first bath at home a couple of days ago and Campbell didn't even cry. We expected the worst, and were pleasantly surprised that she seemed to enjoy the warm sponge bath. I know these little details are probably really boring to anyone but us, but we sure are enjoying it and want to remember every second. I have been taking a ton of pictures, so after I take some time to upload them, I'll be sure to post.
Belated Merry Christmas to all! Now that we are at home and settled, Campbell welcomes visitors. There's only one stipulation - you must be well! The hospital drilled that in our heads - having a baby during the winter means being super strict about making sure our visitors don't have colds. So as long as you're healthy, give us a call, we'd love to introduce our sweet little angel to the world!
Posted by The Justice Family at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
There's No Place Like Home
Home. Home Sweet Home. With our baby girl. What could be better???
Yesterday went really well. As expected, it took a while to get out of the hospital. We finally left around 2pm. Coming home was really pretty easy! Lexi was a little freaked out for the first hour or so. We let her sniff Campbell in the car seat, but she was still very curious. We put Campbell in the car seat up on the island in our kitchen, and Lexi paced around the island, whining and anxious. But since we've gotten settled and Campbell has been out and about, Lexi and Harley don't seem to mind or really even notice their new little sister! Lexi likes to be where we are - so she just kind of follows us around and lays down near us. She even laid on the couch with us and Campbell yesterday, only because we invited her up there. And she was unnerved by any noises or movement Campbell made. We are so glad we did all that training!!!!!!!!
The one wonderful thing about Campbell's stay in the hospital is they got her on a schedule. Actually I can think of two more wonderful things. The extra time gave me time to get a little more energy back and I'm getting around really well now. And also, I was able to get Campbell used to breastfeeding before we came home, and that can be a really stressful thing. She eats every 3-4 hours, which is fantastic for a newborn. I think she has smuggled a little stopwatch in her onesie somewhere because she really is like clockwork - which is great! I imagine that we had a WAY easier first night than most new parents. Campbell knew the drill - she went to bed and got up about three and a half hours later. Now did I sleep? Not really. I listened to her breathe, checked on her after every grunt and coo, and just watched her. But then Daddy got her up and brought her downstairs this morning and let me sleep in an extra hour or so, so I'm feeling OK now.
Gotta run - no more time to sit leisurely at the computer and blog. But things are going great and we are happy to have her home!
Posted by The Justice Family at 10:10 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The Sun'll Come Out...TOMORROW!!!
Sorry for the cheesy title, but I'm so excited I could sing the theme song from Annie. Tomorrow is the big day - Campbell comes home!!! She was born on Thursday the 11th...and will finally come home on Monday the 22nd. That might not sound like a very long time, but I can assure you that this waiting period of 12 days has seemed longer than the 9 months I was pregnant. We have met other families whose babies have been there for months. So yes, we recognize that in the big scheme of things, we are so very fortunate and our stay at the hospital was short. However, it's all relative, and to us, this has been an eternity. It has been mentally and physically exhausting. We have been dealing with an insane mix of emotions - total and utter joy, fear, frustration and sadness. And hopefully tomorrow, all of those will disappear and be a distant memory - except for the total and utter joy. :)
Today we had to watch a video and sit through a class. Remember all those baby classes we took? We were already quite educated in baby care, but as procedure, we had to sit through some more. Anything to be one step closer to coming home! The nurses can't say enough great things about Campbell. They are just amazed at how chill she is, what an easy going personality she has, how rarely she fusses, and how long she sleeps. Other than the long naps, I'd say it sounds like she's going to be just like her Daddy. :) And we assume those long naps will be a thing of the past as soon as she gets home.
I have been in an awful mood today. Bad with a capital "B". Which seems crazy considering tomorrow it's all over and I can finally bring my baby home. I think just being this close to the end, I just hit a wall. I am so tired of scrubbing in, of driving to the hospital, of wearing paper gowns, of eating in the hospital cafeteria, etc. It's also been quite a challenge to keep myself on Campbell's feeding schedule since she and I aren't together all the time. Let's just leave it at that - my body is a bit confused. Hopefully that will go away tomorrow too. My mind has been racing about stupid nesting things. It's very weird to have this much notice about when the baby is coming home. I feel the need to reorganize everything one last time. I know when I wake up tomorrow, that the bad mood will be replaced with excitement. I just had one of those days where I felt sorry for myself and I was tired and just wanted my baby!!!!!!!
Thanks so much for all of your prayers over the last week and a half. Please keep them coming - they have certainly worked, and I'm sure we will need more as we tackle parenthood for the first time. We also won't breathe a total sigh of relief until we walk through the front door carrying our precious that is my prayer tonight...just that tomorrow goes smoothly and Campbell is as happy to be at home as we are!
Posted by The Justice Family at 5:09 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Like Mommy, Like Daddy?
Campbell Reese. Let's see whose baby picture she most resembles!

Posted by The Justice Family at 3:22 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Penthouse Suite
Last night around 10:15pm, Campbell got upgraded to the Penthouse Suite! We were able to move her from the NICU to the NPCN, Neonatal Progressive Care Nursery.
Posted by The Justice Family at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
T Minus 5 or 6 Days!
I've been hogging Campbell for the past 24 hours now that she seems to have figured out the whole breastfeeding thing. But the great thing is, she's so versatile! She also takes a bottle and that gives Daddy the opportunity to feed her. See her gazing up at him? It was love at first sight for these two.
Posted by The Justice Family at 10:45 AM 4 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Happy Mommy Thoughts
Hello all. Campbell wants me to tell you that she says hey, and she is extremely grateful for all of your continued support. It is working!!!! Our sweet little baby is doing amazingly well. As of this morning, her blood cultures are still negative, meaning they haven't found any evidence of the infection since her birthday. This is a good thing - it just means they keep running the antibiotic treatment and then she's all ours! I wouldn't say we're 100% in the clear yet, I guess there's always that chance that something could show up still. But the doctor told us that the more time passes, the less likely things are to take a turn for the worst. And on top of that, she's doing so well, they'd be very surprised if her condition moved in a negative direction.
This morning, Campbell got the green light to eat as much as she wants at each feeding. Before they were regulating her intake and increasing it at tiny intervals to make sure she could handle it. Our girl likes to eat (big surprise there) and she seems to enjoy her culinary freedom now. :) She and I have learned how to breastfeed - and while we're not experts yet - it seems like it's going to work. As a new mommy, at times I've felt pretty helpless feeling like there's nothing I can do for her while she's in the hospital. So emotionally, it's been very special to me to be able to feed her this last day or so. I feel like I can finally contribute something to her health and it's very gratifying. I do share with Travis too so he can have that moment of total bliss when feeding her and she's staring up at you. Of course he's using a bottle....but the bonding is the same. It's wonderful!
Yesterday when I said she pooped on us, I meant she pooped while we were changing her diaper, on the clean diaper. Three different times. Today she trumped that. She pooped IN Travis' hand and made a few noises that we were really proud of. hahahaha
She had her hearing checked by an audiologist today and she passed. So that's good, now she better listen! We also had a quick chat with our case manager and our social worker (assigned to every NICU baby). They both assured us that the fact they were sent to us is a great sign that she'll go home soon. Now, that doesn't mean earlier than expected. As far as we know, she has to stay until her meds are done, regardless of how un-sick she seems. But at least they think she's well enough to go ahead and knock out the administrative details.
We see so many tiny and very sick babies in there with Campbell and it reminds us that yes, we are in a bad situation, but we are still so lucky. I have to remind myself of these things when it's time to go home at night - I'm pretty much an emotional wreck. Or when we see new parents leaving the hospital with their babies. All of those things are tough to witness because I am so jealous. But hey, like so many of you have said so eloquently, this is just a few weeks in Campbell's life that we'll look back on as a distant memory when she's running through this house someday soon.
Off to rest before heading back to the hospital tonight. Whatever you're doing, keep it up, because our little angel is doing great and we know that all your support has something to do with that!
Posted by The Justice Family at 1:12 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Campbell's Sunday Morning Update
Travis and I went home last night and tried to get organized. The labor and delivery was a very tough process to say the least, but it was nothing compared to how difficult it was to leave here last night. But...there's nothing you can do in a situation like this but just press forward. So on we go!
It was so nice to be at our own house. This afternoon we will pick up Lexi from the Bed & Biscuit where she's been since Wednesday. It'll be nice to have that baby home, and it's been great to not have to worry about her. We got organized last night for today. In theory you'd think, ok, well they can go home and catch up on some rest and get ready for the real fun when Campbell comes home. Well, that theory doesn't hold up. Since we want to breastfeed, when I'm not physically with Campbell, I have to be constantly working on things...I'll spare you the details. But that means we are up every 3 hours. I said "we" because this is a team effort and my sweet husband is beside me every second doing whatever he can and answering all my orders.
We got here at 8 a.m. today for Campbell's feeding. She wasn't too interested in me which is fine, but boy does she like to take a bottle!! We got initiated today...while changing her diaper, she decided to poop on us, and then poop on us, and then poop some more. It was very funny and something I know every new parent experiences. We made a mess - and then she topped it off by peeing on us. That's my girl!!!
We were there when the doctors rounded so that was great. They are terribly pleased with her progress. So far our prayers are being answered - the blood cultures and spinal tap still remain negative, meaning there has not been another instance of bacteria. The doctor said the longer we go with a negative, the better the outlook is that we won't see any more bacteria. These cultures were done on the let's just hope and pray that we keep heading in this direction. She has a bit of jaundice. It's mild and that is typical even in babies that don't have any other problems. This morning they are putting her on a blanket to help with her jaundice, instead of the lights. However she may have to wear little eye covers if the billirubin lights are too bright. We'll know when we go back in for our next visit. It looked like a little white ski mask, so our princess might look like a bank robber... The doctor was very pleased with her and said if the cultures remain negative and she continues to do this well, we can expect her to move to the progressive care unit this week which is just a little more relaxed and we'll have more privacy. She even quoted a date - she said she'd like to say December 23rd she's going home. That of course depends on everything coming up roses between now and then, but that's a good goal. I told her we had a new sleeper that says 'baby's first Christmas' and we'd like her to be wearing it at home! The doctor thinks she will be. The 23rd seems like an eternity from now - but we'll got hour by hour and day by day and hopefully it'll get here fast.
She's got a big ole IV line in her leg. It makes Daddy and I cringe, but they swear it doesn't bother her. It's just big so they can give her all her IV meds and fluids that way and not have to change a little dinky IV every day or so. I guess anything looks huge on a little baby, and it''s never fun to see wires attached to your little angel. But the wires are decreasing, and Travis and I are getting quite good at juggling the baby with the wires attached. My mom made a good point, we are going to pro's at baby handling when we get home. If we can pass her off now while she's hooked up to stuff, imagine how easy it will be when she's just chillin'!?!?!
She continues to make us ooh and aah - every so often we get her good and awake and she just stares at us. Mostly at her Daddy actually, but I'm not bitter. I think he's easy on the eyes too, Campbell. Her eyes seem to be a very dark blue right now. So pretty!
We are so grateful for all the kind words. We know we have fallen off the face of the Earth - it's really hard to juggle this schedule and find any phone or e-mail time, especially when reception is bad here, cell phones aren't allowed in the NICU, we have to be at her feedings every couple hours, shower, eat, etc. Notice I didn't say sleep, we aren't really fitting that in schedule just yet. :) Welcome to parenthood! We appreciate all your messages and promise we are reading them and enjoying them even though you haven't heard back from us. I will try to keep this updated with news about Campbell. We promise we are taking pictures, but there are only so many angles we can photograph her from in our little corner of the NICU. And then of course there's that whole 'finding time to upload them' thing... For now, just take my word for it that she's absolutely adorable and getting cuter by the minute and I'll send pictures soon to show off our baby. Thanks again - keep the good vibes coming, so far they are working!!!!
Posted by The Justice Family at 7:09 AM 3 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Campbell Reese Justice
I've got about ten minutes to try and explain all the things going on in our lives right here goes. On Wednesday night I was checked into the hospital to begin the induction process due to my high blood pressure. Thursday evening at 5:09pm, we welcomed our sweet daughter into the world. Her name is Campbell Reese Justice. She weighed 7 lbs, 5.8 oz and was 19.5 inches long. I was 37 weeks on Thursday, so she was considered full-term to the day. The delivery was a very tough one, and it was stressing Campbell out quite a bit. She came out with the cord wrapped tightly around her neck and her breathing was a little too fast. They sent her to the NICU for observation just to be sure. As strange as this sounds, thank goodness the cord was around her neck. Once in the NICU, they ran a variety of tests to make sure they knew the cause of her fast breathing. She was doing well, and we really thought she'd be back upstairs in a few hours. We found out on Friday morning that she actually has a Group B strep infection. This is something they tested me for, and because I was negative, they assume Campbell is fine. Well, she wasn't. The good news is that they caught it early. This type of infection is devastating if left unnoticed, and that's where the "thank goodness the cord was around her neck" comes into play. We caught it early, and they had even begun the antibiotic treatment prior to finding the infection as a 'just in case' measure of precaution. We have some amazing doctors and nurses in the NICU who are taking such good care of our little angel. She will have repeated bloodwork and even had to have a spinal tap yesterday to ensure the infection hadn't gotten into her spine. We will wait a few days to see the results - but the good news there is the treatment and prognosis are still the same. If the infection is more widespread, she should still be fine - just will require a longer stay due to a larger dose of antibiotics. She is off all oxygen, we are feeding her a bottle and Campbell and I are diligently working on breastfeeding. Daddy changed the first diaper yesterday and it was FULL of poop. He did an amazing job and has since helped me - together we've changed several poopie messes! We get to hold her and cuddle her and love on her, and sometimes she just gazes up at us. We love her to pieces and we are so grateful she is in such good care here and that her prognosis for recovery is so good. Just by looking at her, you wouldn't know she's sick. She may get to move from the NICU to a progressive care unit sometime this week. Best case scenario, we'll get to bring her home in a week or so. We don't deal in worse case scenarios around here - we are going to remain positive and just roll with whatever comes our way as best we can.
Travis and I are going home this evening. We didn't plan to go home as a party of two, so please keep us in your thoughts as this will obviously prove to be a tough night for us. And also please keep little Campbell in your prayers, she's such a strong little girl and she has a GREAT set of lungs. You should hear her scream!! We hope to hear that scream in the halls of our own house in the very near future. Once we are settled at home, we'll send out the pictures we have. We are off to go visit Campbell for her 11:00 feeding.
Posted by The Justice Family at 7:41 AM 2 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Baby Mama Drama
But boy, am I frustrated!!! It's been quite a day. Here's the story!
Yesterday I felt different, more uncomfortable. I was up on and off all night with a combination of contractions that hurt, and contractions that didn't hurt. But contractions nonetheless. So this morning I called my nurse, and we got called into the doctor's office. Travis and I went to the doctor, and were surprised to find out my blood pressure was super high. That alone is what sent us to the hospital today. The doctor said we had to go straight there to closely monitor my blood pressure, get some bloodwork done, and see what happens. She said she didn't think I was in active labor, but that something may have been starting.
Off to the hospital we went, at this point, kind of mentally preparing ourselves for having a baby in the near future. We were really relaxed, just a surreal feeling and an excited nervous. I got checked in, hooked up to monitors, and stuck with the dreaded IV. Gosh I hate that thing with a passion. Over the next four hours, my blood pressure slowly went down to an acceptable level. I had contractions somewhat regularly, but not enough to move things along. So within 5 hours of showing up, they sent us home. So yes, that meant taking out that dreaded IV that got put in and never used. Grrrrr....cranky. They made me go to the hospital, then they sent me home. Yes, I know they know what's best, and I had to go to make sure I was OK. Still, I was really bummed. My doctor made us think that I'd either go into labor, or they'd make it happen for me. But I guess it's great news that my blood pressure went down. I don't want to have a baby because my health condition is dangerous - I'd prefer to let Mother Nature decide 'it's time'.
No Monday Night Football for me. :( I am on modified bedrest. I am supposed to basically lay here and wait and not do much of anything at all. I go back to the doctor on Wendesday to see if my blood pressure is still OK. Who knows what Wednesday will bring. I have no clue if I'll be sitting here on my couch this time 3 weeks from now, still pregnant. Or the doctor said, hey, something's been going on, I could go into labor tonight and head back to the hospital. It's hard for this planner to just roll with the punches!
So in a nutshell, it's been an emotional roller coaster. Around noon today, I thought I'd become a Mommy tonight or tomorrow, and I was just really excited. The doctor told us Travis should go to the game and work tonight - she said I was absolutely not going to any game :( but that there's no reason he shouldn't go work. I'm glad he got to go. On a positive note, I'm not cold, and if I were at the game, I'd be freezing my tail off. :) My three girls (Baby J, Lexi and Harley) and I will sit here on the couch and enjoy some good football and the Wendy's I got on the way home from the hospital, Frosty included!!
A small sample of my 'in the belly' maternity pictures are posted on my photographer's blog (link below). For anyone but Sharon, I'd say, 'you couldn't pay me to get in front of the camera right now.' But Sharon is so amazing and I totally trusted her to take our pictures. You'll see why, she is so talented. Note: There are a few with the bare belly exposed. They are G-rated and very tasteful. Just wanted to warn everyone upfront in case a bare pregnant belly is just not your thing. :)
Posted by The Justice Family at 6:08 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Baby J is Getting Psyched for Monday Night Football
It's been a good weekend. Travis and I had an 'in the belly' photo shoot on Friday afternoon. Stay tuned for those - I'll be sharing them as soon as they are available. Just to clarify, we are talking about my belly, not his, although he was in a lot of the pictures with me and this humongous belly. :)
Last night we went to see "Four Christmases." We figured we should get out and see a movie in the theater while we can. Other parents are always telling us that - go out now - while you can. The movie was hilarious and we both loved it. I'm a huge fan of both Vince Vaughan and Reese I knew I'd love it. We binged on popcorn and enjoyed our date immensely. Today we got up and got ready for church - but ended up skipping it to go to Lowe's instead. Oops. Travis was feeling kinda nesty, and so we just went with it! He did some caulking in the guest bathroom, and we tackled some serious bathroom cleaning and laundry. You cannot imagine how happy this made me feel. To get those things done had me giddy (sad, I know). Then Travis headed to his CPA league basketball game (don't laugh, it's for real) and then to the stadium to get the Tampa Bay Bucs settled into the lockerroom for tomorrow night's game. I stayed behind for a nice long winter's nap. I'm resting up for tomorrow night. Yes, at almost 37 weeks pregnant, I'm going to Monday Night Football!!!!!!!! Baby J is pumped, this is a huge game!! Does that make me a rockstar? I think so. Mary and I have great seats and we'll have a blast I'm sure. I'll be sporting a men's XXL Panthers jacket, it's the only thing in this house that will zip around me. I'll try to get a picture of it - I look like a big tire in it. But hey, at this point, warmth and comfort are really all that matters!
It's really a strange thing to be waiting for the biggest event of my life thus far, and not knowing exactly when that will be! This weekend we knocked out the two remaining items on my to do list - we had our car seat installed by a certified installer in both cars, and we got the maternity photos done. This coming Wednesday, I'll be full-term. Soooooooo, I'm basically ready to roll! And what a crazy thing to know that it could happen tonight, or in another month. That's a pretty big window of time! I'm going to try to hold it for at least a day so I can go to Monday Night Football tomorrow night. :) Look for me on the Jumbotron (I wouldn't fit on any other type of -tron). I'll be the girl in the REALLY BIG black coat waddling around, hopefully NOT trying to get Travis' attention on the field to tell him "it's time." Go Panthers! Hope they are as successful as my ACC Champion Hokies!
Posted by The Justice Family at 2:31 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Sneak Peek at Our "Little" Girl
Yesterday we got a sneak peek at our baby girl. My doctor suspected she may be a little on the large side still, so she ordered an ultrasound to check it out and estimate her weight. This is EXACTLY what Travis and I had been hoping for. The good news is that Baby J is looking just perfectly healthy! It was such a welcome reassurance to see her again and have a professional tell us everything is still on track. Our last ultrasound was at 16 weeks - I am now 36 weeks. That's a long time!! My biggest, most irrational fear was that she was not a "she." I was so worried that they'd screwed up back in July and we were going to have a son in pink dresses. I saw the evidence with my own two eyes - it's a girl!!! SHEW! My other irrational fear came when I started watching that show on TLC "Little People Big World." I had no idea that average-sized people could have little people as children. Turns out both of the adults on the show are children of all average-sized adults! I asked my sister a few weeks ago, what if our baby is a little person and we don't even know it?? I don't think being little is going to be an issue for us. All irrational fears and jokes aside, we are just SO happy that things are going smoothly and she looked so good yesterday.
They estimated her weight at 6 lbs 11 oz as of yesterday. That is in the 83rd percentile for weight at this point. They said she'd gain on average another 2 pounds if she goes to our due date. Yikes! But my doctor says that's not considered big, just normal. Well I'd say that's a matter of opinion! 83rd percentile means only 17% of babies are bigger than ours at this point in the pregnancy, statistically speaking. So yeah, I'm no doctor, but I'm going to go with "big." We were relieved that they didn't think she was huge and start talking c-sections or inductions or anything. We are happy to stick with Plan A which is to sit and wait for Baby J to arrive on her own time! A week from today, I'll be considered full-term. So in a week or so, we would be MORE than happy for her to decide it's time.
We have no pictures to share from the ultrasound. The technician explained that we are so far along, it's really hard to see distinct features and get good pictures because she's so crowded. It looked terribly crowded!! We caught a quick glimpse of the side of her face, but she refused to drop the arm that she was hiding behind. I think she's going to be a little shy, more like her Daddy. She wasn't ready to show her face yet, so we'll just keep waiting!
Posted by The Justice Family at 6:57 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Drop It Like It's Hot
Mom, Dad and Baby J at Thanksgiving
Taylor and her sexy pal, Lexi
Posted by The Justice Family at 2:00 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
We Are "Ready"
Childbirth class - Check! We did it - yesterday we were scheduled for class from 12-7. On a Sunday. Wow, huh? Luckily we had the instructor we love (same one who has taught several others) and she finished up by 5. It's a good thing too. I hit a wall at about 3. Here I was worried about Travis sticking it out - he was fine, I was the one in bad shape! This Mommy, while entirely interested in the class material, does NOT enjoy sitting for 5 hours at this point. I was hungry, my feet were huge and throbbing, I ached from head to toe, and I was downright cranky! On the way home, Travis stopped and got us some lo mein to share and spring rolls. That, along with the remaining leftover baby shower cake, made me happy again. We came home and watched the Panthers lose :( and made it an early night. Poor Travis...not only did his team lose, he has had an awful headcold this weekend. Way worse than mine ever was. He's doing a little better this morning so hopefully he'll be back to normal soon.
I really thought I'd have some good material this morning. I mean, the idea of childbirth class is a pretty funny thing. But really, it wasn't that bad!! We were both prepared for this terribly graphic, very gorey 7-hour description of pain with lots of nasty visuals. It wasn't like that at all! We were pleasantly surprised that it wasn't very graphic or disgusting at all. Not to say it was a walk in the park...and that we didn't have to suppress a few giggles here and there. I know my Dad passed out in childbirth class years ago. You wouldn't pass out in this class, Dad. Travis was very grateful for that, he too was worried. In fact, he was more appalled at one of the other students in a mostly spandex outfit than he was at anything we learned! I won't be rude and say too much, but let's just say there was NOT a lot left to the imagination in this outfit. And at eight months pregnant, it's preferred to have a lot left to the imagination!! The instructor is my friend because yesterday she told the Dads that a 30-minute massage to a pregnant woman has been shown to produce the same amount of endorphins as 75 mg of Demoral. (I think I got that right). She then showed them a picture of how squished our insides are, and made it clear as to why we ache and get so cranky. So I'm super excited about my 30-minute backrubs a day from here on out!! :) You can't deny science!
Travis wanted to ask our instructor about how my doctor said I was measuring large (i.e. Baby J's growth in size looked to be about 3 weeks ahead of schedule at my last visit). Even though my doctor said it had no bearing, we still wonder if that doesn't mean she'll come early. Or if not, ouch!!!, how big is she?? The teacher was a labor and delivery nurse for 20 years, so while I was on a bathroom break, Travis asked her about it. I came back in, she asked how far along I was, gave me a once-over, and started chuckling. I told her what my doctor said at the last visit. She said, how much did you weigh? I hesitated, I couldn't believe she was asking me how much I weighed at my last doctor's visit in front of the whole class!!! She saw the look on my face, I figured it out...OOOOOOOH, you mean at birth? hahaha I was 8 lbs, 5 oz at birth. She smiled and said I'd probably have a nice big baby too. She seems to think we'll go before our due date because (1) Baby J is big and they won't want her to go late and (2) doctors don't want to work on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day so they're more likely to get things going sooner. Only time will tell! Nanny has predicted December 12, so if that's the case, I've got a lot of nesting to do this week!
So now that we've finished this class, I'd say we're "ready." In quotes, because my gosh, you are never ready. But as much as we possibly can be. If nothing else, we got a little map yesterday of where to go at the hospital when it's time - so if we forget everything else, at least we know where to go and they can take it from there!
Posted by The Justice Family at 5:31 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Hefty Hefty Hefty!
Hefty is the word my doctor used to describe Baby J today. Ha! I love it! Doctor's visit went well, everything is right on track. She did say the baby is measuring about 3 weeks big. No, it is not the fudge pie I made myself and have almost polished off entirely on my own. This is the baby they are measuring. She explained that the baby's size has nothing to do with whether or not she'll come early, of course that was my first question. All it means is that she may be big when she does decide to join us in this world, whenever that is! Big is fine with me. Big babies are usually healthy babies and that's all I can hope for. We got the green light to travel to Roanoke for Thanksgiving, of course with the caveat that they can't guarantee anything, so it's kind of like 'travel at your own risk.' Yikes! We are nervous, but there are no signs to make them think Baby J is planning her debut appearance, so we will pack the car seat and my hospital bag and head to Roanoke for some turkey next week. And hopefully return with Baby J in tow...still in the belly that is! Once she is born, I will not stand for anyone calling my child hefty. But as for now, I think it's an adorable word and I hope she has enjoyed the fudge pie and keeps on growing big and strong!
Travis pointed out a correction to my last post. Apparently I didn't figure out the whole Wizard of Oz thing on my own. I could swear I said, oh my gosh, that's the lion isn't it? He said that no, he actually had to explain it to me before I had the revelation. Which is even funnier. So thank goodness for Travis to help me understand these complicated films we watch. I could never make it through these twisted plots alone. hahahahahaha...
Posted by The Justice Family at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Travis the Trooper
My husband is a real trooper. I should clarify, not a trooper like the rest of his family who is all in law enforcement (yes, his brother is Sergeant Justice, HOW AWESOME is that??). He is a trooper because yesterday morning he sat through a two-hour breastfeeding class...and he was the only male in the room!! Now, the instructor told us that in all her years of teaching, she has NEVER had only one dad. They even tell you when you sign up to bring your labor coach. But we waited and waited and no men showed up. I of course kept telling Travis how lucky I felt that my husband loved me more than all the other poor pregnant girls who had to go alone. I know, so mean of me, and so not true. But it was really nice to have his support there and it honestly did make me feel like the luckiest girl in the room. Travis has a way of making me feel that way quite often. Aaaawwww, ok, enough of that. We both are realizing that this baby stuff can get REALLY overwhelming. Wow - everywhere we turn there is information overload. So I think it's best that we both try to soak it in so that when one of us is too tired to remember what to do, the other might have an idea.
I am finally starting to feel better. After the stomach flu, I then got a cold. I have been that annoying "half-sick" all week. Not so sick you want to stay in bed, but too sick to really accomplish anything. So it was a long and boring week with a lot of time spent snuggled on the couch with the animals watching TLC Daytime and watching my stomach get more enormous.
I saw a neighbor outside the other day and she said, "wow, honey, there is no way you are going to make it six more weeks." And it hit me - six weeks!!!! She is right, that's all that's left! I keep reading the online updates as to what is going on with Baby J these days. Her progress is pretty much the same as mine now - just gaining weight! Of course her lungs will be the last thing to fully develop, but I have been relieved to read that even if she was born at this stage, she would likely be fine with just a little medical intervention. Hopefully my doctor's appointment will go well this week and we'll still have the green light to head to Roanoke for Thanksgiving/Baby Shower next week.
One last terribly random comment. I mean, really random. So TBS is showing The Wizard of Oz a lot lately. I absolutely adore that movie, and I was bragging to Travis about how many times I've seen it. So we're watching the first 15 minutes or so the other night, and I don't remember a bit of it. This is the scene before the tornado, and Dorothy is all upset because the mean lady wants to take Toto. There are several family friends helping out at the farm. And then it hits me...oh my gosh...those men are the lion, the tinman, and the scarecrow when she gets to Oz! And the mean lady is the Wicked Witch of the West! As I have this revelation outloud, Travis is rolling. He can't believe I just concluded this for the first time, and he finds it completely hilarious. I really cannot tell you how many times I've seen this movie. I guess that's why it's so fun to be me. Travis thinks it is sooooo funny. Whatever - that is a complicated storyline, people!!!! ;)
Posted by The Justice Family at 7:55 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Baby Shower and Baby J's Nursery

Posted by The Justice Family at 6:26 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Weekend Update
The weekend was fantastic. On Friday, my mom, sister, brother-in law and niece arrived. We hung out all day, played a little Wii, and ate dinner at the house. (My poor dad had to work this weekend and couldn't make the trip). Taylor and Jen had been fighting off a stomach bug, but by Saturday morning we all made the call that they were both well enough to go to the shower. Travis' family came over, my friend Shannon came down from Raleigh, and we headed to the shower! The shower was....what's another word for fantastic? Fabulous? Perfect? It really was. Kim and Melanie did such an incredible job. It was so fun to spend the afternoon with my friends and family and get to open sweet little baby gifts and ooh and aah. There was a delicious spread of all my FAVORITE party foods. I had two big plates - one for me but the other was of course for Baby J. :) As we left, we all got these adorable little containers of M&M's in our colors, pink and brown, that said "Baby J is on the way." I mean, come on, does it get any cuter than that??? Our friends and family spoiled us rotten. We got so much good baby gear and I feel like we are so much more ready now!! We've got the needed baby supplies and the cute outfits to go with it. I won't say we're READY yet...Baby J needs to hang out for a while longer and get big and strong. But Mommy and Daddy will for sure be organized and ready when the big day arrives!! The shower was all I'd hoped for and more - so thank you times a million to Kim and Melanie for giving me such a special day.
While the girls were at the shower, the boys went to a sports bar to watch some college football. Lexi decided to have her own party back at the house. She somehow snatched the desserts I'd made - and ate an ENTIRE batch of brownies and an ENTIRE batch of chocolate chip cookies. So there was a little drama there. I'm happy to say she is fine, just very full and a little stinky.
Saturday night Travis and Leif assembled the baby swing while I played with all the little clothes and toys. So much fun!!!!! We all went to bed...and then the real drama began.
My mom and I woke up Sunday morning with the full-blown version of whatever stomach bug Taylor and Jen had been kind enough to share. :) Yesterday was a very bad day for both of us. My mom somehow made the car trip back to Virginia - I don't know how. I threw up for 6 straight hours. Finally my doctor called in an anti-nausea medicine that they give to chemo patients. It was my saving grace. I have been drinking lots of pedialyte and ginger ale, and successfully had a little chicken noodle soup and applesauce. I wouldn't say I'm healed yet, but on the road to recovery. Travis is the only one who is still well...fingers crossed he stays that way. Lexi threw up last night and my brother-in-law was apparently ill this morning. Thank goodness for my sweet husband yesterday to take care of me and wait on me hand and foot. The stomach flu is never fun - but it's especially brutal when you're close to 8 months pregnant!
I didn't take but maybe two pictures at the shower because I was busy showing off the belly. But I saw a lot of camera flashes, so I'll get some pictures loaded up soon. Our house looks like a tornado went through since we all got sick, but soon there will be nursery pics to share as well. The sickness has been miserable, absolutely miserable...but I am so thankful that we all got to enjoy my wonderful shower before getting sick. I can't imagine how sad I would've been if I, or someone else in the fam, had to miss the shower because we were sick. Off to try some more soup...fingers crossed! If all goes well, I may even attempt to take a shower today. :)
Posted by The Justice Family at 6:35 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I Pulled a Britney
I totally pulled a Britney. I grocery shop at Super Wal-Mart now. I swear, I save so much money. But that's a topic for another time. I was going to buy a bunch of stuff that, according to my baby classes, I'll need at home after we get back from the hospital. Without going into any details, you can probably imagine some of the interesting items that would fill my cart. I also needed to buy food and drinks for this weekend since we'll have a houseful of family in town for the shower. While the women are at the shower, the boys will stay home and watch football, which means I needed to buy them some beer. I hate buying alcohol pregnant - it just doesn't look right. Anyway, I get my list together and I head out. I'm wearing some of my sister's hand-me-down maternity clothes. If you've read other posts, you know that some of her clothes are a stretch for me (literally) because I am a lot bigger than she was. I get halfway down the road to the Super Wal-Mart and realize I'm not wearing my wedding rings.
So picture me, in the Wal-Mart, no wedding rings, a cart full of random new baby/new mommy supplies and a case of beer, and my belly hanging out the bottom of my shirt. I am one classy mommy!!!
Posted by The Justice Family at 3:31 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
She's Baaaa-aaaack!
Nesty Nesterson, that is. Back in full force! I haven't had a whole lot to write lately because I haven't done a lot that would be of interest to anyone else. I have been furiously nesting. We are talking SERIOUS nesting here. This is no joke. With Travis' help, we got the nursery pretty much done this past weekend! I will post pictures...but not yet. Will explain why in a minute. We also did some minor redecorating in our playroom (formerly known as our dining room). Up until last week, the playroom was where we kept Travis' bike, some random decorative items that had no logical home, a pink antique sofa that was my grandmother's, a wine rack, a box of sparklers leftover from our get the idea. We spruced it up a bit. For now, it's more of a sitting room with no purpose. But as Baby J grows up and we acquire more baby stuff and toys, that is where they will go. So anyway, we are excited to have at least gotten that project underway.
So I said I wasn't ready to post nursery pictures yet. That is because, this weekend...drumroll my baby shower! Therefore both Travis' family and mine are coming into town! I want to show it off in person first, so I'll hold off on posting pictures until after this weekend. I am so terribly excited for the baby shower. I remember how surreal my bridal shower was. I kept thinking, I can't believe I'm the Bride, and that my wedding is almost here, and that all these people have gathered to celebrate this happy occasion in my life! (And trust me, I remember it well...keep in mind that my bridal shower was just this past February!) :) I can imagine this weekend will bring the same feelings and it will be so fun to show off this belly which is honestly the size of a house.
Over the course of the weekend I got some awesome big belly comments from strangers. Some were the typical "twins, right?" or "must be any day now!" I especially liked a new comment I got "don't worry, I was huge too." hahahaha Huge too! Too funny! You just gotta laugh at this stuff...Travis and I were cracking up.
I am happy to report that I have been pretty busy with work lately. That is a wonderful thing. I am lucky to have new clients who aren't scared off by the sight of a huge pregnant lady. I have felt the need to justify that I can totally help them over the next few months. The fact that I work from my home office means that 90% of my real estate work can be done either (a) super pregnant or (b) with a newborn. Thank goodness for a flexible career!!!
Posted by The Justice Family at 3:09 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Getting Schooled
Posted by The Justice Family at 7:36 AM 1 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Good, The Bad, The Prego
After some reflection, here are my lists of the good and the...not so good...aspects of being pregnant.
The Not-S0-Good:
(Disclaimer: I have been extremely blessed by an uneventful and healthy pregnancy so far. I feel great overall, but of course there are frustrations which I'm listing below. They DO NOT interfere with my sentiment of loving being pregnant).
(1) Waking up each day to discover a new ache. Will it be the chest muscle I pulled, and have no idea when or how? Will it be my elbow (yes, it hurts too)? Will it be my back, heartburn, my head? What will ache tomorrow?
(2) "The Sisterhood of the Tiny Pants": At 5 months pregnant, I tried on a pair of my sister's maternity pants that she was going to lend me, and they stopped at my thighs. I said, "Oh you must have worn these early on in the pregnancy". Scared to death, Jen admitted that she was wearing those pants the day she went into labor.
(3) Pants in general. So I finally broke down and bought some really big pants, and now I can't keep them on. I need big pants for this enormous belly, but without a waistline, it is virtually impossible to keep a pair of pants on.
(4) Borrowing my husband's belt, only to find that even at the loosest hole, it wouldn't comfortably fit around my non-waist. This was supposed to be the quick fix for #3. The pants problem remains unsolved.
(5) The endless to-do lists. No explanation needed.
(6) Seatbelts and shoes with laces - two examples of items not designed with a pregnant woman's body in mind. I encounter a lot of places where I don't fit - like when I put in my contacts in the morning, but can't get close enough to the mirror to see my eyeball because the vanity and the belly meet first.
(7) Meeting another pregnant woman who is smaller than me, and finding out her due date is like a week away. This has happened on several occasions.
(8) Some cruel person who said that pregnant women should not eat anything with raw eggs in it under any circumstances. What about when you make brownies??? Or cake? You wash the bowl without licking it first? Something just doesn't seem right to me.
(9) The inexplicable tears. They don't show up all that often, but when they do, it's bad.
(10) The stinking dresser that was damaged and then slow to arrive. It's supposed to be delivered on Tuesday, keep your fingers crossed that this item will move to the good list on Tuesday.
The Good:
(1) When Baby J feels like she's playing Wii boxing. The big kicks always make me smile.
(2) Watching the belly shift, and seeing her move from one side to the other. It's a little creepy-looking, but very cool.
(3) Feeling something hard and realizing it's probably a tiny baby hiney or a foot sticking out. And if I push on it, I get kicked. I love it that she has a little attitude already!
(4) I picture Travis coming around the corner to tell our families that Baby J has arrived, and announcing her much anticipated name. This daydream sends me to tears almost every time.
(5) Watching episode after episode of A Baby Story and trying to picture Travis and I as the stars of the show.
(6) Although it is somewhat related to #5 in the not-so-good list, I do enjoy getting Baby J's room ready. I have a vision and it's slowly starting to come together. Baby stuff is so adorable!
(7) The excitement that I can see and hear each time we talk to our families and our friends. So many people are behind us, and that makes it even more exciting for us as we approach the end.
(8) Eating whatever I want without guilt. Baby J has a sweet tooth that I never had, and it has been delightful to feed her ice cream on demand.
(9) Having a due date in January will allow me half of a year before it's bathing suit season again. Can I get a heck yeah for that??
(10) Having a sweet husband that is so genuinely excited about the birth of his little girl and so supportive of me. He's going to be such a natural at this, I see it in so many things he already does, and I just cannot WAIT to see him as a Daddy.
Posted by The Justice Family at 6:33 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hot Dogs and Modeling Dogs
Hot Dogs...
Modeling Dogs...
Posted by The Justice Family at 8:22 AM 1 comments