Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Blue is the New Pink

Posted by The Justice Family at 12:22 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
What a Knockout
I'm so happy this morning - Travis comes home tonight! I hadn't mentioned it on an earlier post (there are crazy people out there, you know) - but Travis has been in Vegas since FRIDAY! He went out there for his friend, Drew's, bachelor party. Although I've teased him mercilessly, of course I don't worry about him behaving himself. In fact, he told me one night he had out his iphone at the club and was showing some people the blog. That made me laugh - gosh I love him. :) Two mornings this weekend, I've gotten up and called him - and he was still up from the night before! I know there's a three hour time difference, but still, that's pretty impressive for the guy that likes to go to bed by 10pm. And believe you me, I'm not making fun of him. I like to go to bed early too! We are "early to bed, early to rise" kinda people. Anyway, Campbell and I have done just fine this weekend, but really missed Travis. Of course I can get by and take care of her by myself. She sleeps so well at night, it's really not hard to do alone. What's been hard is just being lonely! It was GORGEOUS here all weekend - pushing 90 degrees most of the time. We ran a lot of errands, met a friend for lunch, had a real estate appointment that Campbell accompanied me on (because it was good friends that didn't mind working with my assistant) and we did go for a long walk yesterday morning before it got too hot. But while it was pretty out, that's awful hot for Campbell. Also, there is some strange rule that babies can't wear sunscreen until six months of age. So when we are outside, I am constantly aware of the sun and pretty serious about keeping her shaded which is not always that easy. So my point in all this is that we spent most of the weekend in the air-conditioning. We are so excited for Travis to come home. I think I can speak for both Campbell and I, we REALLY missed him!!
Posted by The Justice Family at 4:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
My Boss
It's been a good week so far - a full week! The problem is I couldn't really document what I've done. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. When you have a baby, you feel busy all the time. Yet the sun goes down at night and I often look around and wonder, what did I do all day!?! The house is still messy and the laundry isn't done - among many other things that linger on my to do lists. But hey, the baby is clothed, fed and very happy...so I guess I'm doing my job. :)
Posted by The Justice Family at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
If Campbell Could Talk
I'm just not in the mood today. No pictures, please. Maybe after naptime.
Bon Appetit!
Posted by The Justice Family at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Go BIG or Go Home!
That is apparently Campbell's motto. Today at her four-month check-up, we were not surprised to find out that Campbell is a big girl!
Weight: 17.3 lbs, 95th percentile
Height: 25 3/4 inches, 90th percentile
Head: 16 3/4 inches circumference, 85th percentile
The doctor was so pleased with her size. He said she looks wonderful and perfectly healthy. We are glad that her height and weight are moving up at the same speed, she's well-proportioned! We like to say big head, big brain. The doctor said something similar, so I'm sure that big head of hers is filled with a huge brain! ;)
Travis and I have been wondering if she's teething. She is all of a sudden drooling a lot, chews on her fingers non-stop, and I could swear I saw a little white spot in her gums. The pediatrician rubbed her lower gumline and said...wow, I can feel two right here, and they are really close. He thinks within the next month, she'll probably have two front teeth! WHOA! I said, so I guess she'll start teething soon? He explained that if they're that close to the surface, she's been teething for a while. Good grief! I expected it to be awful! I guess it very well still could be...but so far, the only repercussion has been some extra drool.
We are going to introduce some rice cereal into her diet in the very near future. That should be fun, interesting and messy! I can't believe our little girl is ready to try food! We will also start experimenting with leaving her in the nursery at the gym and at church. Now that flu season is basically over, the pediatrician was less concerned with it. He did warn us that she will get sick when do it. It's kind of inevitable. :( But he pointed out that she is so big and so healthy, she may do OK since she has quite a reserve stored up. :)
She got two vaccinations and only screamed for a little bit. Daddy was able to calm her down pretty quickly. Now she's resting in her recliner from such a big afternoon.
Posted by The Justice Family at 12:57 PM 1 comments
Four Months Old...and Campbell's First Easter!
Travis did a 20-mile bikeride on Saturday morning and then...
Posted by The Justice Family at 5:48 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009
Let the Good Times ROLL
My cheesy title actually has significance this time - Campbell rolled over this weekend all by herself! Campbell was on her tummy in her gym, which is NOT her favorite thing (the tummy part that is). She was getting more and more aggravated with me for not flipping her over. She just all of a sudden decided to take matters into her own hands and flipped herself onto her back! The coolest part was that Travis and I just both happened to there watching her, so we both saw it and screamed with delight together. I'm so glad she did it on a weekend so we could both see it! She hasn't done it since then, but has been really close for a while. I'm sure she'll be quite the roly poly in no time! What a milestone! I didn't capture the infamous roll on film, but these show just how strong she's getting. She's really holding her head up well now and exploring the world around her!
Posted by The Justice Family at 9:28 AM 1 comments