Monday, August 10, 2009

Big Girl Food

Since we got back from the beach, I have drastically changed Campbell's menu! I had just had it with the baby food. You've heard me vent before about all the spit up. It has always been bad - but it was being taken to new levels of bad now that she was eating things like "turkey, rice and barley" or "chicken with mixed vegetables." Gross! These meals were bright orange, smelled like dog food, and would reappear for HOURS after she ate them. Campbell's pediatrician has been encouraging us to try finger foods since she was six months old. We'd experimented with a green bean here or there, but hadn't really given it a go. Well, it's go time! This past week, Campbell has probably only had one or two jars of baby food, and that was only because we were on the go. She has been eating all sorts of new big girl foods, has not had any allergy issues, no choking, and is very happy! AND she is not hardly spitting up at all! I think she does a better job digesting the food she has to "chew". She has three teeth all the way in on the bottom, and three up top that have broken through her gums and are growing in as we speak. But she does a great job of mashing the food with her gums! Campbell now eats fresh avocado, steamed carrots, steamed zucchini, turkey, white toast, pasta, brown rice, big girl applesauce, and lots of bananas! I am really enjoying giving her fresh food - I feel good about it, and it's obviously sitting well with her since she's spitting up so much less! She was frustrated at first because all of those foods are slick and mushy and it's hard for her to get a hold of them with her little fingers. But now that she's getting better, she really enjoys it. It is a MESSY process (especially the avocado - we both look like the Hulk when she's done eating) but well worth the extra trouble. Lexi has gotten to try all of these foods as well because Campbell likes to toss her a few bites. :) But it's really fun and I'm enjoying making her "real" meals!!

Last week my new mommy friends in the neighborhood introduced Campbell and I to our new favorite walking spot! Jetton Park is just minutes from our house and is on the lake. The trails are paved and all completely shaded. They are hilly, so it's a great workout for me. And after we walked our babies for a while, we went down to the beach area at the lake and had a picnic lunch in the shade with the kids! Then the older ones played in the sand and waded in the lake. I intend to take full advantage of this park before winter rolls around! I can't believe I hadn't found it before!

Lastly, Travis and I are a bit tired these days. We assume it's just those top teeth coming in, but Campbell has been quite restless the past few nights. She'll cry in her sleep, and I mean really cry, pretty much every hour throughout the night. It's not just fussing - it's a loud enough cry that we feel like we need to go check on her to see that she's not stuck in the crib or something. Usually her eyes are closed and she's just tossing and turning and crying really hard. We feel so bad for her because obviously something is making her uncomfortable. We hope this doesn't last long - we are tired!!! We forgot what it was like to be up all night!!!!!!