Monday, August 31, 2009

A Week in the Life

I have a bunch of recent pictures which paint a good picture of a typical week at the Justice household. Here is the story of what we do, told by Campbell herself!

Everyday starts with Mommy obsessing over what I should wear. It always involves a hairbow, and sometimes other accessories like these shiny yellow sandals.
Mommy just told me where we are headed - neighborhood playgroup!!! We usually find people to play with. I think it's more for Mommy to chat with her friends and get out of the house...but I love watching the big kids run around. On other days, I get all dressed up and Mommy sets up a photo shoot. I LOVE having my picture taken and I like to "work the camera." It's a good thing, because Mommy always has that thing in her hand!

I was pretty curious about the grass and even got a little dirt under my fingernails to Mommy's dismay. :) Don't let the yellow hairbow fool you, I'm not THAT girly!

I work on my crawling for a while. I get in this position but it gets pretty boring pretty fast.

So then I do a little yoga, downward dog style. Then I just lean to the side and sit up! It's so fun now that I can go from laying down to sitting up all by myself. Somehow, I even manage to move across a room doing this. It's not crawling, but it works for me!
I hang with Lexi. She likes my hairbow too.
I smile and laugh a LOT. I'm pretty happy most of the time.
I'll read a book or two...I especially like this one with the flaps for me to tug on.
I climb up Mommy's legs and pull myself to standing!!!
Saturday mornings we have Swim School. Daddy got to come this past weekend and watch me splash. Some of the other parents said I was the star of the class!
Here I'm kicking with a little help from my teacher. Kicking is hard and not that fun. But notice my arm is still splashing - I never stop, not once, in the whole thirty minutes!! My teacher lets me demonstrate all the new skills for the other babies since I'm so happy in the water. Last week I even laid on my back with my ears in the water. She said that was advanced!!

It's officially football season now. So while Daddy goes to the stadium to work, Mommy dresses me up in my cheerleading uniform.
Go Panthers! I missed the game because it came on after my bedtime, but Daddy said I didn't miss much. :(
Now that I can sit up, I like to boycott naptime by sitting up in my bed.

Look at that mischievous look in my eye. Now THIS is fun...I call the shots about when I want to nap! hehehehe Mommy and Daddy are still trying to figure out what to do about this predicament!