Wow, how the time has flown. EIGHT MONTHS?!?!?!??! Everyday Campbell is less baby and more little girl. It's exciting and sad at the same time to see her grow up. Seriously, how does it go so fast?? She is really getting geared up to crawl. She can scoot a little bit if she gets really frustrated, and is learning to balance up on all fours. She will sit up and lean forward until she falls into a crawling position, and then her belly hits the floor. But it won't be long until she's able to lean over and take off! She's weighing in at 21 lbs 11 oz these days!! In case that means nothing to you, let me put it like this. She is 8 months old, and the clothes I'm buying her are size 18 months! :) Needless to say, she's growing like crazy and is not only big, but also tall! Her hair is coming in more each day as well. It's definitely still got a red tint to it, especially in the sunlight. The tooth count is up to six, although the last two of those six are taking their sweet time to come in. And I think they may be the reason she's become very restless and fussy in her sleep at night. We hope this is short-lived!! Campbell recognizes Travis and I both from across a room. When he comes home from work at night, you can just see her focus on his face and then start smiling and waving her arms with excitement. It's adorable to watch! Similarly, she made my day at the church nursery on Sunday when I snuck up on her in the Exersaucer. When she saw me, she broke into the biggest grin possible with a little squeal...and so did I. She still seems to have a lot of Travis' personality traits. She's calm and cool and really easy going. Campbell continues to be a baby who just goes with the flow and is content as long as she's fed! There is another side to Campbell which I'm starting to see which definitely has my influence. The girl loves attention! I'll watch her if we're out in public. If no one is looking at her or talking to her, she will turn on the charm, make eye contact with people, flash them smiles and giggles, and just show off - just to get attention! That's my girl!!!! She is just the sweetest little thing and reminds us on a daily basis how blessed we are to have such a wonderful baby in our lives! Happy Eight Months, Campbell!

This month I even taped the sign to the chair, but it didn't stand a chance...

And now a few from dinner last night so you can see how Campbell eats like a big girl now! On the menu - turkey, avocado and steamed carrots!


...mouth! Shew, this eating business is hard work!
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