Our Sunday will go down in history as the most productive Sunday ever! We hung pictures, steam-cleaned our carpets, installed baby gates on the stairs, ran errands, and more. I feel so good knocking all of those things off our list (ok, let's be real, it was MY list, not OUR list. But I do appreciate Travis' participation).
Harley and Lexi aren't too thrilled about the baby gates on the stairs. Lexi is scared of them and cries when they are shut. Harley just sees them as one more annoyance, but luckily she is flexible enough to scoot under them. I'm so glad - I hated to think my poor kitty would have to hurdle the gates while on the stairs!! After all, she's almost 9 years old!!
Speaking of Harley, I realized the other day we didn't have a single picture of Campbell and Harles together. Probably because, like the baby gates, Campbell is just another annoyance to Harley. Cats aren't too big on change, and these two are far from best friends. I'd say Harley likes Campbell more than she likes Lexi, but that isn't saying much. Ha! Really, until a month or so ago, Campbell paid no attention to Harley. Harles is too fast and just made herself scarce. But now that Campbell is mobile, they've had a few meetings (aka run-ins). They're not friends yet, but Campbell is very curious and very determined. She's pet Harley once or twice. It's difficult to try to explain to an 11-month old why she cannot corner Harley in her little kitty tent and try to reach in and pet her. How can I nicely tell her that if she does that, she'll probably lose an arm? Harles does have a sweet side (Travis will tell you I'm lying, but she does), and I'm sure after we get past a few inevitable scratches, they'll be buddies.
I managed to finally capture these two sisters together on film (before the baby gates went up).
Gone! Harley ran safely to the landing, probably plotting her attack on the baby...
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