Sunday, November 29, 2009

So Much to be Thankful For

We have so much to be thankful for this year. For wonderful family. For friends who are "family" to us. For a very happy marriage and a beautiful daughter. For all of our needs being not only met, but exceeded. For our health. And for happiness, happiness, happiness!

This year we celebrated Thanksgiving at one of my favorite places on the planet - our house! We hosted Thanksgiving for the Justice side of the family. Lucky for me, Alex brought the turkey so I wasn't responsible for cooking the bird. Shew! I've done it before, but no one had to twist my arm to give up that task. I made several sides, and Travis' Mom and Nanny made a couple sides and dessert. We had a great Thanksgiving feast, but more importantly had a full day to hang out as a family. Campbell had a great time trying to keep up with her older cousins. I did miss my family in Virginia - there's just something about actually being with everyone you are thankful for that makes the day the most meaningful. But obviously we can't all be together all the time. So I settled for a few phone calls, and we ate off of my great grandmother's china and silver, which was a gift to me from my Grandma. So that helped bring a little piece of my side of the family to the Thanksgiving table.

Now that Thanksgiving is over, it's time to gear up for the big birthday party and for Christmas! Very exciting times ahead. On Black Friday we did a little birthday shopping for Campbell (it's so great, she can come with us and has no idea what we're doing - ha!). This weekend we got out the Christmas decorations and I'm starting to get in the spirit. Once I finish trimming the tree, and get a little Christmas music going, I'll be ready for St. Nick!!

Big news this morning - Campbell graduated out of the baby room at church! As of this morning, Campbell is officially a toddler!!! We took her to the toddler's and 2's nursery and dropped her off. In the baby room, we usually went in, sat down, got her interested in a toy, and snuck out. The toddler room is a whole different ball game. They keep a gate up to cut down on the flight risk, so we just had to hand Campbell over the gate to a stranger, in a new classroom. Needless to say, she wasn't too happy. Travis and I stood in the hall and watched from the window and soon enough, she was fine. They have those tables with the little seats down in the table. They sat her in the table next to another little girl, gave her a big pile of Cheerios and her sippy cup, and she was on top of the world! Travis and I had "a moment" as we watched our little baby in the big girl room, acting like a big girl. We had a hard time going to big people church. I think he and I both would've been content to stand in the hallway and check on her all morning. Nervous parents! But we peeled ourselves away, and were happy to get the report that Campbell did absolutely great in there and seemed to have a lot of fun. When we picked her up, she and another little girl were playing a gentle game of tug of war over a book. I'm so grateful for the social interaction she gets at church. Wow - a toddler!!! Isn't that crazy??????

I was too wrapped up in the cooking and entertaining on Thanksgiving to take any pictures...but here are two that ended up on my camera!

Campbell enjoying lunch before her First Thanksgiving
Emerson and Peyton loving on Campbell