Monday, November 9, 2009

Sunny with a 100% Chance of a Sprinkle

Campbell and I are finally back in Huntersville after being road warriors this weekend. We left on Thursday and drove to Roanoke, spent the night with my parents. Left Friday afternoon with my Mom on board and headed to Northern Virginia to my sister's house. Spent the weekend there to celebrate my sister and my nephew-to-be!! Yesterday we drove back to Roanoke where Campbell and I spent the night with my parents. And then today, after having lunch with my Grandma, Campbell and I drove BACK to Huntersville. PHEW! That's four road trips - each about 3-4 hours. Let me tell you, I am all drived out!! But was it worth it? Oh my gosh, a million times, YES!!!

This weekend I got to see my beautiful sister and her belly. She says it's huge - it's definitely not huge. She is just perfectly pregnant and carrying that baby like a true Reid girl. We don't mess around! ;) My nephew is due on Valentine's Day (or Balentine's Day, as Taylor says it), which happens to be my sister's birthday! He'll likely arrive before being struck by Cupid's arrow as her doctor has plans to induce a little early. I am just so excited to have a nephew, and to add another precious baby to the family. Children are the absolute greatest blessing in the world. The joy that has come over our family since Taylor and Campbell have joined us is just indescribable. I love my niece Taylor so much and I am just jumping with excitement to meet her little brother.

My sister's friends threw her a baby sprinkle yesterday - like a baby shower, but supposedly less elaborate since it's baby #2. No one followed directions because Jennifer was definitely showered with gifts. It was really fun and I wouldn't have missed it for the world!

My parents had a blast with Campbell. GrandDeb, aka Grandma Normie, rode with Campbell in the backseat for two of our four roadtrips. She kept Campbell entertained and happy which took away all the stress for me. Last night in Roanoke, Campbell put on quite a show for GrandDaddy and GrandDeb, which was great medicine for poor GrandDaddy who is fighting a terrible cough. She was straight up WILD. It was hilarious and she was acting like a crazy baby. We just sat back and enjoyed the show and laughed at my little performer. She is walking all over the place, stumbling like a drunk person. And last night, she decided to pick up the pace and try to skip/jog which was disastrous! Didn't bother her at all, she was crashing time and time again, laughing and giggling her little head off, and taking off again. It was so funny to watch!

Taylor and Campbell are the best of buds. These cousins were inseparable this weekend. Taylor will turn three about a week after Campbell turns one. Taylor wants to help me do everything, and wants to be next to Baby Campbell at all times. They took the inaugural ride in Jen's new double jogging stroller which was super cute. They were holding hands!!!!!! I melted. They took a bath together, complete with a bathtime tea party. Campbell had a bewildered look on her face during many of these activities, but Taylor didn't skip a beat and was sweet and gentle with Campbell. I will attempt to make a literary reference, but please don't make fun of me if it's wrong. Was it "Of Mice and Men" when the guy named Lenny loved the bunny so much, that he pet it too hard and killed it? We kept joking that Taylor was like Lenny and Campbell was the poor bunny being smothered by affection. But everyone survived and those two little girls are adorable to watch. I must say I was quite proud of Campbell. On more than one occasion, Taylor took a toy away from her and Campbell went after her. I'm talking, WWE-style. Like pulled her down from behind, went for the hair, it was a cat fight! I don't think Taylor stood a chance! (It doesn't hurt that Campbell weighs almost as much as Taylor despite the two year age gap - ha!) Us grown ups cracked up, and then of course intervened and made peace and talked about sharing. My girl can hold her own!! I'm glad to see she's going to be a little scrappy. That means she'll be assertive and stand up for herself. I like that!

The only bummer of the whole weekend was that my sweet husband wasn't there. Because Travis was working out of town last week, and because we were staying for a long weekend, he couldn't come with us. We had to leave town Thursday and he didn't return until Friday! :( We missed him so much it hurt! I don't know how couples manage when one parent travels a lot. It stinks, and I feel like Campbell is changing so fast right now, I just want him standing next to me at all times so we can watch her grow up before our very eyes! I'm being a bit of a drama queen, but in a nutshell, Campbell and I missed her Daddy very, very much.

I did take some pictures here and there this weekend but after all that driving, there isn't even a chance that I'll find the camera and download pictures tonight. If there are good ones, I'll post them later this week when I've crawled out from under the suitcases and recovered from all our travels. Right now...I'm headed to the couch to chase down a DVR'ed episode of Top Chef with a nice glass of pinot grigio. Wearing a big, fat smile on my face as I think about the great weekend we had with my family.