Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trick or Treat

I'm a few days late with details from Campbell's first Halloween! It was pretty uneventful but very fun. We of course dressed her up in the lovebug suit. I don't really know what Halloween protocol is for the little ones. It was still light out, yet I saw a few tiny trick-or-treaters down the street. Some of our neighbors already had their porch lights on, others didn't. So we went in and out of the house several times, each time ending with me saying, "nah, not yet, no one's out yet, let's wait a few more minutes." I just wanted it to be perfect! Meanwhile, Campbell was probably roasting in the all-fleece lovebug suit! :) Once we decided to make it a go, it was great. We just took her to a handful of neighbors' houses. She just had a blank stare on her face, kind of indifferent about the whole thing which is fine. After all, it is sort of a whacky holiday and was probably a little overwhelming. It started to rain on us, and Travis and I each had gotten a Payday candybar, so we called it a night! Back home, we parked her Exersaucer thing in the foyer and let her see a few rounds of trick-or-treaters at our house. I really liked one witch who was about seven years old. I opened the door, she saw Campbell and said, "Aw, I like your kid." Um, thanks! Haha, too cute. I love the pictures I captured from her first Halloween. Hope you enjoy them too! And I hope we find another excuse to wear that lovebug costume before she outgrows it, it is just way too adorable!

FINALLY outside after several false alarms.
Mommy loves this lovebug!

Daddy takes me next door to trick-or-treat. Check out their decorations! If you think this is good, you should see the place at Christmas!!

Ding dong, trick or treat!!!!!

HAPPY FIRST HALLOWEEN, CAMPBELL! You made a perfect lovebug.