Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thirsty Thursday

It's been a hectic week to say the least. Nothing out of the ordinary going on in our world, just a lot of "stuff." Campbell and I spent Monday with her cousin Miller and his mommy. They live in South Carolina - yes, we cross borders for playdates. haha OK, I'm being a little dramatic, it's like a 40-minute drive that was well worth it. Miller has a TON of toys...even after loaning us all of his "baby" toys. Campbell and I both had fun.

After Oasis at church this morning, Campbell and I have been getting ready to host Thirsty Thursday this afternoon. It's a playgroup for the kiddos in the neighborhood. The name comes from the adult beverages usually served to the moms. Yes, we are responsible parents and no one is boozing it up while watching their kids. But it is really fun and quite nice to share ONE glass of wine with my friends while the kids play at the end of the week. I'm excited to host it today, although quite disappointed in my produce. I was making this awesome dip about twenty minutes ago. I waited until the last minute on purpose so the avocado wouldn't turn brown. I cut the thing open, and it was bad. Really bad. Not salvageable. And of course, this is discovered when my normally-non-napping child goes down for a great nap, and company is coming over in an hour. Oh well, now I know to always buy two avocados! We'll be having avocado-less dip today. Maybe the wine will make up for it... Lexi is at doggie daycare for the afternoon so it will be a lot easier on me to keep things in order around here with all the toddlers running around.

The best part of the week was Tuesday morning. We had family pictures right after sunrise on the first day of fall with the most talented photographer on the planet. Seriously, y'all, this girl is GOOD. I will tell more about her and about our session when we get all the pictures back and of course share them here. But she did post this one picture on her blog as a teaser of what's to come, and said some really sweet things about how cute Campbell is. I couldn't agree more, Sharon!

Tomorrow Campbell and I are headed to Virginia to see my family. Travis can't go this weekend, and it will be the longest trip I've ever taken with Campbell solo. I'm going to carefully time the drive around naptime and hope for the best!! I can't wait for my family to see how much my little girl has grown up since the beach trip!!!!!!