Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Blue is the New Pink

I think the tone of most of my blog posts is usually positive and upbeat. Today...I need the opportunity to vent. I have seriously had it up to here (my hand is at my forehead) with people in public calling Campbell a boy! I mentioned this on Easter - dressed up in her Sunday best, she was referred to as a HE on five occasions. OK, I thought I was over it. Nope. Today we ran into the mall. Let me set the scene. Campbell is wearing capri jeans (with ruffles at the bottom) and an aqua blue tank top. The tank top has spaghetti straps that tie in little bows on the shoulders, it is embroidered across the chest, and has tropical flowers embroidered across the bottom. Blue? Yes, it is. But girly? Most definitely!!!
We are in the mall and there is a whole family there with a little girl. They start in with this, "Well hey buddy, look at you! You look just like ____ (the name of some little boy they know I guess). Look at him looking at her...awwww...isn't he cute?" OK. I'm happy you think my child is cute...but she is absolutely not flirting with your little girl. Nor is she a "buddy." Ugh.

OK, so I let it go and head into the store. I'm buying Campbell two sleepers, a pink one and a purple one. And the saleslady says to me, "I just love his giraffe, with all those bright colors. Is that his favorite toy?" I just said in a very irritated voice...yes it is...and I walked off. Did she think I was buying the sleepers for his little sister????

I'm not sure why I find it so offensive. Obviously it doesn't matter and these people don't mean any harm. They were all trying to be friendly and just spoke without thinking. I just think it irritates me because they make me feel like I have to put her in pink lace everyday to be seen as a girl!! Her carseat is brown. Brown used to be a boy's color - I got news for these people. Today - brown is unisex! Why would I buy a pink car seat? What if the next baby we have is a boy? We were trying to be practical and go neutral on all our major purchases. And did they not notice the purple pacifier, attached to a pink and white polka dotted ribbon??

Even before having a baby, I was always very careful to say things like..."Well aren't you a cutie!" (addressing the baby) or "How old is your baby?" That way you are safe and won't stick your foot in your mouth. I was venting about this to my sister and she told me to get over it. That obviously these are just clueless people. She said these are the same kind of people who would go up to a fat person and ask when their baby was due. HAHA So true! Words of wisdom from my sister! Or what about the night I was checking out of the hospital and Campbell was still in the NICU. I was standing on the sidewalk, fighting back tears, holding an "it's a girl" balloon waiting for Travis to pull the car around. Some passerby says to me, "I think you forgot the baby!" If looks could kill... I just wish people would think before they speak. And I wish I wasn't so sensitive!!!

Do I look like a boy??? My pj's have pink ruffles on them...if only they could see me now!

That's it. Back to happy sunny thoughts...

Monday, April 27, 2009

What a Knockout

I'm so happy this morning - Travis comes home tonight! I hadn't mentioned it on an earlier post (there are crazy people out there, you know) - but Travis has been in Vegas since FRIDAY! He went out there for his friend, Drew's, bachelor party. Although I've teased him mercilessly, of course I don't worry about him behaving himself. In fact, he told me one night he had out his iphone at the club and was showing some people the blog. That made me laugh - gosh I love him. :) Two mornings this weekend, I've gotten up and called him - and he was still up from the night before! I know there's a three hour time difference, but still, that's pretty impressive for the guy that likes to go to bed by 10pm. And believe you me, I'm not making fun of him. I like to go to bed early too! We are "early to bed, early to rise" kinda people. Anyway, Campbell and I have done just fine this weekend, but really missed Travis. Of course I can get by and take care of her by myself. She sleeps so well at night, it's really not hard to do alone. What's been hard is just being lonely! It was GORGEOUS here all weekend - pushing 90 degrees most of the time. We ran a lot of errands, met a friend for lunch, had a real estate appointment that Campbell accompanied me on (because it was good friends that didn't mind working with my assistant) and we did go for a long walk yesterday morning before it got too hot. But while it was pretty out, that's awful hot for Campbell. Also, there is some strange rule that babies can't wear sunscreen until six months of age. So when we are outside, I am constantly aware of the sun and pretty serious about keeping her shaded which is not always that easy. So my point in all this is that we spent most of the weekend in the air-conditioning. We are so excited for Travis to come home. I think I can speak for both Campbell and I, we REALLY missed him!!

The old lady in me is coming out. I just have to post a few pictures of our flowers in the front yard. I can't take credit for planting them. We had them planted last year and I was never entirely sold on it. I thought, OK, fine, now we have a bunch of different flowers that only bloom part of the year, and we paid how much for them? But now I understand, it just took one season of growth for them to really wow me. This year they came back with a vengeance! Our flower beds have really filled in and I think it is SO pretty! I'm sold now! The best things are these flowers called knockout roses. They are roses for people like me who do not have a green thumb. They require no work - just a little water here and there. They bloom for a very long season...have a TON of blooms...and grow into these huge, full rosebushes. We have them in pink and yellow - love them! Now I'm really laughing at myself...who knew I'd ever have a whole paragraph to write about how pretty the flowers in my yard are. hahaha Next project - backyard. It's a jungle out there...

Last but far from least, I think we have a tooth!!!! Campbell has two teeth on the bottom row just ready to bust through. As of yesterday morning, I can feel it on the surface of her gums! I think one has broken through. I cannot BELIEVE she is going to have teeth! Can I still call her a baby????? She has taken this teething like a champ. I hear most people say it's the two-year molars that are rough, these are like a walk in the park. But really she hasn't showed many signs at all! There's been a lot of drool around here...and she's a little restless in her sleep...I wonder if they might ache a little. As of yesterday, she's very congested which I understand is a sign of teething as well. But that's it! It's not visible yet, but as soon as it pops up more, I'll try to snap a picture of my baby girl's new toothy grin!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Boss

It's been a good week so far - a full week! The problem is I couldn't really document what I've done. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. When you have a baby, you feel busy all the time. Yet the sun goes down at night and I often look around and wonder, what did I do all day!?! The house is still messy and the laundry isn't done - among many other things that linger on my to do lists. But hey, the baby is clothed, fed and very I guess I'm doing my job. :)

I'm really diving back into real estate and I am LOVING my new firm. I am really enjoying having some work to do that doesn't involve diapers. I love taking care of Campbell, diapers and all. But it's also nice to have something that stimulates my own brain. I spend all day trying to keep her interested and engaged...and sometimes realize my own brain is turning to mush. So anyway, I am so glad to have work to do and hope I keep getting busier.

Here are a few pictures of Campbell. I always call her my assistant when we go into my real estate office. But let's be honest here, we all know she's really my boss...

If this picture doesn't make you smile, I don't know what will!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

If Campbell Could Talk

If Campbell could is what I think she'd say.

I can't seem to do ANYTHING without that camera flashing in my eyes! Scares me to death!

I'm just not in the mood today. No pictures, please. Maybe after naptime.

Can I just have ONE little minute to myself?

Fine, I give up, what else do you want from me?

OK, I'll agree to one posed picture. Here you go...but this is it!
Back to Mommy talking...
Saturday morning we followed our doctor's advice and introduced her to rice cereal! It really didn't surprise us that she took to it pretty easily. We know that our little girl likes to eat!!! She wasn't quite sure what to do with it, but figured it out pretty fast. Then her only issue was that we weren't fast enough with the spoon! She started opening her mouth in anticipation of the spoon. She has had it two mornings now and seems to enjoy it. After a while, we'll be able to let her try some more exciting foods - like sweet potatoes and applesauce! Something tells me she will LOVE trying new foods...just a hunch. ;)
Everybody who wants to try rice cereal, raise your hand!

Bon Appetit!

Today I think I'll end with some deep thoughts. This week will be my last Thursday morning at church until the fall. We are wrapping up for the semester and were asked to each make a scrapbook page about our experience. I frowned at this at first because I am not crafty and had no idea what to put on my page. We were supposed to show something that we've taken away from our studies, things we've learned, etc. I think I was just intimidated by the creative aspect of it. I started going back through the book we studied which was called "Tender Mercy for a Mother's Soul" by Angela Thomas Guffey. Then I got really into it and knocked out my page in about an hour, and had fun flipping back through the book and remembering all of our discussions. Our group consisted of young moms and our study focused on how to be a mom yet find the time to still nurture your own spirit. We learned how important it is to care for your own soul, and how that in turn will make us more capable of caring for our children's souls and our husband's souls. I REALLY enjoyed it and have made some great friends. Anyway, I found some pretty cool quotes in there to use on my page so please allow me to get all religious on you for a moment and share what I found meaningful.

"In motherhood, God has unveiled the rest of my soul. I didn't have any idea what was inside me. I didn't know that God had built into me the capacity to love so unconditionally, to give so freely, and to protect so fiercely."

"Motherhood has strengthened me as a person and yet challenged me right to my core."

"Love is different now; it's deeper, unpretentious, indisputable."

"By the grace of God, you and I are made free to live and love, to enjoy and to celebrate. We can laugh again. We can play. We can hug long and love loud."

When Campbell can talk, I hope she'll say that her Daddy and I hug long and love loud.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Go BIG or Go Home!

That is apparently Campbell's motto. Today at her four-month check-up, we were not surprised to find out that Campbell is a big girl!

Weight: 17.3 lbs, 95th percentile
Height: 25 3/4 inches, 90th percentile
Head: 16 3/4 inches circumference, 85th percentile

The doctor was so pleased with her size. He said she looks wonderful and perfectly healthy. We are glad that her height and weight are moving up at the same speed, she's well-proportioned! We like to say big head, big brain. The doctor said something similar, so I'm sure that big head of hers is filled with a huge brain! ;)

Travis and I have been wondering if she's teething. She is all of a sudden drooling a lot, chews on her fingers non-stop, and I could swear I saw a little white spot in her gums. The pediatrician rubbed her lower gumline and, I can feel two right here, and they are really close. He thinks within the next month, she'll probably have two front teeth! WHOA! I said, so I guess she'll start teething soon? He explained that if they're that close to the surface, she's been teething for a while. Good grief! I expected it to be awful! I guess it very well still could be...but so far, the only repercussion has been some extra drool.

We are going to introduce some rice cereal into her diet in the very near future. That should be fun, interesting and messy! I can't believe our little girl is ready to try food! We will also start experimenting with leaving her in the nursery at the gym and at church. Now that flu season is basically over, the pediatrician was less concerned with it. He did warn us that she will get sick when do it. It's kind of inevitable. :( But he pointed out that she is so big and so healthy, she may do OK since she has quite a reserve stored up. :)

She got two vaccinations and only screamed for a little bit. Daddy was able to calm her down pretty quickly. Now she's resting in her recliner from such a big afternoon.

Four Months Old...and Campbell's First Easter!

Campbell is four months old!!! She actually hit the four-month mark on Saturday the 11th. We did get these pictures taken on Saturday, just took a couple days to post them. This month Campbell has hit several milestones! She can roll over from tummy to back. She can REALLY hold her head up when laying on her stomach. She "talks" and squeals a ton. She truly is a happy baby, her pictures show her personality well!! She can now grab onto toys, especially those dangled overhead or in front of her. She sucks her thumb, sometimes an index finger, and sometimes a whole mouthful of fingers. When she first found her hands, she would become frustrated when she'd accidentally pull her thumb out. Now she can quickly get it back to her mouth, so we may have a thumbsucker on our hands. I know there are disadvantages, but it is helping a little with her insistence on having a paci! Nighttime is a dream now! Campbell is an excellent sleeper. For probably six or eight weeks now, she sleeps through the night like a champ. She is begging to go to bed around 8pm. She is usually down in her crib by 8:30 and we rarely hear a peep out of her until 7:30am. Sometimes we even have to go wake her up, she's like a teenager! We are so blessed to have a good sleeper. One of my favorite times of day is when she first wakes up. Travis and I often go in her room together. She will be laying in her crib awake, and making some noise, but not fussing or crying. We'll lean over, she'll look from his face to mine with a serious expression...and then a huge smile opens up as she recognizes Mommy and Daddy. She'll start kicking and squealing - we are like putty in her tiny, pudgy hands. :) As you can see, she is eating very well and growing like crazy. We have a check-up this afternoon so I'll be anxious to hear her height and weight stats, I'm thinking she'll be off the charts. I'll post them later!! Everyday Campbell seems to learn a new trick or find some other way to make us smile. This month has been amazing - she changed so much in one month's time!!! I keep telling her to SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But we are loving every single second of it. Prepare for picture overload...

Travis took a couple of vacation days last week. Thursday we took a trip out to the new IKEA store. We've been wanting to go but didn't want to battle the weekend crowds. It was pretty cool and a good outing. Travis surprised me with an early birthday gift on Thursday - navigation for my car!!!!!! I soooo needed it, I can get lost in our driveway. (And our driveway is only about five feet long). This will be really nice when I have real estate clients in the car - it's very embarassing to get lost with clients in tow! So I was really excited about that. My actual birthday fell on Easter this year, and so we decided to observe it a few days early. Friday night, at my pick, we went to Wal-Mart, got Chinese take-out, and watched the DVR'ed Biggest Loser from last week. I know that sounds funny, but it's what I wanted!! Travis offered to take me to fancy restaurants...but it was raining and icky out. I really didn't want to stress about Campbell's schedule and our dinner reservations, would she fuss at a nice place, etc. I just wanted to eat some good food, have a nice tall glass of wine with my hubby, watch my favorite show, and relax! The Wal-Mart trip was just an added bonus. hahaha It was really nice and I'm excited to take TomTom all over town with me. Thanks Travis!

Travis did a 20-mile bikeride on Saturday morning and then...
We're off! Marion or Bust!

Saturday, after we took the four-month pictures, we loaded Campbell and Lexi into the car to head to Marion to spend Easter with Travis' family. We've never traveled with both the dog and the baby. We are lucky that both are great travelers! They both snoozed for the majority of the ride, Campbell in her carseat, Lexi in her seatbelt next to her. They both did relatively well overnight in Marion as well. For being in a different house, not in her crib, a different routine, etc., Campbell slept until 5:15 on Sunday morning. I'll take that! Travis' family really enjoyed having her and they got LOADS of smiles and giggles. She even rolled over twice for her PawPaw Butch. We took her to church in Marion and got to show her off in her Easter get-up. Too bad for Campbell, she got called a "he" on FIVE occasions! In her defense, her carseat is brown, and I think that throws people off. She had a blanket over her legs while she was sleeping which hid her lacy socks and dress shoes, the bonnet wasn't on yet, and her Easter dress was green. But we heard FIVE times, "Oh my, isn't he precious! He looks like a Justice baby alright!" Next year for Easter, we're going pink, and hopefully with a hairbow!!!!! ;) She was awake when the service started and behaved herself. In the last hymn, she sang along with squeals for everyone around us to hear. She smiled at EVERYONE. She makes Travis and I so proud. It really does just make me swell up with pride when she is such a sweet-natured baby and she shows people how happy she is.
Campbell and PawPaw Butch after church

Campbell with her cousins after church. Peyton is on the left, Emerson on the right!

Notice the lipstick on her cheek! Those church ladies love big cheeks and a happy baby dressed up for Easter! Although I think Aunt Sonia may have planted that big kiss on her...

Gangy and PawPaw Butch with three of their granddaughters

Justice, Party of Three! I LOVE this picture, I think it will be my new profile picture on Facebook.
Campbell and Nanny are chatting after church. Campbell's great grandmother has NO trouble getting lots of smiles. Campbell finds her REALLY funny.

Campbell snoozes on the way home while Lexi tries to pass the time with a few roadtrip songs..."A hundred bottles of beer on the wall..."

We came back home and have lots of unpacking to do, even from just an overnight trip! We have a Yukon...and sometimes we feel like it's not even big travel with ONE kid! haha I had a happy birthday, a happy Easter, and have a happy, healthy four-month old. Now it's Monday again with rain in the forecast, and Campbell is due for a few vaccinations at her appointment this afternoon. :( I'll post her stats just as soon as I have them!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Let the Good Times ROLL

My cheesy title actually has significance this time - Campbell rolled over this weekend all by herself! Campbell was on her tummy in her gym, which is NOT her favorite thing (the tummy part that is). She was getting more and more aggravated with me for not flipping her over. She just all of a sudden decided to take matters into her own hands and flipped herself onto her back! The coolest part was that Travis and I just both happened to there watching her, so we both saw it and screamed with delight together. I'm so glad she did it on a weekend so we could both see it! She hasn't done it since then, but has been really close for a while. I'm sure she'll be quite the roly poly in no time! What a milestone! I didn't capture the infamous roll on film, but these show just how strong she's getting. She's really holding her head up well now and exploring the world around her!

In these pictures, can you tell how fair her coloring is? We've had more than one person comment - people will say, where did she get the blonde hair? Or red hair? It's definitely not blonde, she's just got light eyebrows. Her hair is somewhat of a mullet right now because she's got little tufts on the back - and that hair is pretty dark. But it all definitely has a beautiful auburn tint to it. She still has those blue eyes which we are watching everyday to see if we think they'll stay that way or not. For now, she looks like a little Irish baby!! We had a stranger come up to us at a restaurant this weekend and say, "oh my gosh, how beautiful! What a HEALTHY baby you have!" I think that's the polite way to comment on how chunky she is. We love it!

Because she's getting so strong and so curious, we decided to splurge on an early Easter present! The Easter Bunny must have been hopping through town this weekend to map out his route for next weekend...because he brought Campbell an ExerSaucer!!! She's not quite ready to "play" with it yet. She's steady enough to sit up in it without her head bobbing around. She of course doesn't know how to spin, and it's quite a bit of work for her to hold her body upright. But...she seemed totally mesmerized by all the colors. We think the Easter Bunny did a great job - this is definitely going to continue to be fun for her as she grows!

On another note, Campbell and I are very proud of Travis. On Saturday he did the first of five triathlons he will be competing in this spring and summer. Yes, five triathlons. My husband is crazy. :) He has really been working hard and he looks great. He finished the triathlon on Saturday and did very well. Of course he's hard on himself just because in his mind, there's always room for improvement. I just think it's amazing that anyone could swim, then bike, then run! I'm not sure where the energy comes from! We are extremely proud of his accomplishments and can't wait for the in-town triathlons so we can go cheer him on at the finish line. We weren't able to go on Saturday because it was out of town, Daddy's start time conflicted with Campbell's breakfast time, and it was too cold. But we will definitely be there this summer!!

Sunday we played hookie from church and did all sorts of random odd jobs around the house. It was close to 80 degrees here yesterday so we took Lexi and Campbell on a super long walk. We had a nice, relaxing family day and got a lot of things done that have been on my to-do list for months. One of which was FINALLY hanging the monogram letters above Campbell's crib! Her room finally looks complete and I'm so pleased with how these letters turned out.

And last but not least, I tried to stage a photo shoot with Lexi and Campbell. I would've gotten Harley in the mix too...but considering she is not fond of the dog or the baby, I let her finish her nap instead. Both Lexi and Campbell did great...until Campbell turned her head and spit up all over Lexi's tail. HAHAHA So disgusting. Lexi didn't even notice, although I'm sure she figured it out at some point. These two are definitely going to be bff's someday!