Monday, April 27, 2009

What a Knockout

I'm so happy this morning - Travis comes home tonight! I hadn't mentioned it on an earlier post (there are crazy people out there, you know) - but Travis has been in Vegas since FRIDAY! He went out there for his friend, Drew's, bachelor party. Although I've teased him mercilessly, of course I don't worry about him behaving himself. In fact, he told me one night he had out his iphone at the club and was showing some people the blog. That made me laugh - gosh I love him. :) Two mornings this weekend, I've gotten up and called him - and he was still up from the night before! I know there's a three hour time difference, but still, that's pretty impressive for the guy that likes to go to bed by 10pm. And believe you me, I'm not making fun of him. I like to go to bed early too! We are "early to bed, early to rise" kinda people. Anyway, Campbell and I have done just fine this weekend, but really missed Travis. Of course I can get by and take care of her by myself. She sleeps so well at night, it's really not hard to do alone. What's been hard is just being lonely! It was GORGEOUS here all weekend - pushing 90 degrees most of the time. We ran a lot of errands, met a friend for lunch, had a real estate appointment that Campbell accompanied me on (because it was good friends that didn't mind working with my assistant) and we did go for a long walk yesterday morning before it got too hot. But while it was pretty out, that's awful hot for Campbell. Also, there is some strange rule that babies can't wear sunscreen until six months of age. So when we are outside, I am constantly aware of the sun and pretty serious about keeping her shaded which is not always that easy. So my point in all this is that we spent most of the weekend in the air-conditioning. We are so excited for Travis to come home. I think I can speak for both Campbell and I, we REALLY missed him!!

The old lady in me is coming out. I just have to post a few pictures of our flowers in the front yard. I can't take credit for planting them. We had them planted last year and I was never entirely sold on it. I thought, OK, fine, now we have a bunch of different flowers that only bloom part of the year, and we paid how much for them? But now I understand, it just took one season of growth for them to really wow me. This year they came back with a vengeance! Our flower beds have really filled in and I think it is SO pretty! I'm sold now! The best things are these flowers called knockout roses. They are roses for people like me who do not have a green thumb. They require no work - just a little water here and there. They bloom for a very long season...have a TON of blooms...and grow into these huge, full rosebushes. We have them in pink and yellow - love them! Now I'm really laughing at myself...who knew I'd ever have a whole paragraph to write about how pretty the flowers in my yard are. hahaha Next project - backyard. It's a jungle out there...

Last but far from least, I think we have a tooth!!!! Campbell has two teeth on the bottom row just ready to bust through. As of yesterday morning, I can feel it on the surface of her gums! I think one has broken through. I cannot BELIEVE she is going to have teeth! Can I still call her a baby????? She has taken this teething like a champ. I hear most people say it's the two-year molars that are rough, these are like a walk in the park. But really she hasn't showed many signs at all! There's been a lot of drool around here...and she's a little restless in her sleep...I wonder if they might ache a little. As of yesterday, she's very congested which I understand is a sign of teething as well. But that's it! It's not visible yet, but as soon as it pops up more, I'll try to snap a picture of my baby girl's new toothy grin!