Monday, April 13, 2009

Go BIG or Go Home!

That is apparently Campbell's motto. Today at her four-month check-up, we were not surprised to find out that Campbell is a big girl!

Weight: 17.3 lbs, 95th percentile
Height: 25 3/4 inches, 90th percentile
Head: 16 3/4 inches circumference, 85th percentile

The doctor was so pleased with her size. He said she looks wonderful and perfectly healthy. We are glad that her height and weight are moving up at the same speed, she's well-proportioned! We like to say big head, big brain. The doctor said something similar, so I'm sure that big head of hers is filled with a huge brain! ;)

Travis and I have been wondering if she's teething. She is all of a sudden drooling a lot, chews on her fingers non-stop, and I could swear I saw a little white spot in her gums. The pediatrician rubbed her lower gumline and, I can feel two right here, and they are really close. He thinks within the next month, she'll probably have two front teeth! WHOA! I said, so I guess she'll start teething soon? He explained that if they're that close to the surface, she's been teething for a while. Good grief! I expected it to be awful! I guess it very well still could be...but so far, the only repercussion has been some extra drool.

We are going to introduce some rice cereal into her diet in the very near future. That should be fun, interesting and messy! I can't believe our little girl is ready to try food! We will also start experimenting with leaving her in the nursery at the gym and at church. Now that flu season is basically over, the pediatrician was less concerned with it. He did warn us that she will get sick when do it. It's kind of inevitable. :( But he pointed out that she is so big and so healthy, she may do OK since she has quite a reserve stored up. :)

She got two vaccinations and only screamed for a little bit. Daddy was able to calm her down pretty quickly. Now she's resting in her recliner from such a big afternoon.


Clare said...

glad she had such a great check up, it always feels good to get a good report:)