Campbell's cousins' closets are the best place to shop! She is fortunate enough to have all these girl cousins who are willing to share their wardrobes with her. And let me tell you, her cousins all dress so well. Yesterday afternoon we drove up to Alex and Sonia's house to hang out and to grab some more stylish clothes for Campbell!
I want to take a minute to brag about these two nieces. I'm always gushing about Taylor, and now it's time to turn the spotlight to these two. Emerson is six, Peyton is five, both going on fourteen. :) They are absolutely adorable sweet, extremely smart, and a riot to hang out with. They seriously say the funniest things! At our wedding, I can't tell you how many people came up to me to comment not only on how pretty and sweet they were, but how well-behaved. They are precious little girls that make Travis and I very proud. Emerson reminds me a lot of myself as a little girl. She is sooo chatty - always has a story, a lot of questions, and an opinion about most things. Peyton is a little more quiet, and we think she's going to be very athletic. She is a little shy at times but equally funny when she comes out of her shell. When Travis and I first started dating, I hit it off with Emerson and Peyton right away. We have been buddies ever since. I am so flattered everytime we see them when they come running to me and start screaming, "I wanna sit by Sara!!" These girls have been DYING to see Campbell. They have seen her on numerous occasions at family dinners, but we've never gotten Campbell out of her car seat because we were at restaurants. They came to see me in the hospital and couldn't see Campbell because children aren't allowed in the NICU. One time Emerson told me she felt like she was NEVER going to get to touch her cousin. So they have been patiently waiting since December to get their hands on Campbell. When we arrived, they had just taken baths and gotten in pj's, clean and ready to cuddle!
Pictures to follow, but one quick story first. As I'm hugging Emerson goodbye, she reaches out and pats me on the belly and says, "Sara, it looks like you're going to have another baby right here!" Sonia was mortified, wanted her to apologize. I laughed hysterically, I know she didn't mean any harm. I have lost a ton of the baby weight, but I'm not done yet. So I kind of agree with her! Leave it to kids to tell you the truth, huh? :)
First, a couple of pictures of the girls and Alex and Sonia from our wedding last March. They were perfect little flower girls. 
And now some pictures from yesterday...
Uncle Alex with his girls and my girl.
Emerson, Peyton and Campbell
Peyton is so happy to have her moment alone with Baby Campbell.
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