Friday, February 20, 2009

When Life Gives You Lemons...Make Risotto

OK, so truthfully, life has not given me lemons. There is nothing "sour" about my life right now. Life is in fact very sweet. But...that doesn't mean that it's always coming up roses here. Yesterday, Campbell woke up with some congestion. She was the most stuffy she's been in her short life. Of course, I immediately convinced myself that she had either RSV or the flu. And that she'd caught either of those in the one hour that she spent in my gym's nursery on Tuesday. Luckily, she is just fine, but due to her sniffles we decided to skip Oasis at church yesterday. I didn't think she needed to go out in the cold wind. So Mommy was trapped inside yesterday and for some reason was feeling very antsy. I was sick too...with cabin fever!!

By yesterday evening, I was like, OK Sara, quit sitting here bored and find something productive to do. I love to cook. It's therapeutic for me. It takes my mind off of stresses, it keeps me occupied, and I really do enjoy making a nice meal for Travis and I. I think I was inspired by the two episodes of Top Chef I watched while my fussy baby slept in my arms. I went to the pantry and found the ingredients needed to make a risotto. If you've ever made risotto, you know that the key is just to stir it for at least twenty minutes straight. By the time I finished stirring, I felt relaxed and renewed. OK, I admit I did have a small glass of the white wine that I used in the risotto...that may have something to do with it. But it was a great stress reliever for me and we had a decent dinner last night. I will remember that next time I'm feeling blah.

Like I mentioned, Campbell spent an hour at the gym's nursery on Tuesday!! Good news is that she did great and I was so proud of myself for working out. Bad news is Campbell's doctor recommended that I not do that again for another two months! :( Today was her two-month check up. She got a glowing report - he is so pleased with her chubby thighs! But he said catching the flu at this age would hospitalize her, and she's definitely at risk for catching it in a nursery with other kids. Enough said! No more nurseries, and I guess she'll continue to go to Bible Study with me rather than hanging in the nursery. She weighed 13 pounds, 8.5 ounces!!! That's the 90th percentile! She was 23 and 3/4 inches long, which was the 80th percentile. I'm glad her height is catching up with her weight. ;) She peed all over the scale - I guess we know now how she feels about all the chubby jokes!! She got two vaccinations today and was very brave - didn't cry at all for the first, and only screamed for a second on round 2. She's a tough little cookie! Her skin continues to be an issue for us. It's SO dry even though we keep her greased up in fragrance free lotions and creams. He gave us a few more strategies so we'll keep trying. He assured me that within a couple of months when it's warmer and we are running the heat less, her skin will improve. I hope so, it feels like sandpaper!

She is still sleeping like a champ. She has been sleeping in her crib every night and not waking up until 5 a.m. Wow!!!! That's pretty much sleeping through the night. Hallelujah!