Where do I even start? Since my last post, Campbell has spent an evening with each set of grandparents while we went out, we have taken a trip to Virginia and back, she met her Cousin Taylor and Great Grandma Betty, celebrated her first Valentine's Day and she's been sleeping like a champ! Before I continue, I should note for all the non-Virginians that my cheesy title is some kind of slogan the state of Virginia uses in their travel and tourism ads. I'm not alluding to anything weird...just seemed fitting since we spent Valentine's Day there. And because I got to spend the weekend with the people I love in Virginia!
Starting with this past Thursday, I'm not sure who I'm more proud of - Campbell, or us! We had Travis' parents come down for the evening to keep her while we went out to dinner with two couples. I really wondered if I'd be able to enjoy myself or if I'd be nervous or feel guilty the whole time. The truth is, I didn't feel nervous or guilty at all! I honestly had a wonderful time. We laughed SO much and had such a great dinner, it's like I didn't have time to worry. Plus I knew Gangy and Paw Paw had it under control. We went to a Brazilian steakhouse. If you aren't familiar with it, it's like a meat buffet that is brought to your table. You can eat meat to your heart's content. So delicious...I probably ate more steak in one night than I have in a month!
Friday afternoon we headed to Virginia. My mom had this idea that she and Dad could keep the granddaughters and we could go out to eat for Valentine's Day with my sister and her husband (Valentine's Day also happens to be my sister's birthday). We loved the idea, and once again, had an awesome night out. We had a super tasty meal and a lot of fun getting out with Jen and Leif. I would give anything to live in the same town as them. The only problem is I'm not willing to move. :) Campbell had another good night with these grandparents and we were able to enjoy a baby-free few hours. The only sad part was the waiter brought me a second glass of wine that was on the house, and I had to turn it down since I had to feed Campbell when we got home! :( :)
My niece, Taylor, did so well with Campbell. She "helped" me quite a bit and was very sweet and gentle with her. We were all a bit concerned about how that meeting would go down, so it was quite a relief to see that Taylor loved her new cousin and wanted to be helpful and loving. I must have heard a thousand times, "What Baby Cabel dooning?" She always wanted to know what she was doing and how she could help. SO CUTE. These cousins are going to be very close, I can tell already.
Campbell initiated both of my parents. She spit up ALL over my Dad. She got him good. Then she spit up a little on my Mom, no big deal. Until she sneezed afterwards, and got it all over my Mom's face and in her hair. Disgusting! Mom was a good sport and it was really funny. I warned them about holding her right after a meal. They read the blog, they should know these things! :)
Campbell slept in the car all the way to Virginia and all the way home. Thank goodness!! I know I said if I ever bragged again about her sleep, to come slap me. But I can't resist. She slept both nights in Virginia in her pack-n-play. Both nights she slept until 4-ish (that's a good thing!) and went back to sleep after she ate around 5. We were very impressed she was able to do that in a new setting. Last night, she went right to bed without needing the paci patrol! Then after I fed her at 4:30, she went right back to sleep in her crib without a paci at all! She just soothed herself right back to sleep. Wow! That is a first! I hope this pattern continues, I'm just so proud of her.
There are so many good pictures from this weekend, but here are a few of my favorites.Happy Birthday, Aunt Jen!
Me and my Valentine
Meeting Great Grandma Betty for the first time. She has the Grandma touch...put me right to sleep!
Taylor "holds" Baby Campbell for the first time. Campbell isn't so sure about the whole thing.
Cousin Taylor and Aunt Jen. Those Hansen girls have beautiful blue eyes!
what a great weekend!! you look great by the way! happy vday to you:)
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