Campbell is two months old today! As you'll see in the pictures, she has finally decided to sleep again!! Last night we had a great night and she has pretty much been napping all day today. I started feeding her a little more frequently, I'd heard that would help with her sleeping. And yesterday herself...from some stomach issues that had been going on for a few days. While it created an emergency load of laundry, I think our sweet baby feels better and is now able to rest and relax. Sorry if that was TMI. :)
She is a happy, healthy two month old and we just love her to pieces!! This week she has been all about the boys. We had a walking date with a four-month old boy and a playdate with a six-month old boy. I understand Campbell, I fell for an older man as well. It's really getting fun now that I'm able to do more with her. This past month we have been getting better at getting out and about, and the weather is starting to cooperate and make it less of a hassle as well. They say time flies...and they mean it. I feel like we were in the hospital with her just yesterday! But I'm happy to report that with each new day with Campbell, the fear and sadness we felt when she was sick just melts away as we see her thriving and GROWING. Sure, it's a memory we will always have and her birth was extremely special even if it was scary. But it's really nice that it's just that - a memory. Happy Two Months, Campbell Reese! These pictures are all very similar, but I love her expressions so I had to post them all. 

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