Monday, February 9, 2009

Napless in Huntersville

Hi, my name is Campbell, and I'm an awake-aholic.

For some reason today, Campbell has decided to be awake. Just plain awake. She is fighting a nap like it's her job!! And like I've said before, no two days are alike. This weekend, we couldn't wake the child up. She slept all day, all weekend long! Maybe now that she's caught up on her zzz's, she's ready for action. Here is a series I just took of her desperately trying to stay awake, and requiring massive amounts of attention, I must say. We're getting lots of quality time together today, that's for sure!! :)

This weekend we took our trip to Marion to see Travis' family. We only took video, sorry we don't have still photos to share, and I'm not interested in trying to teach myself to upload video. Campbell gave Nanny some big smiles. Quality time for those two was long overdue! Campbell also got to hang with her Gangy and her Paw-Paw Butch, as well as meet her great great Aunt Elizabeth (Travis' great aunt!). She slept in the car the entire time, something we paid for a bit at night over the weekend. If you ever read me bragging about my daughter's sleep habits again, please drive to Huntersville and shake me! I jinxed us! Last Friday, I wrote about how she was only getting up once during the night, and not until 4 a.m. Wrong...since that post, she hasn't done that once. She has been keeping things interesting by waking up as early as 1 a.m. - youch! I've been reading about getting her on a sleep schedule, and now that she's 8 weeks old, we can start to work on it more. We've got a lot of work to do... ;) I guess I should be happy in some ways that she's been so awake today. I hope that means we'll get some rest tonight! Duh, there I go again, trying to talk about her sleeping a lot and probably inadvertently creating a nightmare of a night for myself. Forget I even mentioned it!

This week is jam-packed with walking dates, play dates, dinner out with friends, Oasis at church and ending with a trip to Virginia! Travis' parents are going to keep Campbell Thursday night while we go out with friends, and my parents will keep her Saturday night while we go out for Valentine's Day in Virginia. I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for both nights so I can enjoy myself and not worry. I trust the grandparents wholeheartedly, I just know it will be a little weird for us both to leave her for a few hours. It will definitely be great for Travis and I though. I think we deserve a little Mommy and Daddy time!

On a different note, I will brag about something other than Campbell. I am about the farthest thing from artsy that there is. I must have been absent the day they taught crafts. :) But for some reason, I decided to do a little craft project. I have been meaning to print the blog and put it in a binder so we'd always have it. I bought a binder, then got some batting and some fabric, as well as a glue gun and glue sticks. (Is that how you spell batting, I don't even know!). I went into the sewing store, confessed my ignorance, and got help measuring the fabric I'd need to cover the binder. The supplies cost me a combined total of $9, so I knew that when the project went South I wouldn't be too mad at myself. In college, I made a photo album like this for my little sister in the sorority, so I called on my inner sorority girl for help remembering how to do this project. Surprisingly enough, I did my little art project last night and I think it turned out cute! Now we have the blog in a fluffy little book so I can read it years from now and be embarrassed at all my ramblings. I can also share it with those in our families who aren't computer geeks and haven't had a chance to see the blog. Since we hardly ever print pictures, it's also a nice way to see all the pictures I've taken and posted. I'm very proud of myself. Gluing fabric to a binder might not be a big deal for some, but for me, I feel like I just aced my first test in Home Ec!

Lastly, thanks to the Man upstairs for this glorious weather. 73 degrees in February - now THAT is why I live in North Carolina! Yeehaw!

Some pictures from the last week or so...


Clare said...

so cute, and that notebook took me right back to KD times;)