Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thank Heaven for Little Girls

Thursday mornings I have my Oasis women's group at church. They ask that everyone volunteer in the nursery one week, and this was my week to keep the kiddies. They suggested I go with the 3's and 4's since they are bigger and I wouldn't have to be carrying little ones around. Sounded like a good idea to me, although they were quite a handful!

First of all, thank heaven for little girls! I think you look at the world differently when you know whether or not you're having a boy or a girl. This morning, knowing I am carrying a girl made me really focus on how W-I-L-D those boys were! They were still adorable and sweet, don't get me wrong. But it was like a museum exhibit showing the differences in boys and girls. Girls - want to color. Boys - throwing the train set. Girls - want to do puzzles. Boys - throwing the blocks. Girls - wanting to know if they could be the helper at snack time. Boys - throwing each other. We sang a few cute little Jesus songs, which all had dances or arm motions. This pregnant lady got a workout!! And props to my mother-in-law for raising three boys close in age!

I also had two terrifying experiences. The first was with my new friend Chloe. I had to take her to the potty. She can do everything on her own, I was just along for moral support. Here's the conversation:
Sara: How old are you?
Chloe: Three. How old is your daughter?
Sara: I don't have any kids yet. See how big my tummy is? That's because there's a baby in there! I'm going to have a baby girl about Christmas time this year!
Chloe: A baby? In your tummy?
Sara: Yep.
Chloe: Does it move? How old is she now? How old will it be when the baby comes out?
Sara: Yes, she moves now, sometimes I feel the baby kick in my tummy. Right now she's in my tummy so she can grow into a baby, and when she is born she'll be zero years old, a brand new baby! (the panic is starting to set in at this point)
Chloe: So how does the baby come out of your tummy?
Sara: OK, let's get those tights pulled up and wash those hands!
Chloe: HOW does the baby get out of your tummy? WHERE does it come out?
(Genius answer to follow...)
Sara: The baby comes out at the hospital! (good save)
Chloe: The hostable? Why do you go to the hostable? And WHERE does the baby get out of your tummy????

Chloe clearly wasn't dropping it, and my "hostable" answer clearly wasn't satisfying her curiosity. So I distracted her with some crayons and thankfully we both moved on...

Incident number 2. I am deathly afraid of snakes. Not that I think they're creepy, or I don't want to see one in person...I have a full-blown phobia. I cannot watch them on TV or even look at pictures of them. They freak me out. It's actually pretty weird how scared I am of snakes. Jack comes over and asks me to read him a book. Sure! He has the book of choice in his hands, opened to the desired pages, and drops it in my lap. It's all snakes. And not drawings - these were photographs, people! All sorts of nasty, scary snakes. I quickly saw that the book was about animals, not just snakes, so I tried to flip to another page. Oh no, little Jack is really into snakes. He specifically wanted to read about these snakes, to talk about the pictures, which ones were poisonous, etc. I had two options - slam poor little Jack's fingers in the book and tell him snakes are scary and will kill you, or I could just politely ignore the request to read. So poor Jack read his snake pages alone while I was "busy trying to put together the transportation puzzle."

Big news - we are officially in our third trimester now! Or as Travis likes to joke, our third semester!!!!!


Clare said...

cute post Sara! I love the bathroom experience, I wouldn't of known what to say:)