Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Chaos

I guess I will take a quick few minutes this morning (that I don't have!) to document the last week or so! It's been pretty chaotic, but in a good way. Lots going on at the Justice house! First of all, I'm VERY happy to report that Campbell is back to her old schedule. AMEN! After four days of restlessness, she went back to sleeping through the night. Shew! Her congestion is almost gone, and I don't see any new teeth. So maybe it was just a tiny cold after all, or a growth spurt? At this point, I don't care, I'm just happy she's comfortable and we're all well-rested again.

This past Saturday, I co-hosted a baby shower for my bestest friend in the whole world, Kim, at my house. Kim and I met at age three, and by the end of elementary school we were inseparable. We went to college together, both ended up as accountants, and both eventually ended up in Charlotte. She is expecting a baby boy at the end of June. I cannot WAIT to meet Campbell's future boyfriend (ha!) or for Kim to experience mommyhood. The shower was a huge success, my bff is beautiful and glowing, and it's just so exciting to wait for another precious baby to arrive! I don't have a single picture because I guess I was too busy playing hostess and mommy and chatting to think about taking pictures. But take my word, Kim looked great and we all had an awesome time.

Campbell is now rolling over quite frequently from back to front. It's so cute! The problem is she can't seem to remember how to get back to her back!! She has done this once in her crib during naptime, and then screamed like it was the end of the world. I'm glad - because she isn't supposed to sleep on her tummy. But it could get interesting if that keeps happening... Her hair is all of a sudden growing like crazy too. Travis and I are both noticing on a daily basis how many new little hairs are popping up on her head. Maybe that will help with the whole gender identification problem all the people in public seem to have!!!

And last but not least, I haven't written much this past week because I've been so busy with work! That's right - WORK! And I don't mean diapers either. My real estate business seems to really be picking up which I am thrilled about. It's not easy...but I love it. It's a good kind of chaos. I'm so lucky to work with friends who don't mind when I come to take pictures of their house with a baby strapped to the front of me in a baby carrier. :) She is such a good assistant! Although right now she is sitting on my lap and not too happy about sitting in front of the computer, so off we go to get going this morning. I've got so much more to say (shocker, right?) but so little time this I'll chat more and hopefully post some cute pictures later this week. We are hoping to get Campbell in the water when our pool opens this weekend!